Strimoniko Hotel
Hotel Strimoniko is located on the main street in the heart of Asprovalta, 150m from the sandy beach. It has 13 rooms, capacity for 1-4 persons. Pets are also welcome.
The nearest supermarket and bakery are 60m away, while next to the hotel is a restaurant.
There are four rooms in the front side of the hotel, two of which are double with two single beds and two are triple or four bed and have two single beds and a drawer bed.
On the back side there are seven double rooms with a double bed, one single room with single bed (for guests staying for a short period of time, 2-3 days) and one double room with two single beds and without a terrace. This is the only room without a terrace, all the others have standard terraces with a sitting set.
All accommodation units are air-conditioned, bathrooms have a shower with curtains, and only rooms on the back side have mosquito nets. Upon request, owners can also provide hairdryer and iron.
The reception desk works until the evening hours.
The hygiene in rooms, in the form of cleaning and replacement of towels and bed linen, is performed every three days.
Private parking is not available, but in front of the hotel there’s no problem to find a free parking space.
This family hotel was last renovated in 2006 and it’s in good condition. If you want to stay in the center and close to the various Asprovalta facilities, not far from the beach, the Strimoniko Hotel can be an excellent choice.
More about nearby beaches read here.
You can find out more about Asprovalta in our Tourist guide to Thessaloniki.
Goran05.02.2025 20:26:35
Postovani,interesuje nas da li imate slobodan termin od 10.07-18.07.2025 za dve odrasle osobe? Cena po nocenju i da imate parking?
Aleksandra05.07.2024 15:26:39
Da li je smestaj pet frendly?
Srdjan 30.06.2024 12:13:57
Zanima me smestaj za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece u periodu od 3.8-13.8. moze i drugi datum blizu tog
Denisa16.06.2024 13:02:51
Zanimaju me cene za dva apartmana. Svaki treba da ima bračni krevet i dva odvojena kreveta i da imate nešto slobodno od 05.08. do 11.08.?
Mirjana11.08.2023 18:33:06
Potreban nam je smestaj za dve osobe od 14.8 -20.8. Da li ima slobodnih mesta i koja bi cena bila. Pozdrav
Sara27.07.2023 16:39:32
Do you have 2 rooms for 2 people for 6 nights 01.08-07.08? Thank you
Aleksandra27.07.2023 14:02:10
Dobar dan! Primetila sam da imate slobodan termin u periodu od 5.8.-13.8. za ovaj smeštaj, pa me zanima da li imate trokrevetnu sobu sa prednje strane hotela u opticaju i da li je cena od 450 evra kako je navedeno?
Anastasija Kecman25.07.2023 15:20:16
Da li imate dvokrevetni apartman u periodu od 30. jula do 5. avgusta ?
Aleksandra12.07.2023 11:31:49
Da li ima slobodno za dvoje odraslih i dete 11 god.period 24.07-29.07.2023?
Rada Macura11.07.2023 17:02:51
Postovani, Imate li slobodan dvokrevetni studio (pozeljna su dva odvojena kreveta) u periodu od 17.07 do 24.07. (sedam nocenja) i koja je cena. Dolazimo autom Srdacan pozdrav
Jelena Georgijevic07.07.2023 17:44:31
Dear, Kindly asking for prompt feedback about the available accommodation and final price, apartment for our family with one kid 7 years old, if possible with two separate rooms, maybe with included breakfast. Period 24.07. until 3.8. Thank you in advance! Jelena
Igor19.06.2023 17:24:04
Potreban nam je smestaj za 4 odrasle osobe. Od 13. 08 do 19.08. Koja bi cena bila? Pozsrav
Verica07.06.2023 22:16:03
Koja je cena ove godine u periodu od 24.7. do 31.7. Za dvoje odraslih i 2 male dece 2 i 5 godina?
Ivana 06.06.2023 20:39:10
Dobro vece, Da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu 21.7.- 31.7. ? Dvokrevetni studio
Ivana14.06.2019 13:20:29
Interesuje me da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu 18.07.-27.07. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece uzrasta 12 i 8 godina?
bojana26.01.2019 22:03:56
koliko je 1/2 -2 odrasle, 1/3-2 odrasle i dete-7 godina, pomocni lezaj, 1/3 -2 odrasle i dete 12g , polupansion od 20.06.-30.06., dan dva gore dole od datuma, hvala i molim odvojeno po sobi cene.
Gordana30.01.2018 19:58:10
Zdravo,zanima me da li imate slobodnu sobu za jednu osobu u periodu od 27.08 do 07.09,kako se rezervise i koja je cena? Hvala.
Jasmina Pavlovic20.07.2017 00:21:27
Molim Vas,da li imate trokrevetnu sobu u terminu od 11.08.-21.08(deseta noc 20.08) i molim Vas recite mi cenu i da li je uracunata i klima?
ivana petković21.07.2016 11:22:42
poštovani, da li ima slobodna dvokrevetna soba, dolazak 08.08. - 10.08. i to 7 noći tj do 16.08. - 17.08. hvala unapred