Rousko House
Rousko house in Sykia is surrounded by wonderful, arranged courtyard with swings for children and a relaxing part for adults. It is an excellent choice for families with children to whom distance from the beach is not that important, but the private parking is.
Accommodation is located on the main road to village Sykia, whose center is 1,5km away. The nearest grocery store is in the village, while the closest beach is at about 3km. On Saturdays in the village there is a green market, so you can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and other products of this region.
Rousko House consists of five accommodation units. Purple Studio (30m2) has one double bed and one armchair bed. Red Apartment (35m2) has one double bed in the bedroom and one sofa bed in the room with the kitchen. Gray and Mocha Apartments are the same (40m2), they have one double bed in the bedroom and two sofa beds in the room with the kitchen. The last but not the least is Large Apartment (45m2), with a double bed in the bedroom room and three sofa beds, two large and a small one, in the room with the kitchen.
All accommodation units are located on the ground floor, they are air-conditioned and have TV, internet, mosquito nets and fully equipped kitchen with mini-oven and hotplates. Purple and Red apartments have refrigerators with a small freezer compartment, while the other apartments have large refrigerators. There’s an edged showering space in the bathroom, as well as a hairdryer. Apartments Mocha and Large have shower with curtain. In the apartment Large toilet and shower are in two different rooms. Bed linen and towels are replaced after three days.
Within the accommodation, there’s a parking lot, a small playground for children and a barbecue in the courtyard.
Rousko house is easy to reach. Coming from the direction of Sarti, on the right side, or on the left if you are coming from the opposite direction, you will see the sign for the village Sykia where you should turn. Continuing that way, after around 800m you will see the house on the right side.
Rousko House is a good choice for families who want to enjoy themselves away from the crowd, on a quiet location, and at the same time, want to visit beautiful beaches nearby.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Goran Andrijevic13.01.2025 15:50:46
imate li dvokrevetni apartman u periodu od 13.-25.07.2025 i koja je cena?
Jelena18.04.2024 16:34:20
Zdravo. Da li imate slobodna 2 apartmana za 10 noći od 01.08. za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (8, 7) i dvoje odraslih i troje dece (11, 6, 4)? I koja je cena? Pozdrav
Olivera27.03.2024 13:26:10
Zdravo, da li imate slobodan studio za tročlanu porodicu - dvoje odraslih i dete od 13 godina? Potrebna su uz to još dva apartmana ili studia - 1 trokrevetni i jedan cetvorokrevetni. Pozdrav
Ana Maksimovic19.02.2024 11:57:30
Poštovani, potrebna su nam dva apartmana za dve porodice sa po troje dece u periodu od 15.07 do 15.08 za deset noći. Da li ima slobodno i koja je cena?
Arnold Šetet26.01.2024 20:54:37
Pozdrav, interesuje nas apartman Grey, za 2 odraslih i dvoje dece (17-9) godina! Da li je slobodno na termin 8 Jul.-18 Jul?
JELENA11.08.2023 12:15:57
Poštovani, da li je app Large pogodan za dvoje odraslih i troje dece (13, 12, 8). Hvala
Mirjana Kocic17.07.2023 08:10:20
Dear, Do You have available app for 3 of us for period from 5th till 15th August? Thank You in advance ☺️
Iva06.03.2023 22:21:50
Postovani, da li je apartman Large slobodan od 3.-14. jula?
jelena dabetic29.06.2022 14:24:46
Postovani. Da li imate apartman sa dve odvojene sobe? I koja bi cene bila za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece godina 17 i 10. Pozdrav
Aleksandra04.03.2020 00:44:33
Hello :) Do you have free appartment in July for 10 days? We are 4 member familly from Serbia. Thank you in advance, and looking forward for your answer.
Saša01.03.2020 15:16:11
Postovani, interesuje me smestaj od 14 nocenja u julu mesece, dvoje odraslih i jedno dete 10godina. Slike i cena smestaja, pozdrav...
Danijela29.02.2020 09:37:51
4 Bed Gray Apartment i 4 Bed Mocha Apartment su isti (40m2), imaju jedan francuski ležaj u spavaćoj sobi i dve sofe na razvlačenje u prostoriji sa kuhinjom. Postovani zanima me smestaj u ovim apartmanima u periodu od 16.7 do 25.7
Yujin15.01.2020 22:51:27
Hello, do you have a free Gray or Mocha Apartments from 15.06.2020-24.06.2020, for a family, 2 adults and 2 children (16 and 9). What would be price? Thank you.
Zoran Jovanovic13.07.2019 19:25:06
Postovani, Da li imate slobodan apartman , sa zasebnom spavacom sobom, na 9 noci, za troclanu porodicu, 2 odraslih i 1 dete od 15 godina, za polazak oko 28.07.2019.
Zoran Jovanovic13.07.2019 14:19:18
Da li imate slobodan apartman , sa zasebnom spavacom sobom, na 9 noci, za troclanu porodicu, 2 odraslih i 1 dete od 15 godina, za polazak oko 28.07.2019.
valter16.06.2019 13:31:23
I need an apartment for 4persons between 24.7 and 31.7
SLAVICA 07.06.2019 10:57:01
Mila Sremcevic28.05.2019 08:04:27
Anything available for two adults and two children in July please
Luiza17.05.2019 08:13:15
Hello!!! We are a family( 2 adults and 2 children: 4 and 1 year) and we will love to stay on you. Could you please tell me if you have a free room in the period 13.07-04.08.2019 for 9-10 days accommodation and the price per night. Kind regards, Luiza
Mirjana Komatina09.05.2019 13:12:14
Postovani,zanima me da li ima slobodnih mesta za period pocetka jula. Suprug i ja sa troje dece od koje najmladje 4 godine i svakako spava sa nama pa odgovaraju ovi cetvorokrevetni apartmani. Bitna nam je terasa.
Pedja06.05.2019 17:50:14
Da li imate slobodne Gray ili Mocha apartmane u periodu od 17.07-31.07.2019 za porodicu sa dva odrasle osobe i dvoje dece od 8 i 6 godina?Hvala
Zoran02.05.2019 19:23:12
Dali je dostupan za lnvalide
Poša Žolt29.01.2019 19:17:53
Pozdrav, i Mi bi došli sa troje dece od 8,6 i 2 godine starosti plus žena i ja. Najmlađi bi spavao sa nama u krevetu. Da li imate slobodan termin između 15-25 jula ove godine?
Nebojša Lučić27.01.2019 16:18:58
Poštovani, Ovo je druga godina da sarađujemo sa vama. Interesuje nas ovaj apartman 2BedPurple koji se nudi u terminu koji je nama odgovarajući (od 28.6. do 8.7. 2019). Pošto dolazimo sa petogodišnjakinjom, zanima nas da li je taj francuski krevet dovoljno veliki i da li postoji mogućnost pomoćnog kreveta (i da li se to dodatno naplaćuje). Pozdav! Lučići
Anita Skoko20.12.2018 22:57:09
Pozdrav! Da li mi mozete odgovoriti da li u ovom smestaju ima mesta za tri porodice, dve sa dvoje dece i jedna sa troje u periodu od 9.07. Do 19.07. Najstarije dete ima sedam godina, a najmladje tri, tako da moze spavati sa roditeljima u krevetu. Odgovarala bi nam tri apartmana za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece. Unapred hvala, Anita Skoko iz Banja Luke
goran15.08.2018 19:35:10
pocetak septembra 12 noci 2 odrasle i dete 1god
Milica14.07.2018 08:49:24
Da li imate slobodan smjestaj za bracni par u terminu 25.8do 6.9? Hvala
goran30.04.2018 22:52:58
pocetak septembra 12 noci ,dve odrasle i dete 1god, ima li krevetica
zoran24.04.2018 07:59:50
zdravo interesuje mestudio ili apartman za dvoica odrasli i dete 8 god za perioda 17.06 do 25.06 sedam noci
Radmila08.03.2018 10:35:45
Poštovani, Interesuje me Veliki apartman .Termin 18.07.-30-27.07.2018.godine. U pitanju je čezvoročlana porodica. Srdačan pozdrav, Radmila
Marta Zunino07.03.2018 14:59:45
Good morning, we are two couples of adults and a small polite dog, we have already been in Sikia camping guests and this year we would like to stay at your beautiful home. We would like to know the prices for two separate apartments in July. Thank you
Snezana Bajic 22.02.2018 10:01:23
Hello, I am interested in your big apartment at Rousko House , We need one big apartment on the ground floor if it is available 16.06.-30.06. Best regards Snezana
Bojana 01.02.2018 00:02:38
Dear, please send me the price list for period 18.08.18, 10 nights, for 2 adults and 1 children 6 years Thanks in advance, best regards
Sorin01.12.2017 21:26:32
Hello! We are 3 families ..2 families with 2 kids each and one no kids.... So, we want two apatments and one studio starting 20 august for 10 nights Please send us an offer! Best regards!
Ivana23.11.2017 20:48:46
Zanimaju me dva apartmana ili studija. U pitanju su dve porodice. Jedna 2 odraslih i 2 dece od 11 i 7 godina, a druga porodica 2 odraslih i 1 dete od 11 godina. Period od 21.07.2018 do 31.07.2018. Takodje me zanima i cena.
Srdjan Stojanovic12.07.2017 22:20:49
Dear, do you have free Studio for 2 people in period from July 19 to July 28 on 5 days (nights)? Thank you Best Regards Srdjan
Petar08.07.2017 13:51:01
Postovani, Molim Vas Dali postoji slobodni studio za eve odrasle osobe I jedno dete (10 godina). Period dolaska izmedju 21-23 Jula za 8-9 nocenja. Zahvaljujemo unapred. Porodica Fidanovski - Skoplje
Svetlana05.07.2017 20:40:44
Da li imate slobodan smestaj od 15.07.17-30.07.17. Za dve odrsle osobe i dete? Da li u 2 bed purple apartmanu ima jedan pomocni lezaj?
kocheva05.07.2017 13:49:06
Hello, I would like you to send to me an offer for a room rent for 3 days (nights) since 2017-07-07 for tree adults. Have a nice day!
Olivera Korica14.06.2017 22:36:04
Be so kind to advise about rates and availability from 03.07.2017 till 15.07.2017. for 2 families (or 04.07 till 16.07.2017) 1st family: 2 adults and 1 child 2nd family: 1 adult and 1 child Kind regard, Olivera
Budimir Drobnjakovic29.05.2017 17:58:59
Postovanje, recite mi da li imate pocetkom avgusta slobodan dvokrevetni studio za period od 9 noci i koja je cena po danu?Hvala unapred