Anthemida Studios and Apartments
Modern, recently built accommodation Anthemida, on the road to the village Sykia, is open to everyone who would like to have a luxury vacation. Nicely arranged, fenced yard, full of toys for children, and at the same time with barbecue and garden furniture, it is a real heaven for families.
Although 2km away from Sykia beach, Anthemida Studios and Apartments has a good location if you like to explore the surrounding beaches and if you are coming by car. In front of the accommodation is a gas station and the supermarket, and butcher shop is around 350m far, on the main road.
Anthemida Studios and Apartments consists of 16 accommodation units, six apartments and ten studios.
Apartments are quite spacious (45m2), with a double bed in the bedroom and two single beds with a drawer bed in the room with the kitchen. The kitchen is separated from the part with beds, but not by a door. The two apartments on the floor are larger, the others are on the ground floor. All are facing the yard and the street.
There are four double studios (15m2) with a double bed, one triple with one double and one single bed and five quadruple studios (30m2) in the basement, with one double and two single beds as well as one drawer bed, so they can be rented as quintuple studios.
All units have internet, a TV, fully equipped kitchen with mini-oven and fridge with freezer compartment, mosquito nets and hairdryer. In some apartments there is a safe box and a washing machine. In some bathrooms the shower is separated by glass partition and by curtain in the others. Cleaning is performed daily, while bed linen and towels are replaced every three days.
In a spacious courtyard there is a barbecue with garden furniture, a playground for children and a large parking for all guests. The yard is fenced, so children can play safely without the fear of being able to go out on the street. A swimming pool with sunbeds is also available to guests, the use of which is included in the price.
The house is open throughout the winter and it also has central heating. It is located on the road which leads to the village Sykia. From the main road, you should turn right, or left, depending from which direction you are coming, when you see the sign for the village Sykia. After some meters, you will see the accommodation on the left.
We would recommend Anthemida Studios and Apartments to anyone who’s looking for a holiday in a true sense of the word, in a new accommodation with spacious and nicely arranged yard.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Milica24.06.2024 20:50:09
Poštovani, Molim Vas da mi pošaljete fotografije za 2 bed studio. Srdačan pozdrav!
Sanja Isajlovic03.06.2024 18:06:53
Pozdrav koje smeštajne kapacitete imate za oboj smeštaj u peridodu od 05.08 Do 15.08 za četvoročlanu porodicu sa 2 dece od 7 godina i 2 godine.Potreban krevetac. Slike u prulogu da vidimo smeštaj kako izgleda. Hvala
Slobodan 05.03.2024 20:40:08
Poštovani, zanima nas 2 studija? U pitanju su 4 odraslih i 6 dece ( 1,4,4,7,7,11 godina). Da li možemo rezervisati 2 x 4 BED STUDIO (4+1) u periodu od 29.7- 8.8. ? Hvala na odgovoru. Pozdrav
Branislav02.08.2023 14:18:05
Poštovani, da li imate smeštaj za 3 odrasle osobe i 2 dece (7 i 3 god) u terminu od 3.8. do 6.8. ? Može biti jedan ili dva studia.
Milada01.08.2023 14:24:06
Pozdrav,da li je slobodan smestaj od 03.08 do dve osobe i dvoje dece 10 i 6 godina?
Bojan22.06.2023 11:19:18
Termin 17.7-27.7.2023 Dva odrasla i tri deteta(7 ,12 ,14 godina) Cena?
Nikola08.05.2023 09:57:22
Pozdrav, Zanima me da li je slobodan navedeni termin za 4 Bed Studio. Takodje, jos jedna porodica dolazi sa nama pa je dodatno pitanje da li ima slobodnih smestaja za obe porodice. Dakle 21.07-31.07, 2 porodice sa po 2 deteta, s tim sto druga porodica ima dete od 3 godine pa verujem da bi i studio za 3 osobe bio dovoljan. Hvala
Dragana Soronja02.04.2023 16:44:32
Poštovani, Da li je raspoloživ 5 BED APARTMENT u periodu od 30.7.2023. do 10.8.2023. ? Sa poštovanjem, Dragana Šoronja Simović
Sagic Nevenka07.07.2022 23:52:18
Zanima me veci studio za tri osobe.Da li je slobodan od 10-og Avgusta do 23? I cena??Hvalaa
Indira27.05.2022 09:27:25
Da li ima slobodnog mesta od 14.08 do 26.08 2 odraslih 2 dece I jos 2 odraslih
Alexandra18.06.2020 10:20:08
Hallo! We are 3 adults and 1 child (12 years old) from Bucharest, Romania and we are looking for a holiday accommodation from 1 september until 10 september (9 nights). If the accommodations are available at that time (4 Bed Apartment Νο. 4 & 5, Semi-ground Floor), please send as a price offer. Thank you! Alexandra
Biljana10.03.2020 20:52:07
Poštovani, Da li imate slobodan četvorokrevetni apartman za period od 13.juna a za 12 noći? Hvala unapred, pozdrav!
Ivan Mijailovic29.02.2020 21:23:24
Postovani, da li imate u termunu od 02.08 do 12.08 ili od 03.08 do 13.08.2020 slobodan jedan cetvorokrevetni studio i dva dvokrevetna studija? Molim za brz odgovor. Hvala unapred Ivan Mijailovic
Yujin15.01.2020 22:44:47
Hello, do you have a free apartment from 15.06.2020-24.06.2020, for a family, 2 adults and 2 children (16 and 9). What would be price? Thank you.
Milka14.11.2019 14:10:02
Postovani,interesuje me smestaj u Anthemida Studio ( Sykia) za 2 odrasle osobe I dete od 15 god u periodu od 28 .07-07.08.2020.Sa nama b putovao kucni ljubimac(kuce kovrdzavog bisona) Unapred hvala !
Stiven20.08.2019 13:12:33
Postovani, zanima me imate li slobodan smestaj za 5 osoba, 2 bracna para i jedan samac,za period od 03.09 do 09.09?
Rasko Krstovic27.06.2019 12:27:50
Do you have for rent two flats for two families Two adults, one girl 2 years, other 6 years Two adults, one girl 7, other 11 years We need it somewhere about 10.07. until 20.07, and what would be price Thank you in forward,
Ana16.06.2019 01:16:45
Postovani da li je slobodan dvokrevetni studio za datume 3-10.avgust. i koja bi bila cena? Pozdrav i hvala
Marija27.05.2019 23:17:57
Postovani, zanima me da li ima slobodan apartman za 4noci, period od 5.-9.8.2019.god ili studio , samo da nije suteren, u pitanju su 2 odrasle osobe i dete od 2god? Unapred ,hvala Pozdrav Marija
Milosh24.08.2018 09:19:41
Zdravo, Dali imate sloboden apartman od 26.08 do 30.08, za trojca vozrasni i edno malo dete od 1god. Blagodaram odnapred.! Pozdrav
Dana Calota09.08.2018 16:06:36
Hello! we d like to visit you in august. have you free 2 rooms : 26.08.2018-01/02.09.2018? we could move these dates 2 or 3 days after? if we are 2 families, each has 3 adults (2 adults and a 15 yaers old boy) could you give us a discount? thank you very much!
sima08.08.2018 00:26:25
Interesuje me raspolozivost za period od 14.08.2018. U pitanju su tri odrasle osobe za 9 nocenja.Hvala
Olja18.07.2018 17:28:15
Imate li cetvorokevetni apartman za 10. ili 12. avgust 10 nocenja?
Katarina16.07.2018 23:57:06
Da li je slobodan apartman za 2 osobe i dete od 8 godina.od 2 do 12 avg. I koja bi bila cena.pozdrav iz beograda.kuca vam je predivna
Olja Sekulić09.07.2018 21:36:29
Poštovani, Interesuje nas smeštaj od 01.08.-11.08. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece.Interesuje nas cena smeštaja i slike gde bismo bili smešteni. Unapred hvala
Milosevic Nebojsa22.06.2018 11:44:34
Molim Vas proverite mi raspolozivost cetvorokrevetnog studia za termin od 19.07.2018 do 31.07.2018 Nigde u opsu ne pominju klimu mada sam je na nekim fotografijama video nadam se da se podrazumeva
Slobodan03.06.2018 23:40:05
Postovani, da li u ovom smestaju ima slobodnih termina od 15.07. Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece starost 8g i 1g? moze i petokrevetni apartman. Pozdrav
Goran01.06.2018 23:39:50
Poštovani interesuje me da li imate slobodan 3 krevetni studio u periodu od 19.08 do 28.08 ,za 2 odraslih i 2 dece uzrasta od 7 godina i beba od 1 godine.
Milena27.05.2018 15:30:42
Postovani, da li u ovom smestaju ima slobodnih termina okvirno od 20.07.-30.7. ( mogli bi da korigujemo datume po par dana pre ili kasnije) Dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece starost 8g i 1g?
Branko B.15.05.2018 08:16:32
Poštovani,zainteresovani smo za aprtmanski smestaj u period od 10,06,2018,u pitanju je 9 nocenja,petoclana porodica.Hvala
Milena jovanov23.01.2018 23:13:51
Pozdrav,zanima me smestaj za 3 odrasle osobe ,u periodu od 15.08-24.08..ili koji god datum ima u avgustu.Unapred zahvalna
dusica29.11.2017 13:10:02
da li bi bio neki popust za ranu rezervaciju i uplatu depozita za 5-apartman za četvoročlanu porodicu od 14.06.2018. do 26.06.2018.
Ivana23.11.2017 20:50:43
Zanimaju me dva apartmana ili studija. U pitanju su dve porodice. Jedna 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 11 i 7 godina, a druga porodica 2 odraslih i 1 dete od 11 godina. Period od 21.07.2018 do 31.07.2018. Takodje me zanima i cena.
Razvan29.05.2017 21:43:31
Accommodation for 4 families, 1 with 2 adults, 2 with 2 adults and one child 6 years, 3rd with 2 adults and one child 8 years and 4th 2 adults with 2 children 3 and 6 years. Period 23.07 - 01.08.2017
Dejan Lović14.05.2017 17:37:32
Please, tell me if there is any discount for staying in three bed studio in period 18-19.6 till 09.07. Thank you in advance
Jelena18.04.2017 23:44:46
Zdravo, zainteresovani smo za studijo u prizemlju - da li pstoji trokrevetni i kakva je struktura trokrevetnog studija? Da li su 3 posebna kreveta ili bračni + 1? Obzirom da smo porodica sa dvoje male dece odgovarala bi nam ova druga varijanta.
Jelena Matic09.04.2017 11:57:15
Postovani, imate li slobodan studio u peridu 16.06.2017.-26.06.2017. Mi smo bracni par sa blizancima od 7 god. Koja cena bi bila?
Jovana29.08.2016 18:55:37
Hello do you have free appartment in period from 12..09 until 20.9 for two person
ivana08.08.2016 20:04:13
Postovani, kolika je udaljenost od plaze?
Biljana07.08.2016 23:08:34
Postovani , imate slobodan studio 5.9-16.9. 2016. Dve odrasle osobe i jedno dete 4 godine. Cena ? Pozdrav iz Beograda, Biljana Antonijevic
Biljana Lilic16.07.2016 19:10:37
Hello! We need three apartments for three families. Two families have three members and one family have four members.What`s the price for one person. 12.08.-20.08.2016. Thank you in advance.
Marina07.06.2016 09:28:02
Da li ima slobodan studio na spratu (za dve odrasle osobe), u periodu od 2 - 10. jula i koja je cena?
Emilija01.06.2016 14:09:58
I'm interesting for date 18.06.2016-26.06.2016 , 3beds, 2 adults and 1 children-7 years old. Can you tell me the price per night for the apartment , and also if possible please send me info about distance and photos from nearest beach. Best regards
dragan09.04.2016 20:02:53
Postovana, interesuje me termin krajem Jula/pocetkom Avgusta 2+2
dejan ristović14.03.2016 18:28:34
Poštovani, zanima me da li je apartman 4+1 slobodan u terminu 01.09.-10.09.2016
jln24.02.2016 21:27:41
Postovani, da li ima trokrevetni studio slobodan u periodu od 18-30.06 za troclanu porodicu sa petogodisnjim detetom? Hvala
Dragana C.27.05.2015 17:00:44