Molino Villa
If you are looking for accommodation on a quiet location and close to the beach, Molino Villa in Nikiti can be a great choice for you. This high-quality accommodation is located within a beautifully landscaped and safe courtyard, full of palm trees, pomegranate, greenery and children’s facilities. Maisonettes can accommodate up to four adults and a small child, they have internet and air conditioning, while privacy is guaranteed due to the small number of accommodation units.
The villa is located 270m from the beach, on a hill, surrounded by the enclosed divine yard full of greenery and palm trees. From the supermarket Happy, the beginning of the walking area and the the city beach is about 600m away.
In the offer are five maisonettes, one for up to four adults and a child up to three years old, while in four of them can be added an extra bed and there can fit three adults and two children.
All the maisonettes (50m2) are arranged in the same style. At the entrance, there’s a fully equipped kitchen with a mini-oven with hotplates, fridge with freezer compartment, coffee machine and necessary dishes. The bathroom is four stairs up from the kitchen level and it has a shower tray with curtain. On the same level, there’s an air-conditioned bedroom with two single beds and an exit to the terrace. At the lower level, in the basement, there are two single beds. This room is darker and fresher than the upper ones, so it has no air conditioning. Maisonettes have a TV (without satellite channels) and wireless internet.
Guests can use the gazebo, sunbeds, outdoor shower, toys for children and private parking with enough space for everyone in the courtyard.
When entering Nikiti, you will see the Nikiti Diving Center on the right. Immediately after it, turn into the street to the right and drive towards the beach for about 400m, until you see the villa Molino on your right.
Molino Villa can be a great choice for guests who prioritize privacy, tastefully decorated surroundings and high security.
You can find out more about Nikiti’s nearby beaches in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Kosta Novkovic11.02.2025 18:58:07
Postovani, interesuje me raspolozivost i cijena apartmana za 2 porodice u periodu od 1.7. do 10.7.2025. godine (9 nocenja). Jednu porodicu cine 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece (starost djece je 4 i 8 godina) Drugu porodicu cine 2 odrasle osobe i 3 dece (starost djece 6, 10 i 13 godina)
PAOLA ROSCIOLI13.07.2024 01:52:36
Hello, I wanted to know whether in these flats, the room on the ground floor can be darkened. I would also like to know if you have a flat with two rooms on the same level. Thank you
Amela 27.03.2024 22:58:44
Poštovani, da li imate slobodna 2 apartmana/ mezonette u periodu od 27.06 do 8.7 za 2 odraslih i 2 djece uzrasta 13god i 11god te drugi za 2 odraslih I 2 djece 15g i 6g?
Ana Maksimovic19.02.2024 12:20:29
Poštovani, potrebna su nam dva apartmana za dve porodice sa po troje dece u periodu od 15.07 do 15.08 za deset noći. Da li ima slobodno i koja je cena?
Marijana15.01.2024 21:42:57
Ćao Da li u periodu .1. 7.-15.7. Ima mesta za 5 porodica (4 porodice sa po 2 dece (deca su 8-11 godina prvo i 6 godina drugo u svim porodicama) i jedna porodica sa jednim detetom od 8 godina. Hvala M
Jovana11.01.2024 15:26:15
Poštovani , zanima me da li ima slobodnog smeštaja u terminu 13 - 27. Jul za četvoročlanu porodicu ( roditelji i dvoje dece). Molim Vas za cene smeštaja. Pozdrav, Jovana
Iva06.07.2023 13:34:03
Poštovani pozdrav da li imate smeštaj u periodu od 16.07 do 26.07 za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 3,5 god? Koja bi bila cena samo smeštaja i koja bi bila cena polupansiona?
Aleksandra Damnjanovic02.07.2023 08:37:27
Poštovana, Molim Vas za dodatne slike 4 kreventnog apartmana na dva nivoa. Da li je u prizemlju? Da li ima u jednoj sobi bračni krevet? Mislim da slike ne prikazuju to, već neki drugi apartman Pozdrav, Aleksandra
Kristina19.06.2023 14:32:05
Izvinite da li ima slobodnog smestaja u periodu od 7,do 17.avgusta za dvoje i koja je cena ,i za 3 odtaslih i dvoje dece u istom periodu i cena ? Hvala
Zoran Radovanovic17.05.2023 06:17:33
Postovani imate li za termin 02.09.-12.09. slobodan apartman za 4 odrasle osobe sa dve spavace sobe, i koja je cena. Pozdrav.
Marija Gasparic03.05.2023 19:42:23
Zanima me imate li slobodan apartman za 4 osobe u periodu od 22.07.-29.07.
Miroslav27.03.2023 18:46:58
Dobar dan Imate li raspoloživih jedinica za 4 odraslih i dete od 5 godina? Zanima nas 10 dana u intervalu od 15 jula do 31 jula. Hvala na odgovoru
Olga17.02.2023 08:29:37
Good morning! There are four of us, 2 adults and 2 guys. Arrival, August 1st and departure, August 10th. Please send us a quote including breakfast. +393342463069 whatsapp or process e-mail. Thank you very much! Olga
Marius Mihail29.07.2019 21:42:43
Please tell me if you have available npbetween 23 th August to 2 September available villas for 4 adults and 1 kid 7 year old
Jelena12.07.2019 23:55:16
Postovani da li imate slobodnog smestaja za drugu polovinu Avgusta za 4 odrasle osobe i bebu starosti od 6 meseci? Hvala najlepse..
Snezana06.02.2019 01:30:08
“Regards Can you tell me if you have free apartment in august ,or end of august and beginning september? Two adults and two infants? We need two separated rooms
Snezana Ninkovic04.07.2018 13:46:33
Zanima me da li su mezoneti opremljeni sa fenom za kosu i peglom? Hvala unapred
Mustafa yucel15.06.2018 02:26:37
We are 3 persons. 1-8/7
Gabriela Bancescu21.05.2018 11:09:09
Hello, My name is Gabriela Bancescu and i want 8 nights, 9 days in 4-12 august period. We are 3 adults and 1 child (2 age). Please give me an offer. Thanks in advanced, Gabriela
Dijana12.05.2018 19:40:26
Postovani, Da li imate slobodnog mesta u periodu od 26.08. za dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete (12 god )? Srdacan pozdrav!
Miljana01.05.2018 11:21:11
Postovani,da li imate i po kojoj ceni apartman ili studio za 5 noci,od 16-21.07 za 2 odraslih i 2 dece (8 i 5 godina)?Pozdrav
emina19.04.2018 09:07:46
Postovani; imate li slobodan apartman za dvoje odraslih i jednu bebu u periodu od 28.07.2018. i koja je cijena? Lp
carlotta22.01.2018 17:44:31
hi I found the site in private contact, recapitulating we are 3 families with 4 children it takes 3 apartments from 12th August 13 to 18 we would make the offer thanks.
Mirjana04.12.2017 22:32:53
Cene za jul i avgust? I dostupnost naravno. Dvoje odraslih i beba..hvala