Pachis beach
Pachis beach is one of the most popular organized sandy beaches. It’s surrounded by pine trees, so there is plenty of natural shade. That is the reason why especially families with young children love this beach, where children can freely play all day, going inside and outside the water without fear of the sun burning.
The beach is long, with wider and narrower parts and long shallows. The fine sand on the shore and in the water makes this beach ideal for the little ones.
You can approach the beach by car and park it in the shade of olive and pine trees.
There are few restaurants and beach bars on Pachis beach. Sunbeds are charged with a drink. If you wish, you can set up your own umbrella and towel.
The beach has a shower and changing rooms.
The best time to visit the beach is in the morning, so you can take a good place in the shade.
How to reach Pachis?
From Limenas 10km west coast, just after the turn for hotel Louloudis, or if you are arriving from Limenaria and Potos - just after Skala Rachoni place. When you see a big sign for the Sentido hotel on the left side of the road, turn there and you are at the beach.
To check out accommodation offers in Pachis click HERE.
Watch a video of this beach on our Youtube channel HERE.
Ljubisa Nedeljkovic07.02.2025 17:40:34
Studio na plazi ili blizu za dve odrasle na plazi pahis sa prihvatlijovom cenom. Juni.
Tamara01.07.2023 01:03:52
Postovani, voleli bi smo da letujemo u nekom od smestaja kod plaze Pahis. Nas problem je sto nemamo automobil, pa bi u Grcku dosli avionom. Dakle, zanima nas nekoliko stvari: 1. Da li je Solun najbolja opcija za sletanje i kako se organizovati do Tasosa? 2. Da li iz Pahisa postoji javni prevoz do Limenasa ili najblize prodavnice? 3. Da li se mozemo hraniti u restoranima na plazi, kako se krecu cene?
Beli09.08.2016 14:13:39
Velika primedba na ovu plažu jeste to što se u ograđenom prostoru (unutar bova) voze pedaline! Na obali se nalazi gospodin koji utrčava u vodu i kao mahnit urla na svakoga ko se nađe na putu vozilima, pa umesto da plivače čuva od pedalina, on radi obrnuto! Slučaj za turističku inspekciju, nema šta! Iz ovog razloga i ne treba malu decu puštati u vodu, a i stariji bi mogli da se pričuvaju...
Slavica14.01.2015 20:37:27
The prototype of the beach you would imagine for the family. Cristal clear water. Calming scent of the pine trees where you can relax and enjoy the entire day in the natural shade. Shallow, waist-high water goes a long way, so you can easily watch your children play without losing sight of them. During our stay there at the end of July, there were no crowds of people on the beach, so we could have lazy mornings and come to the beach by ten or eleven a.m. and always find our place in the deep shade. A true place to recharge and renew the energy. No stress. Sunsets were amazing.
Slađanela10.05.2014 09:51:49
Prateći uputstva na sajtu lako smo pronašli ovu plažu i bila nam je idealno mesto za odmor nakon pristizanja na ostrvo i silaska sa trajekta s obzirom da smo do ulaska u hotel imali jos par sati. Auto pod maslinom, vozač isto pod drvetom da se odmori a deca u vodi. Pored hladovine na plaži koju još jednom moram da istaknem, lepa plaža i lepa boja vode za prvi utisak o Tasosu, samo me je iznenadilo da je ulazak u vodu ipak malo teži zbog oblog ali krupnog kamenja neka dva do tri m a zatim sledi odmor za noge, pesak i plićak. Nisam ranije čitala o takvom ulasku u vodu na ovoj plaži. Možda je to bilo na delu na kom smo mi bili prateći uputstva, a možda je i more nanelo ako je predhodno bilo uzburkano, predpostavljam da je to moguće.
Jelenabata05.03.2014 15:32:27
Prelepa plaža... parking ispod borova - u hladovini i predivan pesak
Mirarbi14.03.2013 23:00:25
[attachment=795]043_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=796]044_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=797]045_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=798]046_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment]
KostAna01.03.2013 09:16:41
Mirarbi21.12.2012 21:13:17
Plaža Pahis dok je još na njoj postojao drveni, rasklimani mol :). [attachment=254]061.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=255]062_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment]
Deki r-428.06.2012 09:44:01
Predivni Pahis u izdanju kakvog ga ne poznajemo, bez guzve idealan za porodice i decu. :3: Hvala za ove predivne fotke !!! :roll: