TAG for traveling through Greece, Serbia and North Macedonia - where to buy and how much it costs
The quickest option to get to the sea is if you use “toll passes” to pass the toll automatically, known as TAG. This will save you a lot of time, especially in the season when there are big lines at toll booths. We will write some of our experiences in this article, so we hope it will be helpful to you as well.
Certainly, right from the beginning we urge you to rest and take breaks while driving.
ENP (electronic toll collection) in Serbia
For highways in Serbia, you have the quicker option of passing through toll booths or electronic toll collection, in which case you can avoid lines. To achieve this, you need to purchase an electronic toll collection device - ENP. How to buy and install TAG, see here.
The price of this TAG device is 2022 dinars, and in order to pass through the toll booths with the ENP label on it, you need to have certain credits on the device. If you don’t have enough credit on your TAG device, ramp will not open, and you’ll need to recharge it on the spot. The minimum amount for refills at toll gates is RSD 2,000, while you can replenish with the less amount at the petrol station.
In addition to prepaid, there is a subsequent payment option or postpaid, but this service is only available for legal entities.
This is a list of distributors where you can buy and supplement TAG in Serbia for electronic toll collection.
Electronic toll collection in Northern Macedonia
Last year, Macedonians provided free tolls to our tourists, who travelled to Greece, and this worked by obtaining cards with a certain toll amount. Toll collection cards work similarly to tag, but unlike tags, the card is attached to the reader and the ramp is then raised. These cards, everyone they’ve retained can recharge and thereby solve the problem of crowding and waiting at toll booths.
If you haven’t saved this card, you can buy new card and thereby speed up your passage through the toll booth. In addition to the toll card, there is also a classic tag that works on the same principle as the tag on Serbian highways. For now, we have information that cards, and tags are purchased and replenished at toll booths, but that they can be refilled online at the following LINK SUPPLEMENTING ENP in Northern Macedonia
If you have any other experiences, you have been replenishing or buying a card at gas stations or elsewhere, write to us to share this information with other passengers.
The price of contactless smart cards is 100 denars, and the minimum amount for recharge when buying is 300 denars. The amount for each subsequent replenishment cannot be less than 300 denars.
The price of an electronic device for tolling TAG is 1,200 denars, and the minimum amount for replenishment is 300 denars. The amount for each subsequent replenishment cannot be less than 300 denars, so the best immediately replenishment of the amount that will be sufficient for you to leave and return.
If you go for holidays in Greece, pay 15€ of credit on a card or TAG for tolls in Northern Macedonia and you won’t have to stop anywhere and replenish later, you’ll have enough to leave and return.
More information about these services can be found on the official website of the JP Roads of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
Passing through toll collection points through Serbia and Northern Macedonia can significantly speed up your journey to Greece.
If you travel to Greece through Bulgaria…
A good option is that highways in this state need vigneta and it’s a good way not to linger at toll booths.
Prices of vigneats through Bulgaria are:
- valid for weekend (Friday at 12:00 to Sunday at 23:59) – 10 BGL (€5)
- valid for 7 days – 15 BGL (€8)
- valid for one month – 30 BGL (15€)
- valid for 3 months – 54 BGL (€28)
- valid for 12 months – 97 BGL (€50)
TAG through Greece
NEW: It is possible to order a Greek TAG, completely free of charge, to an address in Serbia. Read all the details about it HERE.
Since 2020. EgnatiaPass is an electronic toll payment service, can be used throughout Greece and covers all highways. Through the online myEgnatiaPass, you can track the state of credit, supplement, and review previous transactions.
TAG - Electronic toll collection device in Greece, EgnatiaPass is free.
Where to buy a TAG device for Greece?
There are several ways to order and get a device, and our passengers find it easiest at the Evzoni toll booth. The only drawback is that the office’s working hours is from 9 to 17 from Monday to Friday, and on this toll only then you can buy or download the device for the electoral toll on Greek roads. Park somewhere nearby and ask one of the employees of EgnatiaPass and they’ll let you know where to get the device. When you download it, you will need to replenish a minimum of €15.
If you have passed through there outside working hours, you can ask the accommodation owner to order a device for you by phone or do it yourself if you have a Greek card and TAG will arrive at your address in Greece for free. That’s what they say on their official website. The phone number is 2310 470 100, and working hours from Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 20:00 and Sundays from 10:00 to 18:00. After the courier brings you the device and signs a specific document, you can replenish your TAG online and start using electronic toll collection. That way, for a ride in Greece, while you’re on holiday, and return home, you’ll be able to use tag, and you can use it for every next season.
If you’re going to the Ionian coast at the toll booth in Thessaloniki in the direction of Igumeni, you can also take the device and the working hours are longer than in Evzoni. Here TAG can be downloaded from Monday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Another branch for picking up TAG is located when you turn off from Egnatia Odos to Ionia Odos, as our member informs us. At 6.5 kilometers there is an exit for the Motorist Service Station Episkopiko (ΣΕΑ Olympus Plaza and the AVIA gas station are located there). Also, there is a Fast Pass branch.
You can order the Greek TAG to be delivered to your address. Delivery is free, and the only recommendation is to order it early enough before leaving for Greece. For details on ordering a TAG to a home address, see our text How to order a Greek TAG device to an address in Serbia.
You may decide for yourself which of these ways of electronic toll collection devices in Greece is best for you, and if you still think you don’t need it and it’s complicated to download, we advise you to save time on at least Serbian and Macedonian and Bulgarian routes, so use the tag for these two countries or vigneta when it comes to Bulgaria.
You can read all the details about EgnatiaPass on this link https://egnatia.eu/en/online-services/egnatia-pass/
We wrote about the toll prices on the way to Greece in this blog post.
If you have experience with this TAG device in Greece, write to us.
If you haven’t found accommodation yet for this summer, we invite you to take a look at the accommodation in Greece we have on offer for the 2024. summer holidays.
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Our site nikana.gr is the leading source of information about Greece.
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Mitar13.08.2024 12:15:58
Da li MCard na naplatnoj rampi može da se kupi i dopuni u cash-u ili mora preko platne kartice.
Marko23.06.2024 00:08:02
Jel ima neko iskustva kako da aktiviram Grcki tag uredjaj, trazi mi neko korisnici ime lozinku neznam o cemu se radi?
lepko28.05.2024 22:16:44
Ako nećete da poručujete TAG uređaj iz Grčke, a pređete GP Evzoni u vreme kad je poslovnica Egnatia pass na prvoj naplatnoj rampi zatvorena (poslovnica se nalazi u metalnom kontejneru sa desne strane naplatnih kućica, postoji prolaz u ogradi gde može da se kolima priđe objektu i da se tu parkira) postoji i drugi način za one koji produžavaju ka Lefkadi. Naime, kada se sa Egnatia odosa isključite na Ionia odos na 6,5 kilometara se nalazi isključenje za odmorište Motorist Service Station Episkopiko (tu se nalazi ΣΕΑ Olympus Plaza i benzinska pumpa AVIA). Takođe, tu se nalazi i Fast Pass poslovnica. Ista priča kao i Egnatia pass. Isto registracija, isto tag je besplatan, isto uplata 15€ - celokupna suma ide za plaćanje putarina, isto važi u celoj Grčkoj. Jedino, 2022. godine nisam prošao tunel u Prevezi, zašto - nemam pojma. Ostalo sve radi. Provereno i prema Kavali (prošle godine). Hoću još da dodam da se Egnatia pass izdaje i na prvoj naplatnoj rampi kada se iz Soluna krene ka Atini (na 65. kilometru od GP Evzoni). Radno vreme je od 8 do 8 radnim danom, a vikendom od 10-6, međutim veoma je nezgodno za parking jer su ograde odmah do krajnje desne vozne trake, a poslovnica se nalazi sa suprotne strane (smer Atina-Solun).
Aleksandar10.05.2024 10:31:25
Posle tri dana stampanja,skeniranja,potpisivanja dokumenata,razmenjenih 15 mailova uspesno sam zavrsio registraciju i porudzbinu za Grcki Tag uredjaj,medjutim kada se sve zavrsilo oni su me putem maila obavestili da ne mogu da posalju tag zbog nedostatka uredjaja. Moram reci da sam zatecen situacijom i razmisljam se da li cu uopste letovati u Grckoj ove godine,cekanje na granici,cekanja na putarinama...
Mikica04.05.2024 16:55:15
Obavestenje Proslog meseca narucio grcki tag.Stigao je za oko 6 dana. Aktivirao sam ga na sajtu myEgnatiaPass unoseci broj ugovora i vat broj. Posle toga sam promenio ID i lozinku ali u samoj android aplikaciji nisam mogao da izvrsim uplatu. Tek nakon ponovnog logovanja (nakon skoro mesec dana) sam na sajtu pokusao ponovo da izvrim "probnu" uplatu.Tokom procesa uplate imate opciju da sacuvate karticu s koje uplacujete novac. Nakon toga mi je stigao mejl od myEgnatiaPass da uplata nije uspela. Sad imam i na aplikaciji mogucnost uplate. P.S. Pripremam se i informisem na vreme....da se kasnije ne bih ceskao po glavi :)
Zoran12.04.2024 08:23:56
Dali ima nekoj informacija za kolku vreme stiga vo MAkedonija tagot? Fala unapred
Darko02.04.2024 21:30:52
Poštovani, stigao mi je i registrovao sam Grčki tag ali ne mogu da se snadjem na nalogu kako da ga dopunim i gde da upusem broj kartice.Može li mala pomoc
Ivan09.11.2023 19:45:28
Poštovani, Registrovao sam Grčki tag ali ne mogu da se snadjem kako da ga dopunim online. Može li mala pomoc
Boro13.10.2023 12:01:01
Zdravo, i vo Makedonija moze da dobies Mtag Grcki i toa na domasna adresa.Na ist nacin kako i sto pristignuva na domasna adresa vo Srbija.Jas uspeav
Jovan M.28.08.2023 22:33:07
Preuzeli smo danas grčki tag na naplatnoj rampi Malgara, iz pravca Atine, cela procedura traje 15ak min. Potrebna je onlajn registracija, o čemu je već pisano, i nakon preuzimanja taga, uraditi registraciju na sajtu ili mobilnoj aplikaciji EgnatiaOdos. E sad, ono što je bitno, sve korake uradite prilikom popunjavanja i formiranja profila (username i pass) na grčkom, ne prebacujte na engleski. Zapamtite korake, nije mnogo komplikovano. Jedino u tom slučaju dobijate povratni mejl za odobrenje profila. Nakon toga aplikacija je aktivirana.
aleksandar18.08.2023 15:16:10
Da li više vozila može da koristi jedan grčki tag, kao što može naš!? U smislu pozajmice za put...
Dragana22.07.2023 17:33:40
Na kojim naplatnim rampama moze da se kupi Grčki tag? Nisam uspela da nađem spisak rampi.
Dada12302.07.2023 16:05:28
Na Evzoni granici sam uzela tag i sve funkcionise ali je problem aplikacija za tel. Non stop pri pokusaju registracije na aplikaciju stoji da usluga ima gresku ili je nedostupna. Vec treci put isto pokusavam u sve moguce vremenske intervale i uvek isto. Da li je moguce da im je pao sistem ili su prenatrpani.....dajte neki savet
Vladimir01.07.2023 15:03:41
Imam stari TAG koji je prebacen na ENPay. Stari TAG uredjaji i ENPay se moraju prekonfigurisati - moras da dobijes OpenBalkanETC ugovor sa QR kOdom. Ili kupis novi TAG uredjaj sa OpenBalkanETC ugovorom i sa QR kOdom. Sa tim QR kOdom sam se registrovao na open-balkan portalu popunjavajuci svoje podatke, registraciju vozila, kao i podatke TAG uredjaja (serijski broj + verifikacioni kOd iz ugovora). Nakon otvaranja naloga, registrovao sam platnu karticu za Srbiju (naplaceno mi je 1RSD) ali i za Makedoniju (naplaceno mi je 1MKD). Putujem sutra, ali mi je u AMSS receno da je od pre 6 dana pusten OpenBalkanETC u Makedoniji - znaci da 22.6. nije radio (kao sto jedan korisnik rece) ali je 27.6. radio (kao sto drugi korisnik rece).
Vlada27.06.2023 18:41:21
TAG Open Balkan ETC radi u Makedoniji, za sada samo postpaid koji se vezuje za platnu karticu.
Goran24.06.2023 10:36:29
TAG iz Srbije kroz Makedoniju (22.06.2023) jos uvek nije radio.
Aca22.06.2023 16:40:08
Nas Tag od 15. juna vazi u Makedoniji, u Grckoj ne vazi, moze da se uzme besplatno uz uslov da se uplati minimum 15e dopune.
Nebojša12.06.2023 18:37:20
Od kog datuma može naš TAG da se koristi u Sevrenoj Makedoniji, jer se priča još od prošle godine
Dejan Đokić15.02.2023 10:49:46
dobar dan,planiram da putujem do Grčke,preko Makedonije,po prvi put svojim vozilom,koja je najbolja opcija što se tiče putarine,TAG uređaj,hvala
Zoran08.08.2022 20:03:41
Imam naš TAG i za sada važi samo za Srbiju, ali postoji priča da će važiti i za Makedoniju od 2023.godine. Do tada, pozajmio sam od prijatelja MCard, dopunio 760 denara, za tamo i nazad, preko interneta. Extra stvar, i da je nemate od prošle godine, kao ja, pozajmite, nema svrhe kupovati, bolje kupite naš TAG pa koristite od sledeće godine. Nije mi jasno zašto je Makedonci ne koriste, jer i da se kupuje košta samo 100 denara, a ta traka je uvek prazna. Ono što jesam kupio, upravo, jeste grčki TAG. Na prvoj naplatnoj rampi posle Evzonija ima jedna kućica sa strane gde se prodaje. Potreban vam je samo pasoš, saobracajnu mi nisu tražili ali su me pitali za registraciju. Platite 15 eura i toliko dobijete na TAG. Na prvoj sledecoj naplatnoj rampi, kod Soluna, kolone su bile po 30 vozila, a ja samo prošao kroz traku za beskontaktnu naplatu. Njihov TAG izgleda potpuno isto kao naš, tako da ide na isti nosač.
Ivan20.07.2022 22:29:17
Da li više vozila može da koristi jedan grčki tag, kao što može naš!?
Bole08.06.2022 07:32:43
Svaka drzava ima svoj Tag uredjaj, tako da Tag za Srbiju ne vazi u Makedoniji i Grckoj.
Danijela06.06.2022 20:04:38
Pitanhe vezano za TAG uredjaj. Nisam ga nikada koristila. Da li TAG za Srbiju vazi i za Grcku i Makedoniju ili je za te drzave potrebno kupiti novi TAG uredjaj u toj zemlji?