Garden Studios
Garden Studios is a quality accommodation, tucked away in a beautifully maintained yard, 1300m2, which is fenced, so the youngest visitors can play safely. This accommodation also has private parking for all guests, which is a great advantage for Limenas.
Garden Studios is located in Limenas, the capital of Thassos, 150m from Papias Beach and the 170m from Tarsanas Beach. The first supermarket (Masoutis) is located 700m from the accommodation.
This facility consists of 13 accommodation units (20m2) - 10 in the central building and three in an independent house.
The studios in the central house are arranged on two floors, five studios are located on the high ground floor and five on the first floor. All studios are double, with two connected single beds, with the possibility of inserting an extra folding bed, but we have to add that it won’t be that spacious. The studios on the high ground floor overlook the courtyard, while the studios on the first floor have a sea view.
The independent house next to the central building consists of three accommodation units, two four-bed studios and one two-bed studio. The quadruple studios have two joined single beds (with a mattress over the top) and bunk beds, while the double has two single beds, with the possibility of adding an extra folding bed, which will make the studio not that spacious. The double studio is located in the central part of the house and an extra bed can be added. Each studio in front of the entrance has its own seating area.
All accommodation units in this building have a kitchen with two hobs, refrigerator, electric kettle, air conditioning and TV, internet access, bathroom with shower and curtain and the owners can add a cot, which is available on request. A hairdryer is also available on request, but 10e deposit is mandatory. Pets are welcome but must check in before booking.
The yard is very spacious and well maintained, with paths, flowers, a covered space for socializing, tables and chairs and the shade created by olive trees. Private parking is available for all guests of this accommodation.
Cleaning is done every day and towels and linen are changed every third day.
If you want accommodation near the beach, located in a large yard, with secured parking, Garden Studios can be a great choice.
Limenas is an excellent choice as a base for going around because it is close to the most beautiful beaches - Marble (6km), Makryammos (2km), La Scala (4km), Pachis (8km).
You can find out more about Limenas in our Tourist guide to Thassos.
Milica15.01.2025 08:49:20
Molim Vas za informaciju da li imate 3 cetvoro kreveta apartmana za 3 porodice sa decom u periodu od 23.06. do 03.07.? Hvala unapred Pozdrav
Ivona04.09.2024 12:44:54
Dobar dan, bili smo ovo leto smeshteni u Ovaj smestaj preko vama.Smeshtaj je katastrofa posebno ta kucica na strani bolje da idete i vidite sami vako smo upropastili nas odmor ni smo spavali 10 Dana,nema mesta da se zavrnes u jedna sobica 4 na 4 bili smo cetvoro a u toj istoj je I kuhinja,a kupatilo Jedva da udjes.Bolje napravite bolji opis kad vec nudite ovaj smeshtaj.
Chipirlin Georgeta 11.08.2024 22:16:21
We would like to book 2 nights starting 13.08
Marina09.07.2024 22:06:18
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan 4 -krevetni studio od 22.08. do 01.09? Koja je cena? Ako je moguće dobiti slike konkretne smeštajne jedinice. Pozdrav, Marina
marija03.06.2024 21:56:27
Pozdrav, zanima nas nezavisne kucice da li ima slobodno u terminu od 24.06. do 04.07. , za dve cetvoroclane porodice sa po dvoje dece (14,13,7,7 god)? Hvala!
Aleksandra03.06.2024 08:52:36
Da li imate slodobno u periodu od 16.07.2024 za dvoje odraslih I dvoje dece uzrasta 10 I 3 god,deset dana.?Hvala
Nevena 02.06.2024 14:27:28
Interesuje me smjestaj od 15.07 za 10 noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje djece od 13 i 8 godina
tatjana ivankovic30.05.2024 23:30:33
Molim vas za informaciju da li imate slobodan smestaj u periodu od 15.07. na 10 noci za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 5 i 8 godina kao i koja bi bila cena. Hvala.
Milan19.03.2024 12:15:21
Poštovani, da li ima slobodna 2 četvorokrevetna studija, i koja bi cena bila i to: za prvi u terminu od 10.07. do 20.07.2024. godine i za drugi u terminu od 15.07.2024. do 20.07.2024. godine.
Jelena Pesic05.03.2024 19:56:34
Postovanje. Termin od 1.08-11.08 2 studia? U jednom 1 odrasla osoba i dete 12 god. U drugom 2 odrasle osobe i dete 12 god. Imate li slobodno?
Nikola03.03.2024 14:25:09
Dobar dan, Zainteresovan sam za 2 BED STUDIO (2+1), i SEA VIEW, FIRST FLOOR u vasem Garden Studios-u, period od 8/8/2024 - 18/8/2024 (10 noci), dve odrasle osobe i dete od 5 godina? U slucaju da je taj aranzman zauzet, da li imate drugi i koja je cena? Mozda se mozemo uskladiti sa drugim terminom, npr od 24/7. Hvala. Pozdrav, Nikola.
Nikola Tarabanovic03.03.2024 13:52:37
Zdravo, Zainteresovan sam za "2 BED STUDIO (2+1), SEA VIEW, FIRST FLOOR" u vasem Garden Studios, period od 8/8/2024 - 18/8/2024 (10 noci), dve odrasle osobe i dete od 5 godina? U slucaju da je taj aranzman zauzet, da imate drugi i koja je cena? Mozda se mozemo uskladiti sa drugim terminom, npr od 24/7. Hvala. Pozdrav, Nikola.
Jelena Ristanovic23.02.2024 00:25:47
Poštovani ,da li imate 3 apartmana za 3 cetvoroclane porodice u periodu od 12.07.i koja bi cena bila? 2 odrasle i 2 deteta od 3 i 4 god.2 odrasle i dva deteta od 9 i 13 god.i 2 odrasle i 2 deteta od 9 i 24 god . Srdačan pozdrav.
ŽELJKA 22.02.2024 14:29:45
Postovani Da li ima Garden studios -Limenas,slobodan apartman u periodu od 9.07.-19.07. za dve odrasle osobe i dete od devet godina u visokom prizemlju
Nevena Necin25.01.2024 13:51:20
Postovani, Da li su slobodna dva cetvorokrevtna studija u nekom terminu u avgustu, najbolje u drugoj polovini avgusta? Hvala unapred
Jelena23.06.2023 11:08:49
Poštovani,da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu od 25.07 do 03.08 za bračni par sa detetom (dete ima 1 godinu)?
dragan14.06.2023 10:36:32
kako mogu dobiti informaciju za smestaj Gorden studios za rezervaciju smestaja za 20 dana od 18 jula do 7 avgusta hvala.
dragan14.06.2023 10:36:10
kako mogu dobiti informaciju za smestaj Gorden studios za rezervaciju smestaja za 20 dana od 18 jula do 7 avgusta hvala
Bojana29.05.2023 18:30:47
Postovani, Da li imate slobodan apartman u periodu od 01.07. na 10-13 noći, za porodicu sa dvoje dece od 8 i 6 god. Hvala
Slavica17.05.2023 12:02:51
Poštovani da li imate raspoloživo zas jul mesec od 01.07.2023 (moze i par dana kasnije ) 10 noći ,zua 2 odraslih 2 dece od 9 god . koja jae cena?
Kristina 05.04.2023 21:39:34
Is there available apartment for 2 adults and 2 kids and what is the price for 7 nights
Aleksandra18.06.2022 08:43:31
Postovani, imate li slobodan apartman za četiri osobe ( 2odrasla i dvoje dece 13 i 6 godina )09. Juli do 20. Juli 2022. I koja je cena
Tanja17.06.2022 17:11:08
Postovani, Da li imate slobodan smjestaj za dvije porodice jedna sa doke djece a druga sa jednim djetetom. U periodu 12-19.8. Ako imate molim Vas da mi posaljete cijenu