Avlion Apartments
If you are looking for a modern and tastefully furnished accommodation near the beach and outside the populated place, Avlion Apartments in Elia area, near Nikiti, can be a great choice for your holiday. Air-conditioned quadruple studios, with internet access, privacy due to a small number of units, nice garden and good location for visiting the most beautiful Sithonia beaches are just some of the benefits of this accommodation.
Avlion Apartments is located in the Elia beach area, 290m from the beach and about eight kilometers from Nikiti. The accommodation is located below the main road and there is also a smaller market near the beach where guests can buy the basic necessities.
The house has six studios, renovated in 2018, capacity for up to four people. All the studios are arranged very similarly, with a double bed and a sofa bed in the size of a double bed (suitable for two children).
The kitchen part is equipped with hotplate, fridge with freezer, necessary dishes. Some units have a shower cabin and other a shower tray. The terraces are private, with seating sets, separated by bars, covered with an awning and they have dryers for laundry. Everything is equipped modernly, nicely, tastefully, and hygiene is on the high level. The units are air-conditioned, with internet access, TV, mosquito nets. It is possible to use a washing machine with an extra charge.
The accommodation has a spacious garden with lawn, outdoor shower, parking, barbecue, seating sets.
You can easily find the way to Avlion - just take the Nikiti-Sarti main road and, about 7-8km from Nikiti, across the Helena accommodation (you will see the board on your left side) you will notice Avlion accommodation.
We would note that although it is located outside the populated place, we would not recommend Avlion Apartments to families who crave for absolute silence since it is below the main road that is full of traffic in high season.
You can find out more about Elia beach in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Watch the video of this accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Teodora Crnogorac25.02.2025 16:54:32
Poštovani, Interesuje me da li imaju 2 studia u ovom smeštaju, Avlion apartmens Elia beach, Sitonia. 2 porodice - 3 odraslih, 2 odraslih + dete od 13 god. U periodu od 04.08. do 14.08.2025. Hvala
Jelena 14.01.2025 18:25:54
Postoji li br. domaćina ovog smeštaja?
Zaklina Cvetkovska 06.08.2024 11:49:27
I hope the apartment is avaliable
senka04.08.2024 21:31:13
Hallo. I need accomodation for two couples from 1.9.to8.9. It would be ok and two separeted studios for two persons. Thank you.
Marko12.07.2024 12:21:15
Da li je dostupan ovaj smestaj od 17.07 - 22.07 5 noci Dve odrasle osobe i 1 dete 3god. Unapred hvala na odgovoru
Marko12.07.2024 12:09:32
Da li je dostupan ovaj smestaj od 17.07 - 22.07 Unapred hvala na odgovoru
Ivica26.05.2024 19:57:57
Hello. I'm interestet for appartment from 17.07.2024 year for 8 nights. Whats the prise and is there any discount. Thank you
Maja05.05.2024 22:21:00
Poštovani, interesuje nas da li u periodu od 12.08. - 22.08.2024. postoje dva slobodna trokrevetna studija sa pogledom na more (poželjno da se nalaze na spratu, jedan do drugog ukoliko je moguće). U pitanju su dve porodice koje zajedno letuju (2 odrasla + dete 14 god. i 2 odrasla + dete 14.god). Pozdrav, hvala!
Ljubica14.03.2024 20:49:24
Postovani, zanima me da li ima dva slobodna apartmana za tri osobe u periodu od 29.7. do 8.8.2024. Srdacan pozdrav Ljubica Stancic Lju
Elena24.08.2023 14:35:32
Hello, How can we make a reservation for 2 adults and 1 child, for the period 25-28.08.2023 Regards, Elena
Marina14.08.2023 00:28:37
Dobar dan, napravili smo rezervaciju za 30.8-09.09. da li nam mozete reci da li cemo dobiti apartman na prizemlju ili na prvom spratu? I kad je vreme ulaska u aprtman? Hvala Vidimo se uskoro
Mariana 11.07.2023 19:53:37
Dobar dan.Kad mozemo preuzeti apartmana?
Slavica Jakovljevic12.06.2023 10:38:07
Da li su sve sobe okrenute ka moru ili ima soba koje su ka magistrali? Pitam zbog buke...
dragana lovren05.06.2023 18:00:42
Da li imate slobodan termin,za dve osobe, u periodu od 7.08-17.08.2023.,10 dana.
Danijela Dzajevic26.04.2023 00:20:55
Postovani, da li je smestaj na raspolaganju od 04.08. do 14.08. za cetvoroclanu porodicu, hvala
Snezana Tancevic21.04.2023 23:32:04
Hteli bi smo da rezervišemo studio za 3 odrasle osobe u periodu 24.07 do 03.08.23. Molimo za instrukcije za uplatu rezervacije.
Marijana Cvitkovac23.07.2022 12:39:15
Hello, do you have any apartment available in the period from 1.8. until 15.8. for 10-14 days, for a family, two adults and three children aged 7, 11, 13? A four-bed apartment with two French beds or 4 single beds is suitable for us! Best Regards Mariana
Ivana Radovanov22.07.2022 16:35:02
Da li je slobododan apartman krajem jula?
Yaroslav05.07.2022 12:00:29
Good day. There is a free room for the date from 15.08.2022 to 26.08.2022. What is the cost of accommodation for two adults and one child? Sincerely!
Dragana06.06.2022 22:04:28
Da li ima slobodno,3-13.7.,dvoje odraslih,dvoje dece od po 12 gid?
Kristina Radojević 26.05.2022 11:29:39
Dobar dan, zanima me smestaj za dve porodice u istom vremenskom periodu kraj jula početak avgusta. Jedna porodica 2 odraslih i dete 14 godina, druga porodica 2 odraslih i deca 13godina i 3 godine. Cena?
ljiljana07.08.2019 19:00:49
Postovani,interesuje me Filitsa house elia u periodu od 23 do 28.08.2019.godine za dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od po 7 godina.
Vladimir02.07.2019 17:10:01
Da li imate smestaj za troje odraslih od 13.08-25.08.
Emil Antonov01.07.2019 20:45:51
Hi, I am looking to book a double room for two, check in 20.06 and check out 27.06. Can you please give me a price ? Manny thanks.
Dragana24.06.2019 15:13:47
Imate li slobodno od 12.7 10 noći i koja je cijena četverokrevetnog apartmana?
Milos24.02.2019 22:55:10
Postovani da li imate slobodan smestaj za period od 2.8-12.8.2019.za 2 odrasle osobe i 2 dece uzrast 3 i 7 godina.??
Damnjan Pantic22.02.2019 15:47:48
Dear friends, we are interested in acomodation in your beautiful villa in any perod of first half of july or last week in jun for a ten night stay.We are three adults and two children,one is three years old and one is baby of eight monts in that perod of time.Best regards.
Mirjana Jurišić-Čivčić30.10.2018 08:49:45
Poštovani, zanima me smeštaj u vili Filitsa, u periodu od 13-28.08.2019. godine, za dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete od 7 godina. Dali vila ima svoje dvorište s obzirom da ne postoje slike dvorišta? Ima li na Eliji market? Hvala
Mirjana Batanjski19.07.2018 10:20:37
Hi, I would like to ask if you have something in august ? We are 4 Persons 2 Adults and 2 Children , the Kids are 5 years and 2 years old. We would likle to stay 10 nights .... greatings from Novi Sad