Lotos Apartments
Accommodation Lotos Apartments is located in Stavros, 50m from the beach and about 80m from the city center. It offers studios for 2-3 people and duplex apartments for 4-5 people. Guests can use a beautifully landscaped courtyard with shared barbecue, as well as the private parking lot across the road.
The closest grocery store and bakery are at 80m.
Studios (20-25m2) can have one double bed or one double and one single bed.
Duplex apartments (45m2) have two single beds in one bedroom, one double and one single bed in the other bedroom.
All accommodation units are air conditioned, have TV, wireless internet, hair dryer, mosquitos nets on the windows, fully equipped kitchen with refrigerator (studios have a small refrigerator and apartments large) and a stove with two hobs, bathroom (shower with curtain) and terrace/veranda.
It’s not possible to insert extra beds, as well as baby cot.
Replacement of bed linen and towels, as well as cleaning, is performed every third day.
After entering Stavros, drive the main road towards the STIHL store, turn to the left and drive till the end of that street. Turn to the right, drive for another 50m, turn left before Stavros Beach Hotel, and drive on until you reach Lotos Apartments on the left-hand side.
Lotos Apartments offers good accommodation in the immediate vicinity of the city beach in Stavros and it’s an ideal choice for travellers looking for a stay at an affordable price, in a villa near the beach.
You can find out more about Stavros, restaurants and supermarkets in Stavros, as well as beaches nearby Stavros in our Tourist guide to Thessaloniki.
Jovica21.02.2025 23:16:11
Treba mi apartman sa zasebnim sobama za cetvoro dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece uzrasta 12 i 16 godina,za period od 20.7. do 27.7.
Dragana11.02.2025 20:28:23
Da li imate slobodan jedan studio i 1 apartman sa dve spavace sobe za termin 15do 25 avgust i koja je cena.U obzir mogu doci i 3 studija.Hvala unapred
Dragana08.06.2024 14:14:22
postovani imate li slobodan termin za 3 osobe za period od 16,17 ili 18.7 za naredne 7 noci
Slavica Lazic06.02.2024 11:34:51
Postovani mozemo li da vidimo slike dupleks apartmana,2 odraslih i 2dece? Hvala unapred
Malisa06.08.2023 08:45:51
Bili pre 10ak god,smestaj u Lotusu mali pun vlage i oseća se na budj,trava lepa samim tim ima i komaraca,u svakom slucaju nije za preporuku,osim ako neko ne voli šatore i kampovanje
Milica18.07.2023 11:41:57
Hello, Do You have any free studio for 2 adults from august, 3th until august 13th? If there is free studios let me know the rent fee for 10 nights in this period.
Maja04.07.2023 22:42:09
Da li imate slobodan studio za dve osobe u periodu od 3.8. do 13.8. i po kojoj ceni bi to bilo?
Dusko Stanacev26.06.2023 12:16:45
postovani,dali imate studio za dve odrasle osobe sa pocetkom 28-29-30-31 jul pa narednih 12 dana.
Jelena28.05.2023 21:38:52
Poštovani, da li imate slobodan termin od 29.07-08.08 za dve odrasle osobe.
Danijela27.05.2023 16:00:00
Potreban nam je smestaj od 24 jula do 3 avgusta, 3 odrasle osobe, mladic 19 God I dete 12 God. Sa nama putuje i mali pas, francuski buldog. Unapred hvala, s postovanjem Danijela
Marija Mitic25.05.2023 19:34:16
Postovani potreban nam je smestaj za 3 porodice,i troje dece u periodu oko 15 jula. Da li imate slobodan smestaj?
Djordje05.03.2023 01:52:20
Postovani, da li ima slobodnog smestaja u julu za cetvoroclanu porodicu (dvoje odraslih i dva deteta) osam dana? Hvala.
Boris Hinda10.12.2022 07:57:40
Poštovani Potrebna su dva trokrevetna apartmana, jedan pored drugog, sa pogledom na more, za period 17-29.07.2023. Ako ima slobodno, voleli bi smo da rezervišemo. Hvala na informaciji, Pozdrav Hinda Boris
Toshe Janev31.08.2022 10:37:25
Zdravo. Treba mi smestaj u Stavrosu od 2 do 5 Septembra (petak do ponedeljak) za 2 osobe. Dali imate slobodan studio u Lotosu? Hvala vam unapred.
Anita Mitic23.07.2022 22:25:07
Da li imate slobodno od 16.8.do 24.8.2022. Za 3 osobe
Nevena Milanovic11.07.2022 13:50:00
Postovani, Potreban smestaj od 12.08. 7noci. 3odrasle osobe, mali pas (predspava ceo dan, rasa francuski buldog) i beba od 7 meseci. 2 odvojene spavace sobe, cena po danu je koja je i jel ima slobodno
Jovan02.06.2022 23:11:06
I need 3 rooms for 2 people from 5th of August for 7 nights. Is there any rooms left and what is the price? Thank you
Anna27.05.2020 20:38:53
Pozdrav, Potreban mi je smeštaj za jedan odrasli + 1 dete, od sredine Jula, deset noćenja, molim Vas za mogućnosti i cene. Hvala
Ana Kostic20.02.2020 17:31:13
Postovani,imate li slobodan smestaj od 29.06 do 09.07.za moju porodicu.Muz.ja,dvoje dece...cerka 17 god,sin 9.? I koja je cena smestaja? Hvala
Ivan31.08.2019 09:52:46
Postovani, da li postoji slobodna soba (apartman) za dvoje odraslih u periodu od 05.09.-10.09. Hvala
Ivana31.08.2019 06:17:12
Da li imate nesto slobodno za porodicu dvoje odraslih dvoje dece od 2 i 4 godine od 2.9 pa 10 dana
Lelica14.08.2019 23:11:23
Ima li slobodan termin od 16.8. Do 23.8.2019 i koja je cena duplex apartmana za 4 osobe
Ratka17.05.2019 15:03:40
We need an apartment for two families, four adults and four children from од 13.07.2019-22.07.2019. Do you have something free? How much money will be? Тhank you
Ana30.04.2019 18:58:29
Zanima me cena trokrevetnog apartmana za 23.06 na 10 dana. Da li imate slobodno ili datum neki kasnije nisu nam fiksni datumi. Dve odrasle osobe i deca 2 i 5 godina
Mirjana13.03.2019 17:31:36
Koliko bi kostao aparman za troje odraslih i dvoje dece(4god i 1god)kraj avgusta i pocetak septembra.Unapred hvala