There are some animals in the sea that should be avoided.

In addition to sea urchins and jellyfish, there are also multiple species of poisonous fish.

On Thassos, it has often happened that tourists step on poisonous fish on Paradise Beach and Aliki beach. Fish are probably equally present on all beaches, but these beaches are mostly visited, so the most common cases are right there. And just to point out, these fish sting very rare and there is no need for fear. Enjoy while you are on vacation, and in the text below you can read how to react if you accidentally step on a poisonous fish, sea urchin, or you get stung by jellyfish.

In the whole Mediterranean, and on the Adriatic, lives a fish with poisonous spines that has different names. The Greeks call it Drakena, and in the Adriatic it is called spider fish, dragon… The fish of up to 10cm in size and usually inhabits sand and mud. The fish is hard to notice since it has the same color as sand. On its back it has black spines through which it releases poison into your body if you step on it.

What is characteristic of the sting of this fish is a very strong pain that develops in its full extent up to half an hour after it stings you. The pain is so strong that it is hardly tolerable. Symptoms of poisoning are usually only local, but sometimes general symptoms such as increased sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting occur.

The most important thing to do is to stay cool and seek for medical assistance so you could receive an allergy or antibiotic injection if the doctor estimates it is necessary. There is no need to wrap and close the wound. What you can do as a first aid to relieve pain before visiting a doctor is to soak the puncture site in hot water (hour and a half or more) as warm as you can withstand without burns. High temperatures weaken the effect of poisoning.

Apart from swimmers who walk barefoot on the shallows, frequent victims of fish spiders are fishermen or housewives in preparing fish for meals. Therefore, in some countries, there is a legal obligation for fishermen to cut off the toxic poison immediately after catch.

The sting of fish does not cause death, but only severe pain or, in some cases, more severe allergic reactions.

Scorpionfish also has poison in its fins, it lives in rocks and it stings mainly fishermen, not swimmers.

Jellyfish makes a burn using hot cells, that its tentacles are covered with. These cells inject the poison into the human body, causing sharp pain and irritation.

Jellyfish appear only at certain periods and is often found in flocks. Not all of the jellyfish are poisonous, but it is certainly necessary to avoid them and not to check their danger.

After jellyfish “bites” you, the most important thing is to stay calm and get out of the water or to help someone else in such situation. The burning site should be washed exclusively with sea water, not with fresh water as it can exacerbate the symptoms. Wine, brandy or acetic acid (liquids containing methyl alcohol) are also suitable for rinsing. Urine also helps because it is rich in ammonia.

It is also important that you do not touch the wound with bare hands, because if the jellyfish tentacles remained on the skin, they can burn your hands. In this case, it is best to cover the wound with sea sand, shaving foam or flour, and to take off the remains with the blunt side of the knife or a credit card …

When this poison is neutralized, an anti-allergic injection should be received and you should get away from the sun. If you feel nausea and if you are vomiting, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

There is a roll on AFTER BITE for applying after mosquito bites and after jellyfish, to reduce pain.

Sea urchins also belong to toxic animals. Sea urchins are mostly found in rocky parts of the coast, they do not live in the sand.

After they sting you, the spines break apart and stay in the skin. Swelling and rash can occur at the puncture site. If you don’t remove the spines, they can penetrate deeper into the skin and cause more problems. As first aid you can use vinegar. It is best to immerse puncture site in vinegar or if it is not possible to put fabric soaked in vinegar on it. Of course, the puncture site is desirable to disinfect with alcohol first to prevent bacterial infections. It is not advisable to take out the spines yourself, as there may be infections. If spines are deep in your skin, it is best to seek medical help.