The most beautiful beaches on Ammouliani
Ammouliani is a very small island, spread over only a few square kilometers, but full of beautiful beaches.
The sea on this island is unrealistically clean and transparent, and all the beaches are close to each other and close to the village, so it takes very little time and effort to visit them.
The most popular Alikes Beach
The most beautiful and most famous beach on the island is Alikes, about 2,5km from the ferry dock, with a large parking space in the back, several bars and camping. The most famous bar is Savana, located at the end of the beach and in the original setting because it’s partly in the rock. The sea is crystal clear and transparent, the sand is fine on the coast and in the water, it has shallow water for children and a dock for jumping. There’s ample space for visitors with their own equipment, and a restaurant Metohi that belongs to the campsite.
Driving from the settlement along the coast, you will come across several wild bays, larger and smaller, mostly with beautiful and clear sea. These beaches are a haven for those who avoid the crowd, especially in July and August when the popular beaches on Ammouliani are really crowded.
Agios Georgios Beach
The first organized beach you will come across is Agios Georgios, about 3,5km from the ferry dock. This beach is quite long and, in our opinion, the most beautiful part belongs to the cafe Agios Georgios (at the beginning of the beach as seen from Ammouliani). This part has a natural shade, the longest shoal, and the road is not quite along the beach. To the left and right from this cafe, there are places for visitors with their own equipment. If you plan to dine, you can settle down on deck chairs in front of the Sarandis tavern, happily recommended by the by locals. On the opposite part of this beach, there’s a very interesting restaurant-bar called Gripos.
Megali Ammos beach
If you continue to drive for about 400-500m after Agios Georgios beach, you will come across Megali Ammos beach. This is also a beautiful beach and it’s 4km from the dock. The beach is sandy, with gradual depth and crystal clear sea. The left side of the beach, facing the sea, belongs to cafe Island, located in the thick shade. The cafe has loungers and cosy canopies and a shower on the beach, and to the left of the cafe, there’s a free section for visitors with their own equipment. In our opinion, that part of the beach is the most beautiful. To the right of the cafe, there’s plenty of free space and water sports as well. Parking on this beach is mostly in the shade. On the right side of the beach, there’s a restaurant by the sea, but also one on a hill with a fantastic sea view.
The fourth beach we would recommend is Karagatsia, 3km from the ferry dock. It’s arranged and interesting because it’s surrounded by high rocks. The sand is a golden yellow, so the colour of the sea is different from Alikes (where it’s much brighter). There’s a cafeteria on the beach, where you can order drinks and some food, with deck chairs free of charge with the purchase, and it’s not allowed to bring your own food and drinks. However, there is free space on the left side of the beach to set up your gear and bring your own food and drink if you so desire. The depth is gradual, the sea is clear, and parking behind the beach is mostly in the shade.
There are several other bays on the island that are more difficult to reach by land, and easier by boat, so if you have an adventurous spirit, you can visit them.
You will find several small beaches and the beautiful sea on Drenia islands, belonging to and located between Ammouliani and Ouranopolis. You can get there as a part of organized excursions from Ammouliani (11e per person), taxi boats from Ouranopolis (5e return ticket), and you can also rent a canoe or boat that does not require a license (50-60e per day). In Drenia islands you can enjoy the Blue Lagoon and the clear, turquoise sea, as well as two bars, one tavern and water sports.
You can see clips from these beaches on our Youtube channel:
Agios Georgios
Megali Ammos
Mila Amuljani24.10.2024 10:49:36
Poštovani, imali smo kontakt preko Instagram stranica. Slali smo vam suprug i ja slike, video zapise s Amuljanija, jer živimo ovde. Imam dosta zamerki u Vašem opisu ovog mesta. Volela bih da ispravite. Poluinformacije i dezinformacije. Na primer slike 5i 6, nisu Megali Amos, već Agios Giorgios. Kod kafića u obliku vetrečanje(tj.Milos), odnosno između plaže i Gripos restorana. Na Megali Amosu ne postoji restoran uz plažu,već samo na uzvišenju taverna Megali.Amos. Nema vodenih sportova niti rent a boat-a na Megali Amosu!!! A kafić se ne zove Island. Na samom kraju plaže se zove Punto Loco, a onaj u hladu, ispod borova i pripada restoranu, je jednostavno Megali Amos beach bar. Trećeg objekta na Megali Amosu nema. Zbog polu informacija često se srećemo s turistima koji se izgube ili ostaju razočarani kad stignu na plažu. Pa moraju da se vraćaju nazad po nekoliko km.da bi iznajmili čamac. Jer im je neko rekao ili su pročitali da Megali Amos ima rent-a-boat. Selo jeste malo, ali kafići: Aelija, Amalaya svakako spadaju i pod noćni život, jer rade u sezoni do jutra. A i sada po potrebi za proslave. Noćni klub postoji u sezoni i radi SAMO SUBOTOM, zove se Matala i svuda imaju reklame za isti. Dovode popularne DJ-eve. Vlasnici su braća Ilias i Josif Migiris, koji su takođe vlasnici Amalaya(Ilias) i SALT(zajedno) beach bara na Alikesu. U noćnom klubu nema problema. Čak i deca lokalna dođu, ali ovde se svi znaju. Pa su pod prismotrom starijih. Što se tiče plaža, za koje kažete desno od luke, volela bih da ste ih zaobišli. To je za nas luka. A ne plaža za odmor,niti za ulazak u vodu. Bolje da ste spomenuli na primer Faka plaže. To kod luke naravno niko ni od lokalaca ne ide. Sem ako želi da skuplja ježeve! Gde ima kamenja,ima i ježeva. Pa treba napomenuti turistima da zaobiđu. Da, tu postoji Bongo bar(odličan izbor rano ujutru i uveče) i ispred njega PREKO ulice mala plaža. Sa sitnim peskom i u vodi. Ali ne nudi uživanje i odmor jer je pored ulice i u sezoni imate Ferry-je na svakih pola sata. Naredne 3 u nizu ne vredi odlaziti u sezoni,jer se na drugoj nalazi rent a boat. A poslednja je zapuštena, sa raspalim brodom u ćošku. Dolazak do nje je preko kozije male staze kroz zaraslo žbunje. Zaista ne bih vodila nikog tamo kad su vrućine, jer postoji potencijalna opasnost od zmija. A u vodi je kamenje, ne pesak. Svakodnevno pešačim, upoznajem Amuljani više i više. Nalazim nove puteve od Karagatzija preko Kalopigada do Alikesa. Za kraće vreme, nego što mi treba kolima. I tu smo da pomognemo. Ali kad sam pročitala opis Amuljanija kod vas na sajtu, shvatila sam zašto turisti dođu na pogrešnu plažu. Jer u startu imaju pogrešne informacije. Traže na pogrešnom mestu to što im se u opisu nudi. Na primer vodeni sportovi kao opis, na Amuljaniju toga nema u ponudi mnogo. Zbog bezbednosti plivača! Nešto malo ima na Alikesu, pedolina uz rent a boat. Vlasnik je Manolis. I Karagatzi Vodeni PARK Christos Zervoulis. Pozdrav i sve najbolje u daljem radu Vam želimo.
Jelena Varga 05.07.2023 19:13:09
Dobar dan. Da li imate neki slobodan smeštaj za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece ( 5 i 3 godine) krajem jula, početkom avgusta?
Mirjana Vićovac11.07.2022 22:41:10
Postovani, u kom od ovih vila imate slobodan cetvorokrevetni apartman ( za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece), u periodu od 14.08. do 22.08.2022.godine, 8 noci i koja je cena?
Mirjana Vićovac11.07.2022 22:40:26
Postovani, u kom od ovih vila imate slobodan cetvorokrevetni apartman ( za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece), u periodu od 14.08. do 22.08.2022.godine, 8 noci i koja je cena?