Anna Studio
Anna Studio is a modernly furnished apartment on the first floor, close to the beach and harbor in Nikiti, suitable for four people. It has a beautiful sea view, wireless internet, air conditioning, and a fully equipped kitchen.
It is located 150m from the beach in Nikiti and the promenade, and only 30m from the supermarket Happy.
In the offer is an apartment for up to four people, located on the upper floor. The apartment has a private terrace with a side sea view, a table with chairs and a drying rack. In the separate bedroom, there’s one double bed with quality mattress and closet, while in the living room with a kitchen, there’s a double sofa bed, TV, armchair and dining table. The kitchen part has a stove, fridge, freezer and necessary dishes. The bathroom has a shower tray with curtain. Replacement of bed linen and towels is performed after four days.
They do not have a yard or parking space. However, according to the owner, the parking space can be found in the surrounding streets even in the high season.
You will find accommodation very easily. After the traffic light at the entrance to Nikiti, turn to Neakitou street and drive straight for 600m, then turn right and you’ll reach the accommodation.
If you need comfortable and well equipped accommodation on a prestigious location in Nikiti, close to the beach and all the amenities of this charming resort - Anna Studio could be a great choice for you.
You can find out more about Nikiti’s nearby beaches in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Kosta Novkovic11.02.2025 18:36:10
Postovani, interesuje me raspolozivost i cijena apartmana za 2 porodice u periodu od 1.7. do 10.7.2025. godine (9 nocenja). Jednu porodicu cine 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece (starost djece je 4 i 8 godina) Drugu porodicu cine 2 odrasle osobe i 3 dece (starost djece 6, 10 i 13 godina)
Tatjana Lipovac04.07.2022 10:56:36
Zanima me 4 Bed Apartment početkom avgusta
Danijela24.06.2022 17:41:35
Postovani da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu 11.7-27.7 jedan studio i jedan cetvorokrevetni apartman
Tadisa02.06.2022 01:00:54
Postovana, Zanima me da li je ovaj studio slobodan u terminu 12.06. do 19.06. Pozdrav i hvala....
Jelena 18.01.2020 19:34:53
Dear all, I am interested in your appartment summer offer. Could you be so kind to send me an offer for family apartment accomodation. Couple with three children, two of them are over 12 years and the third one is 3 years old and sleeps in bed with parents. We are interested in end of july of first part of august, for 10 nights, so will appreciate to get some dates that are available in this period. I hope to get your answer soon. Thanks in advance, Best regards, Jelena Sokolović
Ivana21.11.2019 23:05:03
Da li je apartman slobodan od 19.06.-29.06. Hvala
Jelena12.07.2019 23:47:55
Postovani, da li imate slobodnog smestaja za drugu polovinu Avgusta za 4 odrasle osobe i jednu bebu starosti od 6 meseci? Koja je cena smestaja? Termin od 18 do 28 Avgusta ili od 21 do 31 Avgusta? Hvala najlepse.
Bogdan18.06.2019 13:47:05
Dear Madam / Sir, we are a young and quite family with a small kid (8 years old). We want to spend our summer holiday in the beautiful Greece, not for the first time. If you have something available, please send us your offer for 6 nights, between July 29 to Aug. 04, for 1 studio. We don't need an extra bed. A double bed it's ok for us. But this is not a condition. Waiting your answer, Thank you. Bogdan Carjaliu Bucharest - Romania Mobile - 004.0730.999.740
TATJANA13.03.2019 11:25:15
da li je 4 bed apartment slobodan u periodu 15.07-20.07.2019 ,koja je cena i ima li popusta za uplate u celosti?
Dragana11.06.2018 14:31:30
Koliko ce kostati trokrevetni apartman u periodu od 31.07.-10.08.2018.?
Vesna06.06.2018 12:35:26
Molim za odgovor za 3 sobni apartman za periodu 15.06.-18.06.2018
Natasa20.05.2018 16:24:31
Sloboen smestaj za periodot od 23.06 do 30.07 dvajca vozrasni dve deca cena za nok
Dubravka 07.05.2018 08:03:23 Postovani, zanima me da li imate slobodnih apartmana ili studija u periodu 1. 7. 2018. - 7. ili 8. 7. 2018. za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 3 godine. Hvala
Miljana01.05.2018 11:19:46
Postovani,da li imate i po kojoj ceni apartman ili studio za 5 noci,od 16-21.07 za 2 odraslih i 2 dece (8 i 5 godina)?Pozdrav
Ivana 08.04.2018 12:04:22
Postovani, intersuje me da li je cetvorokrevetni apartman jos uvek slobodan?
Milena25.03.2018 21:51:14
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan 4-krevetni apartman za porodicu( 2odraslih i 2 dece- 9 i 15 godina) u periodu od 6.8 do 21.8.2018? Pozdrav
Marija15.03.2018 14:19:59
Poštovani, zanim me da li imate slobodan apartman za dve odrasle osobe i dete od 2 god. Ostali bi smo 13 dana pa nas zanima da li imate nesto slobodno počev od 15.jula pa do kraja avgusta. Molim Vas i za cenu smeštaja. Hvala