Koukoutsi tavern
In the small narrow street in Limenaria is located a small tavern Koukoutsi. It is a traditional Greek tavern well known among the locals.
Coming from Prinos on the main intersection in Limenaria continue straight uphill towards Potos and the church and turn left to the second street.
The restaurant is located on the left side of the road and is open from 6 pm. The reason for the popularity is the slightly lower prices compared to other tavernas on the island and the relaxed atmosphere. During the winter all the tables are being put inside in the small space, while in the summer the tables are outside, on the street or even on the balcony of the owner’s house. Tavern guests are mostly the usual Greek locals. Tourists usually don’t come to this place because it is not located in an attractive place. We recommend it to all of you who don’t like fancy restaurants and who wouldn’t mind if eventually some car passes between the tables. Also, this is a perfect way to see an authentic Greek atmosphere in a taverna.
If you are looking for affordable prices this is the place for you. One plate of meat or seafood costs from 5,5e or more. On the menu, there are grilled food, salads and a few appetizers.
If you are interested in accommodation offers in Limenaria, for more information click HERE.
Milan20.07.2024 13:24:36
Dok sam letovao u Limenariji prošlog leta, bio sam smešten u Vili Natassa koja je 50 metara napred od tog restorana. To je ulica levo pre crkve. Svake večeri bili su puni svi kapaciteti, čak su pojedini i čekali da im se oslobodi mesto. Rezervacije su morale unapred da se obave. Malo me je odbijalo to što se sedi i jede bukvalno na sred ulice, prolaze automobili, a tu pored ima i veliki broj mačaka, pa nisam hteo da jedem tamo.
pefkari18.12.2012 19:28:58
:) o3 Prvo to, a onda da dodam da sam se divno provela, lepo klopala i da mi je ova taverna ostala u lepom secanju! :) Ne znam da li je ovaj osecaj prozvod dobrog drustva, ili je stvarno sve bilo tako dobro, ali leto 2012. je, u svakom smislu, za mene bilo savrseno! Tavernu, osim "domacih" i "nasih", posecuju i stranci koji znaju sta je dobra klopa!
Jelenabata14.12.2012 18:21:54
Sjajna taverna...Pravi Grčki šmek...sve može , a i ne mora... Easy going life ! Sjajno smo se proveli jedne septembarske noći ovog leta sa našom omiljenom prvom damom Ostrva !!! Sjajna klopa...porcije dovoljne...cene jako pristupačne...Mislim da smo lignje , bujurdi ( neke 3 vrste sira zapečene sa paprikom ) i svinjski kotlet sa krompirom , salatama , cipurom i vinom platili 27-8€. Rakija je išla na račun kuće , jer smo se pozvali na dragu nam autorku ovog sajta , a desert takođe , zahvaljujući šarmu gore-spomenute nam prijateljice-prve dame Ostrva !