Metalia beach
Metalia is a very interesting and very special beach.
Pebble is on the shore, and in the water almost all its length are stone slabs. A path was made in the middle to avoid rocks when entering the water. The left side of the beach is more accessible, with a pebbly entrance.
Except for its unusual, flat slabs in the water, the beach is known for its absolute peace and quiet as it is surrounded by hills and greenery, away from roads, areas with people and traffic. Ideal for sunbathing and enjoying reading.
Due to the rocks and the absence of shoals in the water, there are no children on the beach, and therefore no noise, sand throwing and running between towels. The beach is never crowded, so you can take your seat and enjoy it.
How to reach the beach?
Metalia is part of Limenaria so it can be reached by foot, by climbing up to the hill where Palataki is located - which is clearly visible from all sides, and then you descend via a steep footpath to the beach. This is a more hard but more interesting way. The beach can be reached by car, going on the highway from Limenaria to Potos. Less than 1km on the right you’ll see the sign “Metalia”. Begging of the road is paved, then turns into dirt and dusty road. Drive slowly, because it is narrow, steep and rugged and it is leading you to the beach. There is also parking in the shade.
Interesting facts
In the backside of the beach, between the pines, there are remains of the old German mine, reminds of the old town which gives a special charm to this beach. Besides the mine, above the beach, you can see the famous palace, the former mine administration that looks like a medieval castle.
Surrounding of the beach is very well decorated, full of marble sculptures, pine trees, red earth, swings and benches.
On the beach there is a bar that is fully integrated into the surrounding of pine trees and greenery and with very quiet music and a nice selection of songs does not disturb the atmosphere. The part of the beach in front of the bar has sunbeds that can be used, but you need to pay 6€ for one set plus drinks.
On the beach there is a volleyball net.
If you wish, you can take the narrow footpath to the palace on a hill, overlooking the beach and to take great photos with a view of the Metalia, turquoise sea and the walls of the old mine.
On the right side, through a small tunnel you can crawl to a small, wild, rocky cove, and then swim to another beautiful sandy cove which is usually used by nudists.
All in all, even if you are not a fan of the rocky beaches, Metalia is worth to go, or at least a look from the hill where is Palataki located.
To check out accommodation offers in Limenaria click HERE.
Watch a video of this beach on our Youtube channel.
Milan23.07.2023 12:57:21
Bio u Limenariji od 21. do 30. junai jedno popodne otišao do Metalije, Medalije, kako god se zove. Predaleko je od Limenarije da se ide peške, treba pola sata pored Palatakija, pa kroz šumu, pa uzbrdo, pa nizbrdo i kad se dođe - ništa posebno. Stene i kamenje u vodi, trava pliva, čak sam video i jednog ježa, nema tuševa ni kabine za presvlačenje, nikakvih sadržaja u blizini, jedan kafić sa tridesetak ležaljki koje su mahom bile prazne. Bilo nas je tog popodneva možda 20 na prostoru širine 300 metara. Nije vredno odlaska tamo ako ste u Limenariji. Ni gradska plaža nije nešto, ali je bar bliže i bolja je deset puta. Ako opet dogodine odem u Limenariju, do Metalije sigurno neću ići. Gubljenje vremena je.
Mirarbi14.03.2013 23:09:50
Još malo sličica poteza između plaže Metalia i Pefkarija. Tu se sa ivice brda pruža fantastičan pogled na Pefkari, more, Metaliu... Tu su i znaci Zodijaka poređani u krug, sa klupicom u sredini. Kažu da će se onom ko stane u centar tog kruga i zamisli želju, ta želja uskoro i ostvariti. [attachment=802]081_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=803]082_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=804]083_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=805]084_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=806]085_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=807]086_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=808]087_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=809]088_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=810]089_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=811]090_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=812]091_2013-03-15.JPG[/attachment]
KostAna01.03.2013 14:40:57
Jelenabata21.12.2012 16:50:36
Mirarbi17.12.2012 21:15:30
[b]Potez između kompleksa Metalia i Pefkarija:[/b] [attachment=228]31.JPG[/attachment] - pogled iz daleka na kompleks i plažu Metalia [attachment=229]32.JPG[/attachment] - znaci Zodijaka uklesani u mermerne ploče, poređani u krug [attachment=230]32a.jpg[/attachment] - mermerna ploča sa interesantnim natpisom, u centru zodijačkog kruga [attachment=231]33.JPG[/attachment] - crkva „krajputašica“ [attachment=232]34.JPG[/attachment] - crkva „krajputašica“ [attachment=233]35.JPG[/attachment] - pogled u pravcu Pefkarija i Potosa [attachment=234]36.JPG[/attachment] - vidikovac i kantina pored puta [attachment=235]37.JPG[/attachment] - zemljani puteljak kojim smo svakodnevno šipčili :)
Mirarbi17.12.2012 21:04:34
Moje viđenje plaže Metalia: [b][size=4][color=#0000ff]Plaža Metalia[/color][/size][/b] Plaža Metalia se nalazi na oko 1 km od Limenarije i to iza brda na kraju mesta, tako da prvo morate da se popnete stepenicama na brdo, do stare žute palate, koja je nezaobilazni detalj na svim fotografijama Limenarije, a zatim da se spustite strmim putićem pored napuštenog rudnika iz 18. veka, do same plaže. Plaža je neobična zbog toga što je sastavni deo turističkog kompleksa Metalia, okružena ostacima starog rudnika i mnogobrojnim umetničkim delima. Tu možete da vidite brojne figure od belog mermera, Kritski lavirint od belih kamenčića na crvenom pesku, zidane peći rudnika, stare metalne čekrke i ostala pomagala za otpremanje rude. Ipak, na njoj nema svih sadržaja neophodnih turistima, tj. postoji samo jedan manji kafić sa ležaljkama i suncobranima za iznajmljivanje i ništa više. Plaža je peskovita, čista, gužve nema. More je bistro, prozirno, ali zbog mnogo ravnih, pločastih, izrazito klizavih stena duž celog plićaka, ulazak u vodu je vrlo nezgodan i nije preporučljiv nespretnim osobama i deci. [attachment=216]19.JPG[/attachment] - stepenice koje iz luke u Limenariji vode ka kompleksu Metalia [attachment=217]20.JPG[/attachment] - pogled sa vrha brda u kompleksu Metalia [attachment=218]21.JPG[/attachment] - znak formiran belim kamenčićima na crvenkastoj zemlji [attachment=219]22.JPG[/attachment] - pogled sa visine na plažu Metalia [attachment=220]23.JPG[/attachment] - Kritski lavirint [attachment=221]24.JPG[/attachment] - još jedan pogled na plažu Metalia [attachment=222]25.JPG[/attachment] - ostaci nekadašnjeg rudnika [attachment=223]26.JPG[/attachment] - ostaci nekadašnjeg rudnika [attachment=224]27.JPG[/attachment] - ostaci nekadašnjeg rudnika [attachment=225]28.JPG[/attachment] - ostaci nekadašnjeg rudnika [attachment=226]29.JPG[/attachment] - plaža Metalia [attachment=227]30.JPG[/attachment] - prelepa skulptura od belog mermera
Sale Proka08.07.2012 06:55:54
Ovo je suuuper!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Preleeepooo!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: