Athos Blue Nikiti Apartments
If you are looking for an accommodation on a quiet and safe location, close to the beach, with swimming pool and children’s facilities, Athos Blue Nikiti Apartments in Nikiti can be a great choice for your holiday. Vicinity of the beach, air-conditioned and beautifully decorated apartments and maisonettes for four to five persons, with wireless internet and private parking, are just some of the advantages of this accommodation.
It is located about 150m from the beach and 800m from the port and promenade zone of Nikiti. About 400m from the accommodation is a small shop, and at about 800m is market Happy.
In the offer are apartments and maisonettes for up to four persons (4 Bed Apartment), four persons and one child (5 Bed Duplex Apartment) and five persons and one child (5 Bed Maisonette (5 + 1)).
Apartments G3, D2 and D3 (52m2) have one bedroom and they can accommodate four persons. In the bedroom there is a king size bed, and in the living room with a kitchen there are two sofas with standard mattresses. The apartments have a fully equipped kitchen with a fridge with freezer and a standard stove, while the bathroom has a shower cabin. The D2 apartment also has a washing machine. Apartments have private terraces with seating sets.
In total there are two apartments with two bedrooms (65m2), and their maximum capacity is four adults and a child. Both bedrooms have one double bed, and the living room has a sofa. The kitchens of these apartments also have a microwave in addition, and the apartments also have private terraces.
Two maisonettes (62m2) for five persons and a child have a fully equipped kitchen with oven, kettle, coffee maker, bathroom with a shower cabin and terrace with outdoor sitting sets and a pool view. The windows in the lower level rooms are on the ground level, and the air conditioner is in the living room and in one bedroom, while the second bedroom has a fan. One maisonette has two sofas on the upper level and two double beds on the lower level, and the other has two sofas on the upper level and one bunk bed and one double bed on the lower level.
Internet is available in all accommodation units.Towel replacement is done after three, and bed linen after 5-6 days.
In front of the accommodation there are two private pools, for adults and children, as well as a large playground for children, which accommodation Athos Blue shares with accommodation Finikas, located next to it. Private parking is provided, with enough space for all guests.
At the entrance to Nikiti, turn right at the traffic lights to Neakitou Street and go almost to the very end. Before going out to the promenade and the beach, turn right into the street parallel to the beach and just continue straight, by Egialou Street (you will know that you are on the right path as soon as you see the Marina hotel on the right side of the road, and just continue straight) until you see the small chapel of St. Barbara. About 130m from it, straight, you will see a signboard for Angelos accommodation, just continue ahead for 100m, then turn right and in 150m you will be in fron of the Athos Blue Nikiti Apartments.
If you are looking for quality, modern accommodation in a quiet location, Athos Blue may be the ideal choice for your vacation.
You can find out more about Nikiti’s city beach and the nearby beaches in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Marija Miletic02.08.2024 18:20:43
Postovani, Da li ima negde na Sitoniji slobodan apartman za troje odraslih od 05.08.2024
Aleksandra30.05.2024 10:35:45
Dobar dan, da li apartman 2 bedroom D1 moze da primi 5 odraslih, i 4 dece ispod 3 godine?
Marija 21.03.2024 15:09:59
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan smeštaj za 2 odrasle osobe, jedno dete od 2 godine i bebu od 8 meseci? Fleksibilni smo sa datumom, ostali bi 10 do 15 dana, jul ili avgust mesec, samo da je od 9. u mesecu. Neophodni su nam kuhinjica i parking, i zgodan prilaz zbog decjih kolica. Hvala na odgovoru.
Andjelija Zezelj19.03.2024 12:22:15
Ivana Lukic17.01.2024 15:46:54
Ako moze apartman sa dve spavace sobe dnevna soba kupatilo
Sandra Krstic02.07.2023 11:00:41
Da li imate mozda slobodno ovako ovu vilu u Nikitiju ili Sarti petoclana porodica period od 10 do 24. 8 . Ili 14 do 24. Moze ranije ili kasnije ne mora 10 moze I 7 dana. Moze I neka Vasa preporuka. Za drugo nesto bitno da je lepo porodicno I mirno mesto. I po mogucstvu naravno I ukoliko bi moglo biti ne preterano skupo malo povoljnije
Zorana02.07.2022 22:58:12
Da li imate slobodan app za 4odraslih i 2deteta od po 14god u terminu od 10-20avgusta? Pozdrav
Vera Purić26.06.2022 22:58:20
Da li je 4 orokrevetni apartman slobodan u periodu od 18. do 28.07? Hvala!
Jelena06.07.2020 00:01:12
Dobar dan , zanima me cena smestaja za troje odraslih i dvoje dece u periodu od 20.07. - 30.07. ? Unapred hvala na odgovoru ! Pozz Jelena
Marija14.06.2020 18:09:31
Postovani interesuje me ponuda i raspolozivost u vremenskom intervalu od 05.08. - 14.08.2020 za 2 odrasle osobe i 3 deteta kao i mogucnost apartmana na prizemlju. Sa postovanjem, Nikolic Marija
Saša 12.08.2019 21:09:26
Smeštaj koji smo videli na slikama nije bio taj koji smo dobili. Uz to i vlasnik je bio skroz neljubazan i svu krivicu je prebacio na agenciju. Zadovoljni smo mestom u kom smo bili i svakako ćemo ponovo koristiti vašu agenciju.
Viktorija05.06.2019 22:50:00
Hello, I would like to ask you if you have two available apartments for two families for the period od the 3rd of August till the 10th of August. There are two adults and two children(one year old)in the first family and three adults in the second one. If you have anything available please let me know the price. If you don't, let me know which dates in August are free? Thank you, Vicky
Neshke01.06.2019 09:23:41
Postovani,da li ima slobodnog sestokrevetnog apartmana u periodu od 10.08 do 20.08 i jel moze za 6 odraslih osoba?hvala unapred
Olga 11.04.2019 19:22:16
Do you have free Maisonettes or duplex from 10.07-24.07? Thank you)))
Ivana11.04.2019 18:29:46
Zanima me ukupna cena i dostupnost za dvoje odraslih i 3 dece ( 16, 14 i 2 god) u periodu od 21.08 - 28.08? Hvala
Ivana Kujundžić22.01.2019 18:31:49
Poštovani, da li ima slobodnih mesta za petoclanu porodicu, obavezno zasebna spavaca soba, u periodu od 22.07.-04.08.2019? U pitanju su četvoro odraslih i jedno dete. Hvala lepo.
Ivana Kujundžić22.01.2019 18:28:34
Manos 18.10.2018 14:47:56
We stayed at Athos Blue with my wife and kids for the second year in a row and we couldn't be any happier.The appartment was stylish, clean and fully equipped.We could spend the day by the pool which the kids really enjoyed or take a short walk to the centre of Nikiti and the nearby beaches.Plus the host was very welcoming and made us feel like home.
Manos 18.10.2018 12:51:31
We stayed at Athos Blue with my wife and kids for the second year in a row and we couldn't be any happier.The appartment was stylish, clean and fully equipped.We could spend the day by the pool which the kids really enjoyed or take a short walk to the centre of Nikiti and the nearby beaches.Plus the host was very welcoming and made us feel like home
Ivan13.06.2018 00:03:29
Da li imate slobodnih apartmana za porodicu 2+2 (deca 8 i 6 godina). Dolazak je fleksibilan od 10/07- 17/07 a boravak bi bio 10-12 dana. Molim vas da mi posaljete vasu ponudu ukoliko imate Slobodan apartman u ovom periodu.
Nikola26.05.2018 22:50:07
Pozdrav, da li imate smestaj za 14 nocenja, za 4 osobe - 2 odraslih i dvoje dece (7 i 5 godina) u dupleks apartmanu, bilo kad u periodu od 25 jula - 25 avgusta.
vesna prodanovic23.05.2018 19:53:06
interesuje me 4voro krevetni apartman, vreme polaska izmedju 20 i 27.7
cristina22.05.2018 11:26:12
Hi, I would like to book the 5 Bed Maisonette for 1-8.09 but I would like to know what kind of beds there are in the 5 Bed Maisonette. We are 6 adults and 1 child of 4 years old, is it ok for us? thank you in advance
Aleksandra 19.05.2018 15:11:04
Postovani,da li imate smestaj za 6 osoba(5 draslih i 1dete) u periodu od 27.7-06.8. Pozdrav
Marija15.03.2018 14:08:29
Poštovani, zanim me da li imate slobodan apartman za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 2 god. Ostali bi smo 13 dana pa nas zanima da li imate nesto slobodno počev od 15.jula pa do kraja avgusta. Hvala
tamara27.01.2018 22:48:49
Poštovanje, da li imate slobodne mazonete ( 5+1) od 1.7.- 11. 7.? Pozdrav
Nebojša Čolović07.01.2018 17:48:41
Poštovani,zanima me da li imate slobodan smeštaj za 2 odraslih i troje dece starosti 12,9,2 godine u periodu 16 jun do 1 jula 2018 15 noćenja.Hvala.
Biljana14.07.2017 15:23:55
Поштовани, да ли имате смештај за : пар (беба 1 година) - пар (деца 13, 07 година) - две одрасле особе Потребно нам је за период од 15. јула до 25. јула, ако имате повољну понуду за нас. Поздрав
Irene Giustozzi13.06.2017 21:45:48
Two bathrooms in BB to 17/08/17 or 22/08/17
Jelens07.06.2017 16:32:51
Zanima me da li je slobodan od 28.06 do 09.07. I da li ima dve odvojene sobe za spavanje i koja je cena.
Louise Hartley29.05.2017 00:55:56
Hello, I am looking to book somewhere for end of July next year, there will be a large group of people up to 40 including children so we would like to book an entire complex of apartments , could you send me some more information on these please ? Thank you
violeta simic26.05.2017 17:26:34
Postovani Zainteresovani smo za smestaj, nas je 4 odrasle osobe i 2 deteta (5 i 6 godina). Dali mozemo da se smestimo i ako mozete da nam odgovorite kako su rasporedjeni kreveti po sobama. Period kada bi bili vasi gosti je 27 jul do 5 avgust. Pozdrav
Aleksandar Minic22.05.2017 22:34:01
Hi, I've seen availabilities on your web site and there are available mesonete for 2(adults)+3(kids, 15,10,5 years) in period from 17.07 till 28.07.2017. One question: Are all bedrooms eqiped with airconditioning units? Best regards, Aleksandar Minić
Klara 31.03.2017 17:45:35
Dear Nikana, we are interested for two apartments from 07.08.2017 , 10 nights stay. Please send us availability. Thanks in advanced. Best Regards!
Ralitsa 16.03.2017 13:05:36
Me and my family are planning our summer vacation due a period from 08.07.2017 till 18.07.2017. We will need a place for 6 persons, 4 adults (me, my husband, my sister and her husband which will come from Germany) and 2 children (age 11 and 15) + our dog (cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who is really very good breaded, also we never leave him alone, he is with us all day long). Could you, please, be so kind to calculate and send me an options for this period? Thank you in advance! Kind regards,