Stella Studios
Stella Studios is a modest accommodation on a great location, suitable for all those arriving to Nikiti without their own vehicle. If the comfort in the accommodation is not crucial to you, but the price, vicinity of the beach, promenade, taverns, and cafes are, this accommodation is the right choice for you.
Accommodation is located behind the Vertigo Café. It’s only 30m away from the city beach, promenade and taverns, while the nearest mini-market is at about 200m.
In the offer are three triple studios (25m2) on the ground floor. The studios have one queen size bed, a single bed, TV, air conditioning, WiFi internet and table with chairs on a private terrace. The kitchen is equipped with necessary dishes, hotplates and a small fridge, while the bathroom has an edged showering area without curtain. Bed linen and towels are replaced every fourth day.
Private parking is not available, but there’s enough parking space in the vicinity. There is no courtyard.
After passing the traffic lights at the entrance to Nikiti, drive straight until you see a church on the right side of the road. Turn right there and drive until you break out onto the city beach, then turn left. Drive straight about 200m, when you see the cafe Vertigo, you will know that you have reached Stella accommodation.
If you’re looking for a modest but decent accommodation, only few steps from the beach, Stella Studios can be a good choice for you.
You can find out more about Nikiti’s nearby beaches in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Ljiljana 09.03.2025 20:00:04
Da li može još neka slika od studija Stela
Tanja Dajic24.02.2025 23:28:05
Da li a mate slobodan smestaj u periodu od 20.08 do 30.08
Tijana26.01.2025 23:40:45
Hello, I would like to know do you have two studios available from 7th to the 14th of September? We are two couples each with a one year old child. And if it is possible, can we get more photos of the studios?
Aleksandar04.11.2024 14:42:34
Good afternoon. I would book accommodation from June 23 to July 7, and probably more days. Send me a photo of the house from the outside? Aleksandar
Aleksandar04.11.2024 14:23:31
Good afternoon. I would book accommodation from June 23 to July 7, and probably more days. Send me a photo of the house from the outside. Aleksandar.
Mirjana Rava11.09.2024 15:47:44
Postovani, mi sutra stizemo u Nikiti oko 13h ako sve bude kako treba na granici. Da li imate smestaj za dve odrasle osobe od 12-19.09? Platili bismo Vam na licu mesta u gotovini.
Ristic31.07.2024 14:29:53
Da li imate smestaj od 19/20/21 avg, 10 nocenja? 2 odrasle osobe i jedno dete od 5 god.
Jelena19.04.2024 12:50:29
Da li imate slobodnih termina od 2 Septembra pa narednih dvanaest noćenja! Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece, jedno cetri a drugo sest meseci! I cena naravno Hvala unapred
Tamara Petkovic09.04.2024 21:39:51
Da li je smestaj dostupan u periodu 22.07. - 29.07.2024. za 2 odrasle osobe I jedno dete? Takodje me zanima da li su kucni ljubimci dozvoljeni? U pitanju je mali pas
Zeljko01.03.2024 11:33:44
Da li imate slobodan smeštaj za jul mesec?
Jelena24.02.2024 07:32:58
Poštovani, zamoliću Vas ako možete da pošaljete još neku sliku smeštaja. Pošto su u ponudi tri studija.
Vitomir Babic05.02.2024 22:57:49
Pozdrav,da li imate dva apartmana ,za po dva bracna para,u terminu od 5.7.i u istom terminu za porodicu od troje odraslih i dete 8 godina.hvala
Igor18.08.2023 00:23:05
Postovanje, ako imate smestaj za dve osobe od 04.09 - deset dana
Stefan Bugaric17.08.2023 15:27:47
Hello, Is it available for two person from 9.09.2023 -17-09.2023? And what price would it be? Dragana and Stefan
Petkovic Ana 14.08.2023 13:44:09
Do you have free apartment in 1. 10 -10.10 for two people with a sea view.
Sanja nenadovic22.07.2023 16:52:41
Do you have a aparttmen from 13.8.,10 nights, for 2 adult person?
Marko28.06.2023 11:16:37
Hello, Do you have free accommodation from 02/09 for 10 nights? 2 adults and 1 kid of 2 years. And what is the price for those 10 nights? Thank you
Dusan Ignjatovic27.06.2023 10:57:55
Do you have free apartment in 10.7-20.7. 10night.
Sanja22.06.2023 12:33:36
Da li imate slobodan studio od 30.06 do 9.7. na 9 noci za 2 odraslih i 2 dece ? Koja bi bila cena?
Marijana06.07.2022 22:14:24
Postovanje Da li Ima slobodnih termina of 8.8. pa nadalje...10 Dana... Dvoje odraslih I dete 2.5 god
Aleksandra28.06.2022 12:55:26
Da li imate oslobodno u avgustu slobodno za dvoje odraslih i troje dece(2,3,13 godina)
Lence Dzalevska02.06.2022 23:35:24
Termin od 17.07 do 24.07 dve familii i toa 4vozrasni i 4deca. Cena
Danijela Zivkovic30.05.2022 22:35:37
Zdravo, da li imate slobodna 2 studia u periodu od 5.8 do 15.8,hvala
Ivana Stojanovic18.08.2021 13:12:31
Pozdrav! Da li imate slobodan apartman za 4 osobe? 2 deteta i 2 odraslih. Za period od 23.8 do 29.8. Hvala!
Jelena31.03.2020 18:09:16
Postovani, Interesuje me cena studio 1/3,dve odrasle osobe i dete od 4 god.u periodu od 21.08.-01.09.2020.
tatjana11.02.2020 11:53:12
Dali imate slobodno smestuvanje za dve familii i toa dvajca za period od 01.08.2020-15.08.2020 god i trojca za period od 03.08.2020 do 15.08.2020 god.Odnapred Vi blagodaram
Radovan03.09.2019 22:49:02
Da li imate slobodan termin od 09,10,11.09.2019 za 10 nocenja,dve osobe i dete 21mesec.
Radovan03.09.2019 22:46:32
Da li imate slobodan termin od 09,10,11.09.2019 za dve osobe i dete 21mesec.
Aleksandra22.08.2019 13:48:52
Zdravoo..da li imate slobodni termin od 30-tog avgusta...7nocenja..dve odrasle osobe i dete od 18meseci...i koja bi bila cena?Hvala unapred
Bojana20.07.2019 10:05:09
Postovani , Da li ima ima slobodnih kapaciteta u periodu od 02.09/09.09 dve odrasle osobe i dvoje dece 2 i 1 godina . Hvala
Darko12.07.2019 11:25:22
Hello. I want to book an apartment (studio) for 2 adults+1child (4 years). Date of arrival August 27 (28) - departure on September 06(07), 10-12days. Please give an answer about the possibility of these dates and how much will your apartment cost? Please let me know if you have available rooms and the price per day. Thank you, Darko (Serbia).
Daniela10.07.2019 21:19:14
postoji li mogucnost ubacivanja pomocnog lezaja u studiju jer bracni krevet nije standardnih dimenzija?
Jelena Jezdimirovic11.06.2019 11:58:14
Postovani ,da li je slobodan 3 Bed Studio u periodu od 17.08 do 24.08 za dve osobe i koja je cena i da li ima internet?
Marija Urosevic07.06.2019 10:04:57
Postovani interesuje me smestaj u periodu od 23.06.-30.06.2019. dve osobe
Dejan Radovanovic25.03.2019 08:23:01
Zainteresovani smo za smestaj u periodu od 6.08. -26.08.2019.g. Kolika je cena , da li u studiju ima klima uredjaj i Wi-Fi? Hvala!
Sinisa Markovic03.03.2019 15:21:00
Pozdrav. Da li je slobodan termin od 04/08 do 14/08/2019. Hvala