Tsigoura Hotel
Hotel Tsigoura is located in the village of Megalos Prinos (Megalo Kazaviti), which is in the hill. The hotel has an ideal location for those who want peace and a real vacation. The hotel has a swimming pool, bar and restaurant where half-board can be paid.
The nearest beach is 7km away, while the town center of Prinos with taverns, a bakery, a shop, a pharmacy and a health center is 5km away.
It is a complex that has four apartments and eight studios in two buildings, so that on the ground floor and on the first floor there are one apartment and two studios. All units are the same. The hotel has a new owner since the season 2020.
The apartments have an area of about 50m2. The bedroom has one double bed, while in the living room there is a sofa bed for two adults. The bathroom has a shower with a curtain. The kitchen is not designed for cooking and has a small fridge with freezer, sink and one hob. From both rooms there is a terrace overlooking the pool or the village. There is no possibility of adding an extra bed. All terraces are separated.
The studios have an area of about 40m2, two single beds and a sofa bed for two adults located in the same room. The bathroom has a shower with a curtain. The kitchen is not designed for cooking and has a small fridge with freezer, sink and one hob. There is no possibility of adding an extra bed. The terrace overlooks the pool or the village. All terraces are separated.
The hotel was built in 2008. There is no air conditioning in the accommodation units as the owners feel that there is no need for it because of the fresh climate in the village. All units have a TV, hairdryer and mosquito nets. Internet signal only exists in the restaurant and around the pool. Within the hotel there is a renovated restaurant where you can have half board (breakfast and dinner with main course, salad and dessert). It is open in the morning and in the evening. Pool bar and the pool are open during the day.
Cleaning and replacement of linen and towels is done every two to three days.
Parking is provided for all hotel guests.
Coming from the direction of Limenas, turn left towards the village of Kazavati at the main intersection in Prinos. Continue driving another 5km uphill when you see a hotel on your left in the hill and a signpost from where the road takes you alone.
If you like this type of vacation, in a mountain, quiet environment, absolutely separated from any crowds, Tsigoura hotel may be the right choice for you.
You can find out more about Kazaviti in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Janja30.06.2024 03:49:37
Da li ima slobodnog cetvorokrevetnog studija u periodu od 22 jula do 2 avgusta, 3 odrasle osobe i dete od 15 godina? (10 nocenja)
Milovanovic Mirjana26.01.2024 20:56:11
Da li imate slobodnu 4-krevetnu sobu ili apartman u periodu od 01.06-10.06. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje odrasle dece (18 i 16 god)?
Aleksandra21.06.2018 16:37:32
Da li ima slobodan studio za 4 osobe, 10 noci, od 16.07. Hvala
Marija17.06.2018 18:07:42
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan smeštaj za tri odrasle osobe u periodu posle 13.07.? Poslednji dan polaska bio bi 20.07. Srdačan pozdrav!
Norbert05.06.2018 16:51:13
Hi. I am interesuje about apartmant front 21.07to31.07 two adults two children with brakfast or half pansion. How much cost? Thank you.
Vera Hinic23.03.2018 14:32:14
Period 04.07.2018.-19.07.2018.
Vera Hinic23.03.2018 14:29:47
Prijateljima je potreban dvokrevetni studio,nista luksuzno,cisto i pristojno,u krugu od 10-15 min voznje od Pachisa.Imate neki predlog?
Milovanovic Mirjana09.02.2018 18:41:40
Postovani,da li imate slobodan termin od 04.08.2018-13.08.2018. studio ili apartman za dvoje dece i dvoje odraslih?Moze i polupansion ili nocenje sa doruckom.Interesuju nas cene,molim za odgovor?Hvala unapred
Milovanovic Mirjana17.08.2017 01:24:08
Da li u terminu od 19.08.-27.08. postoje dve 1/4 slobodne sobe?
Jelena Marković24.07.2017 16:00:57
Poštovana, Da li u Tzigura Hotel studiu za 4 osobe postoji opremljena kuhinja ili je to samo rešo bez frižidera i posudja? Da li postoji mogućnost uplate za polupansion i koja bi cena bila za 2 odrasla i dvoje dece (14 i 11 godina)? Takodje me zanima da li je moguće da se ovakva porodica smesti u trokrevetni studio ili apartman ( u slučaju da to nisu tri pojedinačna kreveta)?
Dejan19.07.2017 18:42:09
Poštovani, interesuje me, da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu oko 07.08.do 13.08? Može i neki dan ranije ili kasnije? . da li bi bila moguća doplata za veceru i po kojoj ceni po osobi? Hvala!
Milica13.07.2017 00:05:58
Postovani da li imate apartman za 4 u periodu od 16.07 do 26.07?Hvala
Plamena Ilieva02.07.2017 22:30:24
Hello, I want to book one 4 Bed Studio BB and one 4 Bed Apartment (4) BB from 02,09,17 to 06,09,2017, 4 nights. On those dates will the pool work? Best regards.
goran01.07.2017 22:03:08
interesuje nas smestaj od 7jula do 15 jula i to sudio za cetvoro. Koliko jeudajena plaza
Milan Isailovic26.06.2017 20:51:45
Dobar dan intresuje me smestaj za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece,uzrasta 3 i 7 godina ,u periodu od 10.08/25.08 ,i koliko bi bio kostao polupansion u u navedenom periodu,unapred zahvalan Milan Isailovic. pozdrav
Bogdan C20.06.2017 11:16:58
Hello ! Tell me please if we are allowed with small pet. Our friends have a small old puppy, very quiet pet and no trouble maker . :) Tell me please if you allowed small pets in your location. Thank you ! Have a nice day ! Bogdan
Marija 19.06.2017 19:38:26
Poštovani, interesuje me, da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu oko 20.07.do 30.07? Može i neki dan ranije ili kasnije? Interesuje me cena istog. IDda li bi bila moguća doplata za ručak i po kojoj ceni po osobi? Hvala!
Dejan Atanaskovic09.06.2017 22:45:10
Rezervisali smo vaš apartman od 15.-30.7. ali nas interesuje sledeće da li je kuhinja opremljena posudjem i frižiderom da li postoji mogućnost doplate za ručak i koja bi cena bila srdačan pozdrav
KIRALJ KRISTIJAN03.06.2017 17:58:07
Da li u ovom smestaju Tsigoura Hotel postoji mogucnost i vecere, i koliko bi bila doplata.
Milan21.04.2017 23:05:20
Mozete li da nam kazete toliko kosta polu pansion u ovom hotelu od 20.06.2017.do 30.06.2017.
Milena Oparnica02.08.2016 18:21:38
Zanima me da li u ovom hotelu ima slobodan studio /soba za dve odrasle osobe u periodu od 14-21. avgusta 2016. i koja je cena?
Ana01.08.2016 18:07:08
Pozdrav.interesuje nas smestaj za dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete od 8 god. za period 20-30.08. Takodje nas zanima da li pistoji varijanta polupansiona ili dorucka,kao i cena
Jasmina28.07.2016 18:09:51
Hi , we Dear All, We are two family from Serbia looking for two rooms or apartments, in the period of 6-8th August until 22nd August (for 14th nights) do you have any availability? First Family ( 2adults + one kid 8years old) Second Family ( 2adults+two kids10 and 15) Please let us know soon as u can , we would love to come to your place. Waiting to hear from you. Best regards Jasmina and Family Sent from my iPhone
Jasmina04.07.2016 13:21:49
Imate li slibodan apartman od 6 do 16 avgusta za cetiri osobe i po kojoj ceni?Hvala,unapred.