Olympia Studios and Apartments
Olympia Studios and Apartments in Ormos Panagias is a small oasis of peace, ideal for a family holiday. It’s located about 400m from the beautiful Livrohio beach (Trani Ammouda), and about 200m from the center of Ormos Panagias, with shops and bakeries. Its location is ideal for those who’d like to be near the sea reachable on foot, yet to have privacy in a courtyard full of greenery.
The accommodation is being renovated since 2008, and the owners are trying to continuously bring some improvements and innovations.
Two quadruple apartments (32m2) have one double and two single beds, two TV sets, air conditioning and a fan.
One quintuple apartment (36m2) on the ground floor has two double and a sofa bed.
Three triple studios (18m2) have one double and a single bed, as well as a small kitchen, smaller than apartments. They are facing the backyard. These studios can be rented as double ones too.
Four quadruple studios have one double and two bunk beds, and a kitchen the same size as apartments. Some of them are facing the front and some the backyard.
The accommodation units have internet access, kitchen with toaster, stove and large fridge with freezer, air conditioning, TV, hairdryer, mosquito nets and a shower with curtain in the bathroom. The owners have two washing machines and upon agreement, guests can use them during their stay. At the same time, each accommodation unit has a washbowl and detergents. A baby cot can be obtained upon agreement before booking. Bed linen and towels are replaced once in 7-10 nights, i.e. 2-3 times if the stay is longer. Smoking inside the house is prohibited.
Some accommodation units have terraces that are not divided, so they’re ideal for two families a joined vacation. The second-floor studios on the backside have partitions on the balconies, while those on the first floor, exit onto a beautifully landscaped, shared plateau with tables and chairs. The house is located on a hill, so the first floor can be seen as a ground floor because it leads to the plateau on the back. Some units have garden and some street view.
The building is located in a lovely courtyard with palm trees and flowers, tables and chairs, several deck chairs, a playground for children and covered parking. There is also a shared open-air kitchen, as well as two barbecues, one in the front and the other in the back, on a plateau, so guests can also spend their time preparing meals outdoor. The yard is safe and with enough shade, so children can play and enjoy themselves on the small playground.
Enter Ormos Panagias on the first turning from the direction of Nikiti, and continue towards Trani Ammouda beach, not the harbour. About 500m later, you will see Olympia Studios and Apartments on the left.
Olympia Studios and Apartments is an ideal accommodation for families with children or two families travelling together. It’s designed with taste and friendly owners like to surprise their guests with little attention, such as homemade jam, honey or tsipouro. They are very convenient and at the guests’ disposal for whatever they need, in order to ensure their ideal holiday, in a pleasant, family atmosphere.
You can find out more about Ormos Panagias in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Dragana Jakovljević26.02.2025 21:46:42
Poštovani, da li je slobodan neki 4 krevetni studio u prizemlju na 10 noći u periodu od 25.07. do 15.08.2025. i koja je cena?
Jelena Smit17.02.2025 11:16:30
Pozdrav, da li bi u cetvorokrevetnom apartmanu prihvatili dvoje odraslih i troje dece, koji dvoje imaju 9 godina a treci ima 6 godina?
Blagojche14.02.2025 21:12:18
Hi, Do you have 3 available apartements for 3 families from 18 till 24 June (6 nights) Each family has 2 kids (13, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3 year old) What is the price and if this is not available do you have any accomodation in Ormos Panagias? Regards
Sonja13.02.2025 17:16:36
Do you have 5 bedroom apartment and 3 bed studio available for 7 nights, for period checking between 10-15Juli, for 4 adults and 4 kids Thanks
Vladimir Marinkovic06.02.2025 22:22:57
Poštovanje, da li je smeštaj dostupan u periodu 10-17 Jula za petočlanu porodicu (deca 14,8,8)? Hvala unapred.
Jovana Tasic06.02.2025 12:00:46
Any available room from 1st August for family of 4? Regards, Jovana
Miroslav25.01.2025 23:50:56
Svetlana24.01.2025 20:02:51
Postovani, da li imate 2 smestajne jedinice za 2 troclane porodice, deca su uzrasta 4 i 8 godina za pocetak avgusta ( najkasnije od 10.08.) za 10 noćenja?
Tanja10.01.2025 13:59:06
Poštovani, Imate li na raspolaganju 4oro krevetni apartman 1 francuski + dva odvojena ležaja za period od 19.06 do 29.06. za cetvoroclanu porodicu dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece 7 i 10 godina. Da li ste pet friendly? Koja bi cena bila ?
Ivana Ristic09.01.2025 23:40:18
Postovani, da li je smestaj pet friendly?
Snežana Antunović 24.07.2024 11:14:20
Poštovani, imate li slobodnih studia u periodu od 7.avgusta do 14.avgusta za dve osobe?
Vladimir Ban11.07.2024 14:16:32
Da li je u trazenom periodu raspolozivo?
Larisa01.07.2024 12:01:29
Hi, Do you have a room for 2 persons between July,8th and July,11th (3 nights)? Hälsningar , Larisa
Marko24.06.2024 10:46:28
Poštovani Dali je raspoloživ smeštaj četvorokrevetni na drugom spratu od 25m2 u periodu od 03.09 do 12.09.I još jedno pitanje dali je u ovom studio odvojena terasa ili je zajednička sa drugim studiom?! Hvala unapred
Marija12.06.2024 13:23:59
Da li ima slobodnih apartmana za 10 dana, u periodu - kraj jula i ceo avgust? Dve odrasle osobe i dete od 5 godina.
Goran Stojanov09.06.2024 13:30:13
Da li imate raspoloziv smestaj za dvoje odrasli i dvoje dece periodu od 27 juli check in 29 juli check out Cena?
Dejan Micic30.05.2024 10:47:42
poštovani , da li je rapoloživ za tri osobe u periodu od 10-19.08.2024 i koja bi bila cena .
Kristina23.05.2024 14:45:27
dali imate slobodan smeshtaj?
Ivana22.05.2024 11:50:09
da li imate raspoloziv smestaj za dvoje odraslih i dvogodisnje dete u periodu od 15. ili 16 do 25 juna. Cena?
Sasa Bajic15.05.2024 17:58:24
Postovani, Interesuje me smestaj za dve porodice u vili Olympia Studios and Apartments ili smestaj u vili Armoniades u Sivoti, u periodu 18.08 - 28.08.2024. 1/2 +1 - 2 odraslih i dete...09.2017.godine 1/4 +1.....2 odraslih i troje dece...14 godina, 10 godina i 4 godine. Ako je sve popunjeno onda nesto sa slicnim smestajem i cenama. Pozdrav Sasa Bajic
Biljana Ristova19.04.2024 23:20:17
Postovana, Treba nam smestaj za period 23.06-05.07 moze biti pomeran za nekoliko dana za 2 odraslih i 1 dete 4 godina. Pozz
Ivana07.04.2024 13:11:50
Postovani zanima nas jel imate slobodnu dobu u tom periodu. I koja je cena. Srdacan pozdrav
Tanja Banjanin29.03.2024 17:45:21
Postovani, da li imate slobodan apartman na spratu u periodu 22-30.06. Za 2 odrasle i 2 dece 11 i 6 godina? Hvala
Dragana12.03.2024 20:16:48
Da li imate smestaj na spratu u periodu od 21.6 do 29.6 za 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 9 i 17 godina.?
Nevena26.01.2024 13:42:35
Good day., I would like to know if you have the following available: four-bed apartment June 16 - June 24, four-bed apartment June 15 - June 29 and five-bed apartment June 15 - June 29 Thank you!
Gorgi05.09.2023 08:21:01
We are looking for two apartments(4 adults and 4 children) from 7.-10. of september (3nights). Please let me know if you have something available
Marija13.08.2023 06:25:07
Postovani, da li ima slobodnih apartmana krajem avgusta?
Aleksandra Stankovic30.07.2023 06:50:47
Zanima nas apartman za 6 osoba u periodu od 7-13 avgusta
Elena20.07.2023 07:40:24
Pocituvani ve molam za info za sloboden apartman za 4 osobi dve deca i dvajca vozrasni za 6 noki period posle 21 avgust ve molam za info i za cena fala vi pozz
Teresa30.06.2023 06:50:21
Good morning, I am looking for accommodation for 5 people (2 adults and 3 children), 4 beds are enough. Stayed on August 7, about 10 nights. Please let me know if there is anything available and what is the price per night
Goran20.06.2023 19:06:31
Dobar dam,zanima me imate li slobodna dva apartmana za po 4 osobe( 4 odraslih i 4 dece) u periodu od 27.08. do 06.09. i koja bi bila cena
Una29.05.2023 23:20:58
I would like to kindly ask you for the information on available accomodation in the second part of july (2 adults and 1 child). Thank you for your time.
Ana15.05.2023 11:51:48
Da li je slobodan apartman za 4. u periodu od 17.6. do 27.6.2023?
Svetlana12.05.2023 17:09:39
Dobar dan.Da li imate slobodan apartman za 4 osobe u julu ili avgustu, za osam nocenja?
Beti Petrova12.05.2023 15:24:28
Zdravo. Dali ima slobodan apartman oko 3.07 -13.07? Koja bi bila cena za 10 nocenja?
Gordana08.05.2023 15:17:21
Da li imate slobodan smestaj od 26.08 do 02.09 za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete 4 godine? Hvala
Jovan Pjevac01.05.2023 20:54:35
Poštovani, interesuje me da li imate slobodan termin u vili Olympia Studios and Apartments u periodu od 02.08. do 11.08.2023. za tri odrasle osobe? Ako nema u ovoj vili da li postoji neka slobodna vila u tom periodu za tri odrasle osobe?
Bojan22.04.2023 20:25:56
Dear, Our family is interested for spent summer holiday in Your hotel in time from 24.jun to 2th Jully. Can You tell me the price for two adults and two children (5 and 3 years old) in that period? We are expecting Your answer soon. All the best,
Marija20.04.2023 00:23:52
Postovani,da li ima slobodnih termina za trokrevetni studio u julu ili avgustu?Dvoje odraslih i dete
Ivana11.04.2023 10:48:07
Jel imate slobodni studio za dvoje sa decom (3 I 7) od 26.8 do 4.9?
Dejan05.02.2023 22:10:00
Pozdrav,interesuje me početak Jula 10 noći.Dve porodice,2odraslih i 2 dece,2odraslih i 1 dete
Milan05.02.2023 15:32:14
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan smeštaj u periodu od 17.07 do 24.07. 2023 god za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od 2 i 5 godina. I koja je cena za taj period?
Jelena10.01.2023 16:38:23
Postovana, Da li.imate slobodan smestaj od 1.do11 jula za dve četvoroclane porodice. Jedna porodica, dvoje odraslih, dva deteta (12 i 7 godina). Druga porodica, dvoje odraslih, dva deteta (12 i 4 godina). Takodje me pored Olympia studia interesuje i smestaj Anna Pousi studio. Hvala
Marko Lukovic04.12.2022 23:07:19
Pozdrav, Rezervisao bih smestaj za porodicu, supruga i dva mala deteta (1 i 3). Medjutim, sajt mi ne dozvoljava rezervaciju trokrevetnog studia nego iskljucivo cetvorokrevetnog. Obzirom da je cena identicna, a nama vise odgovaraju trokrevetni studiji (jer su u prizemlju sa direktnim izlaskom u dvoriste), da li postoji mogucnost rezervacije takvog studija?
Aleksandar06.08.2022 11:46:43
Postovani, da li imate smestaj za troje u periodu od 12.-22. avgusta (+/- 3 dana) za ovaj objekat ili drugi u tom delu Sitonije? Hvala.
Marina03.08.2022 11:06:57
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan smeštaj za period od 16.08. do 30.08.2022. za dvoje, bračni par? Hvala na odgovoru.
Мира10.07.2022 18:18:06
Zdravo. Me interesira dali ima slobodno mesto vo dvokrevetno studio od 01.09 do 11.09. Pozdrav
Jelena61002.07.2022 21:39:40
We'd like to ask for 5-bed apartment(a adults and 3 children aged 12,13 and 14).The day of arrival will be 14.8.and we'll leave on 21.8.(7 nights). We'd also like to know what the price of an apartment per day is. Greetings!
Ivana22.06.2022 09:15:02
Hello, i would like to ask do you have free apartment for family 2 adults and 2 kids (4 and 7 years old). For period 15-23 of august, 8 nights3 bed studio. And just in case do you have another free aparrment in the same period, forsame family member? Thank you have a good day
Kandić09.06.2022 00:02:38
Postovani da li je slobodan trokrevetni studio za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta od 6 i 3 godina.Mladje dete bi spavalo sa nama ili u krevetcu.Period koji nas interesuje je druga polovina jula, najvise bi nam odgovarao termin od 19.7 do 29.7 ( 10 noci)
Vasko22.05.2022 19:41:56
Dobar dan dali ima 3 krevetni ili 4 krevetni studio za dvoje odrasli i jedan decak od 8 godina za period od 31 Juli do 10 Avgust
Aleksandar Dragojlovic22.05.2022 16:20:37
Is there free apartments in perod from 17.07.-29.07.2022.? We have been here last year and we loved it! It would be great if there are 2 apartments for 3 persons and one for 4 persons.
Verica Kockar08.02.2022 11:53:46
Pozdrav, da li imate slobodan smestaj oko 10.08. deset noci,cetvoroclana porodica(deca imaju 12 i 7 godina)? I koja je cena? Hvala
Cupic01.08.2021 15:32:43
Da li ima slobodno od 05.08 do 11.08 za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete 5 god ?
Blagica13.07.2021 16:38:44
Hallo. I lake to much your house. Can you tell me do you have some free studio for 2 adults and 1 child from 18 to 24.07.2021,.and tell me the price Thank you.
Zvonko13.07.2021 13:08:00
Zdravo, dali je dostupan smestaj u studio za 3 osobe u periodu od 04.08 do 14.08.2021 za 10 nocenja? Pozz Zvonko
Ionela08.07.2020 11:27:20
Hello, We are a 4 persons family ( 2 adult, 2 children 12 and 15 years). Do you have an apartment available from 20.07 - 25.07.2020. Please can you tell us the price for this period. Thank you!
Jovana 28.02.2020 11:02:41
Interesuje me da li imate slobodan trokrevetni studio, 10 nocenja za period od 1.07-20.07 ili od 05.08- 30.08 i koja je cena. Unapred hvala
Vlastimir25.02.2020 19:52:05
Dobro vece, zanima me dvokrevetni apartman, za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete (5godina), u periodu od 14.07. do 24.07.2020. Unapred zahvalan.
Milena23.02.2020 23:25:40
Postovani, da li imate slobodno 4 krevetni apartman za dve osobe za period 20.06-30.06.20. Pozdrav i hvala unapred
Damjan20.02.2020 18:59:58
Hello, We are interested in 5 bed apartment, we would like to stay from 30th July to 20th August (21 night). There are four adults and one child (16 years). Are pets allowed and are these dates available? Family Mucibabic
miram07.02.2020 20:47:44
Hi, do you have a vacant apartment of 16.07 = 27.07.Two adults and two children.Please for the price.Thank you
Danka Ilić25.01.2020 00:09:32
Poštovani, da li imate smestaj u 4 studiju za 2 odraslih i 2 dece (4 i 8 godina) u periodu od 27.06.do 07.07. 2020. godine ( 10 noci) i koja bi bila cena? Unapred hvala na odgovoru.
Aleksandra20.01.2020 08:33:01
Dear Sirs, I wonder if you have accommodation for one three-member and one four-member family from 21.06.-30.06.2020. and what is the price for that period? There is a larger apartment in mind where we can all accommodate or two smaller? There is also an option to have two four-member families with us, so do you have accommodation for them? Thank in advance, Aleksandra
Ivana Begovic11.01.2020 18:22:13
Hallo! I'm interesting do you have two 3bed studios for mine end my sister's family in period 02.07. - 16.07.2020.? We are comming from Belgrade and would be so happy to stay in your accommodations! What would be the price for 14 nights in period I mentioned above? Thanks in advance! Ivana
Buse Mihaela 11.12.2019 09:00:57
Hello!! We are a family of 2 adults and 2 children (12 years and 10 years) and we want to spend the holiday in Studio between 05/07/2020 - 14/07/2020 (9 nights)flexible date Please make us an offer for a room with 4 beds(1 duble and 2 single )I am interested in the cost of accommodation with breakfast or half board Thanks!!
cristian25.08.2019 17:33:44
Hello, My name is Cristian Zehra and I'm from Romania. I am looking to rent one studio for 7 nights during the period 31.08.2019-07.09.2019, for 2 persons, me and my wife Liliana. We are a quiet and non-smoking couple. Please inform me if you free in this period, and what is the total prices. Thanks in advance for the offer. Cristian si Liliana Zehra
TAMARA25.08.2019 16:40:51
Julija08.08.2019 22:27:05
Do you have available 2 apartments for 2 family, from 24th of august to 31st of august? Kids are 4 and 6 year old, and 3 and 8 years old. What will be the price?
Rada 31.07.2019 17:21:03
Do you have free studio for 2 adults and 2 children (5 and 1 years old) - in period 4.8.to 11.8? How much is price for this period? Regards
Elena31.07.2019 14:24:38
Postovani, Interesuje me cetvorokrevetna soba za 2 odrasle I 3 dece ( 5,6 I 1god) za period od 21.08 do kraja avgusta ( 5 nocevanja)
miljana20.07.2019 00:45:32
Postovani, da li imate slobodnih studija za dve porodice, 2 odralih i jednodete 2 god. 2 odraslih i dvoje dece 3, 6 god. u periodu od 08.09.19 do 18.09.19 Hvala.
Mirjana14.07.2019 14:13:51
Imate li slobodan apartman za porodicu od dvoje odraslih, dete od 8 i dete od 2 godine. Pocetkom avgusta, vreme polaska moze biti u periodu od 1.8 do 10.8, boravak 10 dana. Hvala
Anca Muresan 03.07.2019 16:23:24
Hello!I want to buy 10 nights from 20 August 2019 for 2 adults plus 2 children of 9 and 2 years old.Are you available?
Snezna01.07.2019 08:27:48
Da li imate slobodan - 3 Bed Studio, Upper Floor Kapacitet: 2 odraslih 1 dete , u avgustu na 10 dana ?
Jelena30.06.2019 09:22:54
Da li imate slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece, uzrast 10 i 12 godina, od 07.08.2019.
Violeta 24.06.2019 20:43:13
Za smesyuvanje vo ovoj objekte za termin 13-17 avgust mi sew ponudeni dve sobi ednata na prizemje a drugata najverojatno na prv kat,dali kee moze sliki i od dvete sobi,da vidam za komocija bidejki imame dete od nepolni 8 godini
Klara Bilikova24.06.2019 12:02:46
Hello, in term 25.8-6.9.2019 is this accomadion free.?We would like to be in apartment for 4- is there 1 bedroom separate?is there stove with oven?please could you send to us photos of apartment?thank you very much Please is there any historic square or city of centre in Omros Paganius?
Dragana22.06.2019 06:11:05
Poštovani da li imate slobodan termin od 10.08 do 19.08 za dvoje odraslih i dete od 3 godina i koja je cena
T19.06.2019 19:55:20
Dali image slobodan smestaj 22.06 do 29.06 za dve osobe I jedno djete 3 godine
Marija Grbesa19.06.2019 18:14:24
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan studio za dve odrasle osobe na prvom spratu u periodu od 30.06.-10.07.2019.?
Marija19.06.2019 11:13:07
Poštovanje, Interesuje me da li imate slobodan smeštaj za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 2 godine i ukoliko imate koja bi cena bila u periodu od 21. avgusta do 28. avgusta, 8 noćenja? Hvala unapred na odgovoru. Hello, I'm interested in whether you have a free accommodation for two adults and a baby for 2 years and if you have what would be a price, from August 21 to August 28, 8 nights? Thank you for the answer, All the best Marija
t18.06.2019 11:35:23
Dali ima slobodan smestaj za period 22.06.2019 do 29.06.2019 za dve osobe i jedno dete od 3 godina i cena? Pozdrav
Ivana Matijaš17.06.2019 15:37:58
Postovani, imate li smestaj za 5 osoba (3odraslih i 2deteta od 7 i 4 godina) u periodu od 30.06. do 10.07.2019.god.?
Marko17.06.2019 10:44:57
Dobar dan . Jel imate slobodan termin za 12.07 do 21.07 za dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete od 13 godina ? Hvala
milos14.06.2019 22:19:40
Da li imate na raspolaganju smestaj u periodu od 29.06 do05.07 za dve odrasle osobe i dva deteta od 3 i 6 god.
jelena matić14.06.2019 13:45:34
poštovani, potrebna su nam 2 četvorokrevetna apartmana (studia) i jedan dvokrevetni studio, za dve četvoročlane porodice, i jednu dvočlanu. uzrast dece 7,8,11,11 godina, u periodu od 20.08-30.08 2019.
Marija11.06.2019 13:31:05
Dobra dan, Imate li slobodan trokrevetni studio za dvoje odraslih i dete od 5 god za 10 nocenja od 20.07.2019 do 30.07.2019?
Gordana11.06.2019 10:58:52
Dear owners, We need apartment/studio in August for 2 adults and 2 children ( 2 and 6 years old) in period after 11th of August for around 10 nights. If you have available apartment we are expecting information about the price and other needed information. Thanks in advance, Gordana
Emilija26.05.2019 18:12:53
Postovani, Interesuje me cena i raspolozivost u smestaju za 2 odrasle osobe, u periodu 14.06-30.06.2019 ili 28.08.2019- 15.09.2019. Unapred hvala, Emilija
Dragana 16.05.2019 09:59:56
Da li ima studio trokrevetni kvalitetan internet?Da li je slobodan st. na drugom spratu jer sam shvatila da ima zasebnu terasu?
igor24.04.2019 10:56:25
4 bed studio, for 10 dazs. 1st july to 11
Ivana11.04.2019 18:37:05
Zanima me ukupna cena i dostupnost za dvoje odraslih i 3 dece ( 16, 14 i 2 god) u periodu od 21.08 - 28.08? Hvala
Ivana todorovic20.03.2019 21:47:19
Postovani zanima me Cena za dvoje odraslih I troje dece od 10.08 do 19.08.2019. Hvala
Sanja Vujanovic07.03.2019 21:11:37
Postovani, da li imate na raspolaganju od 01.08.2019 - 11.08.2019 sledece smestajne jedinice: 1.jedan studio za dve odrasle osobe 2.dva studija za dva odrasla i jedno dete 3.jedan studio za dva odrasla i dvoje dece Hvala unapred Sanja
Jasmina03.03.2019 17:05:00
Hello, do you have free terms in July for 12 nights, for 2 adults persons and 2 children, 8 and 2 years old in the 3 Bed Studio, Ground Floor with request for baby cot because she doesn't sleep in bed regards Jasmina
Jasmina02.03.2019 19:41:54
Hello, do you have free apartments in July for 12 nights, 2 adults persons and 2 children 8 and 2 years old, and do you have a baby bed for my younger child 2 years old regards Jasmina
Gordana Trivic09.02.2019 15:25:01
Postovani, da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu od 05.08.19-12.08.19 za dve odrasle osobe i dete 9 god? Srdacan pozdrav
mirjana18.08.2018 03:12:48
Do you have free accommodation for two people and one child in period 22.08.-30.08.2018.?
Jelena05.08.2018 01:09:39
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodnih soba za 4 odraslih i 4 deteta starosti 2, 3, 4 i 7 godina, dve porodice za period od 20. 08. do 30. 08. I koja je cena? Unapred hvala