Since May 27, 2021, Serbian citizens have access to the service of obtaining the Digital Green Certificate for traveling on the e-Government portal.

What is the Digital Green Certificate?

The Digital Green Certificate is a unique document that shows whether you have received the COVID-19 vaccine, have tested negative for COVID-19, or have recovered from the disease.

What is the difference between the Digital Green Certificate and a regular certificate?

The Digital Green Certificate is an electronic version of a certificate that cannot be forged or misused.

What information does the Digital Green Certificate display?

In addition to personal data (name, surname, ID number, gender, passport number), the certificate also includes information on whether you have received vaccines, when, and how many doses. It also shows the results of the tests you have taken (PCR test, rapid test, antigen test, and serological (IgG) test), as well as whether you have had COVID-19 and when.

To obtain a good digital green certificate, you need to be a registered and logged-in user of the eGovernment Portal.

To register and log in to the e-Government portal, click HERE.

Scanning the QR code on the Digital Green Certificate provides the following data:

  • green color for those who have been revaccinated and for those who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine once
  • green color for the results of PCR and antigen tests if these tests were done within the last 72 hours and are negative
  • green color for the result of a serological test done within the last 6 months (for vaccinated individuals) or 2 months (for unvaccinated individuals), provided that the IgG parameter is positive. The certificate also includes the result of a positive PCR or rapid test if taken within the last 6 months.

Test results are displayed only if they were carried out in recognized state laboratories.

Downloading the certificate is free of charge.
You can either print it or save it on your phone.

To download the certificate, click HERE and after entering your information, the certificate will be sent to your email address.

If you encounter difficulties in obtaining the certificate, seek advice in our FB group Live from Greece from members who have successfully downloaded the certificate.

Children under the age of 16 cannot register on the e-Government portal, so parents need to log in and enter their children’s information in order to obtain the certificate for them.
If unsuccessful, you can go to any post office with your children’s health insurance information to get the certificate for them and yourself. This service at the post office is quick and free of charge.

NOTE: Greece does not recognize the serological test. If you have had COVID, it is important to have a positive PCR or rapid test from the time of illness, which should not be older than 9 months and not newer than 2 months, and should have been conducted in a state laboratory. Check the entry requirements for Greece and the accepted documents at the border by clicking HERE.

Please note that the e-Government website deletes positive test results from the time of illness after 6 months, while Greece accepts such results for 9 months. Therefore, if you have had the disease, download the certificate as soon as possible to ensure that the testing data is not deleted while still valid for Greece.