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Daniel Antonenco11.03.2025 10:16:59
Buna ziua. ma intereseaza un sejur la dvs in perioada mentionata ( lina septembrie) . Va rog sa ne spuneti ce disponibilitate aveti si la ce pret. Factura eliberati?
Maja13.08.2024 15:41:01
Poštovani, zanima me smeštaj za 5-6 osoba u juli 2025 godine. Zamolila bih Vas u koliko je moguće da me informišete kada je najbolje da bukiramo za iduću sezonu. Srdačan pozdrav, Marija
Marina28.05.2024 14:08:07
Postovani, Da li imate slobodna dva apartmana za dvije porodice. Dvoje odraslih dvije bebe (1.5 godina i druga 4mjeseca) Dvoje odraslih, jedna beba 1.5 i drugo djevojcica 4 godine. U periodu od 29/7-8/8. Srdacan pozdrav
Cosmina Laceanu10.02.2024 21:28:55
Reservation ground floor studio - 1 - 14 july Hello, I would like to know if you have availability for a studio on the ground floor for 2 adults and a 7-year-old child, between July 1-14 (13 nights). The dates and number of night are flexible. If you have, I would like to know the cost and what are the conditions to secure the reservation. Thank you very much!
Heiko Bundesmann13.01.2024 00:53:16
Hello, do you have free capacities from 14.07.2024 to 01.08.2024. We need 3 Appartments / Rooms. What ist the price for us ? Best regards Heiko Bundesmann
Costel09.01.2024 16:48:02
Hello, We are 2 families, one consisting of 2 adults and the other consisting of 2 adults with 2 children (12 years and 7 years) and we want 2 studios, one with an extra bed for the 7-year-old child. We want to rent these studios for a period of 7 days, sometime between August 3 and August 15. Please send me asap a personalized offer and the period when you have the 2 studios available. costeliny@hotmail.com
Natasa Stevanov06.01.2024 14:15:32
Poštovani, interesuje me smestaj za 5 odraslih i 2 dece (beba i 4 god.) U periodu od 1.07-10.07.
Ljiljana petrović03.01.2024 00:21:27
Aktaia fresh studios, Tasos Skala Rahoni, cena smeštaja nije realna 10 dana 13eu, šta je u pitanju
Adrian Dancescu25.07.2023 18:59:26
Hello, do you have availability for an apart, for the period 12-17.08.2023? Thank you!