The best Greek dishes not to be missed
The traditional Greek cuisine is rich in very tasty and diverse specialties. There are differences in the preparation of certain dishes depending on the region where you are vacationing, and we will list what you should definitely try regardless of the region you are vacationing in.
The Best Traditional Greek Dishes
The most famous Greek, homemade, cooked dishes are:
We can say that globally moussaka is the most famous Greek dish. The preparation of Greek moussaka is different from ours, so we recommend that you definitely try it. The ingredients also vary, as eggplant is an essential ingredient in Greek moussaka, as well as bechamel sauce. It is a bit more greasy and spicier than ours. You can try it anywhere, it is prepared in almost all taverns and restaurants, as well as in fast food restaurants. The most important thing is that it is fresh, so before you visit a restaurant intending to order moussaka, you can ask the owners of your accommodation to suggest where to go.
Stifado is originally a dish with rabbit meat, but in restaurants it is usually served with veal. It is a dish that is prepared in a ceramic pot and cooked with very small shallots (shallots or pearl onions) and in a tomato sauce. All these cooked dishes have different variations and their taste largely depends on the preparation, so it is best that when you decide to try one of the local dishes, visit a tavern or restaurant recommended by the locals.
Pastitsio is reminiscent of lasagna, it is pasta with minced meat, topped with bechamel sauce.
Kleftiko is a very tasty dish. It is made with lamb, vegetables, and prepared in a ceramic pot. The best kleftiko they tried in northern Greece was prepared at the Piatsa Mihalis restaurant in Potos, but it is really worth it and we recommend that you definitely try it in that restaurant. It is also good at the Mesogios restaurant in Limenas in Thassos near the new port. In Sithonia and Kassandra, we did not come across well-prepared kleftiko even though we tried it in several restaurants. Maybe you will have better luck.
Lamb in Thassos, Sithonia, Kassandra
Greece is known for its delicious lamb. They say that Greek lamb does not have an intense smell that bothers some people, because the grass that the lambs consume in free range is full of salt and iodine. Be that as it may, the preparation of lamb is among the best Greek specialties. The best lamb in Thassos can be tasted in Theologos, at the Kleoniki restaurant (Iatrou-near Kostas’s mustache) and at the Stelios tavern. Here lamb is served from an electric grill. It is also excellent at George restaurant in Potos, because it is cooked on charcoal, not on an electric grill. This restaurant serves lamb only in the evening hours and is located near the main road in Potos. In the village of Panagia there are two taverns serving lamb, and you can choose the tavern in whose garden there is a large plane tree. Kazaviti is also known for lamb cooked under the bell, and most other traditional villages have lamb on their menus in their taverns. The best lamb (almost the only place where you can try lamb in Sithonia) is served in the village of Metagitsi (tavern Klimataria), and on Kassandra you can try it at the Mnemes restaurant in Pefkohori (lamb in the Cretan style). What equally impresses us in Greek cuisine are numerous hot appetizers. To be honest, we most often skip the main course in Greek taverns, because we always want to try as many different appetizers as possible.
The Most Famous Greek Appetizers and Dips
The most famous appetizers and dips are:
Bouyourdi - feta cheese\, tomatoes\, peppers\, and cheese baked in the oven (spicy and non-spicy versions)
Kolokithokeftedes - meatballs with zucchini
Halloumi - Cypriot cheese grilled
Tyrokafteri - crumbled feta with olive oil\, spices\, and chili peppers (spicy and non-spicy versions)
Fried zucchini or zucchini chips, served with tzatziki or skordalia
Taramosalata - fish roe spread
We have listed some universal appetizers, but there are countless others that represent the specialties of specific restaurants.
Which fish and seafood to try in Greek taverns and restaurants
From seafood specialties, we recommend you to try:
Seafood risotto
Mussels in tomato or mustard sauce
Shrimps in all ways (boiled, grilled, fried, in sauce)
Calamari - fried or grilled
From fish:
Sea bass
Grilled sardines
Fried cod
Red mullet
For fish, it is essential that they are fresh. The best ones are from the open sea, but they are much more expensive compared to those from fish farms. You can see whether they are from the open sea or from fish farms by the price. For fish taverns, you need a proper recommendation. Check out our recommendations for fish and other taverns at popular Greek destinations at the end of the text.
The Best Greek Desserts
It is not easy to choose the best Greek desserts and sweets in general, but below we will list the most famous ones that you should try at least once:
Kadaifi - a dessert similar to baklava with a slightly different dough
Trigona - crispy pastry filled with vanilla cream
Baklava - with pistachios or walnuts
Portokalopita - orange pie
Sokolatopita - chocolate cake drizzled with syrup
Tsoureki - Greek sweet bread with various fillings
Milfei - crispy pastry with vanilla cream
Loukoumades - small donuts drizzled with honey and cinnamon
It is difficult to choose the best Greek desserts, as there are really many of them. Traditional ones are usually made from dough and drizzled with sugar syrup. A favorite Greek breakfast is sweet bougatsa. It is a pie made of thin crusts, filled with vanilla cream. For more information on this sweet breakfast and recommendations on where to try it, click HERE
Check out the complete list of restaurants you can visit during your vacation, which we have tried ourselves and recommended by local residents here:
Best restaurants in Thassos
Best restaurants in Sithonia
Best restaurants in Kassandra
Best restaurants in the Kavala region
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Bojan09.08.2022 09:10:47
Iz višegodišnjeg iskustva. U Potosu za svaku preporuku restoran na plaži kod IRENE. Izuzetno ljubazni, brzi, hrana ukusna (samo ne naručujte hamburgere - pljeskavice, jer to u Grčkoj liči na faširano meso) sve ostalo je odlično i nije skupo. Račun uvek tačan, a dešava se da ako je naprimer 32 evra, oni zaokruže na 30.
Sloba13.07.2015 13:40:12
Jagnjetina u Teologosu- nista narocito. Nije losa ali jeo sam bolju kod nas, a pricalo se da brka pece jagnjetinu sa Novog zelanda koja nije kvalitetna kao tasoska ali mu je jeftinija. Elem, sednemo kod brke i narucimo, uz ostale djakonije, i kilo jagnjetine, stigne sa papiricem na kome pise 1250 g. Znaci 250 grama vise nego sto smo narucili. OK, ako ste nam dali vise od narucenog, podrazumeva se da castite razliku. Ne. Naplatili su nam 1250 grama! I ne samo to, naplatili su nam i jednu koka kolu vise i jos nekog viska je bilo, ne mogu da se setim tacno sta. Ne volim da se svadjam i raspravljam jer lako buknem i bojim se da bih pribegao i nasilju, pa sam im platio i vise nikad nisam dosao. :-D Daleko, daleko bolja jagnjetina je bila u selu Panagija iznad Golden beach-a. Daleko bolja! Imali su i vrhunsku jaretinu! Najbolji bujurdi smo jeli u Pefkariju u taverni KA-PA-XI. Uh sto je dobar! U zemljanoj posudi, pa jos preko sir tipa kackavalj. Uh, uh! :-D
50 km do Teologosa10.07.2015 06:52:33
Zdravo, samo da izrazim veliko nezadovljstvo uslugom u tom "čuvenom" restoranu kod Brke u Teologosu.<br />Bio sam juče tamo (09.07.2015) na ručku sa prijateljima.<br />Naručio sam porciju jagnjetine (450 gr) i od toga ja sam u tanjiru imao 200gr koski.<br />Istina je da ovo može da se desi u bilo kom restoranu, ali zbog toga taj "bilo koji" restoran nema preporuku,<br />Ovaj kod brke je imao vašu preporuku. Ne znam da li je u pitanju bila kreativnost kuvara ili konobara ali me i ne zanima.<br />Restoran nije baš jeftin (25e kg jagnjetine, a uz put su bile table sa restoranima gde je 19e) a mi smo ipak otišli tamo zbog preporuke....i vozali se skoro 1h (od golden beach-a) da stignemo kod "kretivnih" kuvara/konobara.
Dejan03.02.2015 16:50:40
Sonja27.03.2012 13:31:15
E dragi moji, Ja sam prvi put na ovom sajtu i veooooma mi je koristan. Naime, suprug i ja smo odlucili da medeni mesec provedemo na Tasosu, a posto je suprug po struci kuvar a ja po hobiju gurman, mislim da smo pronasli savrseno mesto... :D Elem, znate li slucajno kako se krecu cene rent-a-car? Posto smo oboje avanturisti, culi smo da se jako isplati na Tasosu iznajmiti auto i svrckati se od plaze do plaze, i od mesta do mesta... Takodje nas interesuje i kako se cene krecu po restoranima? Veliki pozdrav, Garici
Milica i Goran06.11.2010 10:00:13
U Panagiji smo probali dobru musaku. Najčudnije nam je bilo što je kao prilog bio krompir. Ana, da li možeš da napišeš recept za originalnu grčku musaku?
alex03.08.2010 07:05:35
....a tek papucaki.....njamiiii....
Nikana23.06.2010 12:17:43
Restoran George u Potosu, pravi razanj ne elektricni!
milica21.06.2010 14:06:21
izvini setih se jaretine i jagnjetine i naravno kokoreci.Posle toliko letovanja provedenih u grčkoj ne mogu se setiti svega.Ako imaš informaciju gde se može pojesti dobra jaretina kao i kokoreci otkri tajnu i reci gde. Jasu!
milica21.06.2010 13:47:49
Zanimaju me taverne da kažem u kontinentalnom delu tasosa-karirani stolnjaci i po koji stariji grk sa brojanicom u ruci.Od ponude u tavernama njihova domaća vina,midija saganaki,ksifija,trapsala
Nikana19.05.2010 18:51:54
Nisam videla da ima sa prelivom, ali ima odlicnih lokumadesa:-)
jelena18.05.2010 18:17:48
mi smo na dijeti da bi bilin lepi na tasosu. a kad smo kod dede i ustipaka ima li tamo lokumadesi.............deset malih krofnica u serbetu sa prelivom po izboru za 5 e specijalitet iz stavrosa
Ana27.03.2010 18:13:41
E супер,то ми реци....е па јесте да смо сви пробали гирос,али ако је неко којим случајем негде налетео на неки да му се није допао а сад планира да летује на Тасосу,ево му прилике да поправи утисак и створи зависност...... Супер ако ћеш писати о ценама у ресторанима...ето пратећи твој сајт видим да има заинтересованих за Потамију а тамо баш у центру села између осталих понуда има једна супер пицерија, сем пица има и шпагета,мештани су ми рекли да је једна од бољих на оствру па ако неко воли пице,неће погрешити...... Поздрав ..........а тек јагњетина из Потамије..........а ......пекарице са лиснатим тестом........и слатким и сланим.....а палачинкице.....
Nikana27.03.2010 14:25:15
Ma nece biti skuplje u odnosu na proslu godinu, bar koliko ja znam. Uskoro planiram da izdvojim nekoliko dobrih i povoljnih restorana i da napisem njihove cene. Sto se girosa tice, slabije pisem o njemu zato sto imam osecaj da nema onog ko ga nije probao:-) i to je definitivno najveci grcki brend kada je hrana u pitanju. Cena je 2,30e. Mislim da je i prosle godine bila ista cena. Ne bi trebalo da bude znacajnih skokova u cenama generalno, cak su neke cene i nize u sta je tesko poverovati. Veliki pozdrav od jos jedne obozavateljke girosa.
Ana24.03.2010 22:33:05
Ко о чему баба о уштипцима а ја о гироосу и осталим лепотама које пријају непцима......крепи душу тера туморне мисли.... Молим те још једном да нас известиш какве ће бити цене хране на острву овог лета обзиром на економску кризу.....или бар да нам кажеш да ће бити много скупље у односу на прошлу... Хвала,поздрав
Brane13.05.2009 07:29:27
Prva riba lici na kernju, ali nisam bas siguran..