LPG stations before Thassos and on Thassos
For drivers who own LPG cars, below are the pumps where you can fill up your car, as well as the new rule for ferry transport, so you need to pay attention when filling up your car that you don’t have more than 50% fuel in the tank before boarding.
New rules for transporting cars by ferry
A new law of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and the Coast Guard came into force and it applies to electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as vehicles on other alternative vehicles, such as liquid or natural gas.
For cars that use liquid or natural gas, the law dictates that the tanks must not be filled more than 50% of the total capacity.
For safety reasons, the batteries of electric and hybrid vehicles must not be charged more than 40% of the total capacity, with mandatory temperature control, and charging the battery on a ship or ferry is prohibited.
Liquid gas stations
When you go in the direction of Thessaloniki-Kavala-Keramoti highway, about 6km after Kavala, you will see the road sign to turn to Nea Karvali (Fillipos B’ and Kavala east). Follow signs to Nea Karvali and after 1,2km on the right side you will see a Shell gas station where you can put LPG, as well as other types of fuel, and the station also offers car wash with brushes, while during that time you can refresh in the restaurant in the shade. To reach Keramoti you don’t have to return back to the highway, but just continue the old road (which is parallel to the highway) for another 11,5km (which is in great condition) before turning to Keramoti (same turn as if you were coming from the highway, just the opposite directions).
Liquid gas stations on Tassos
On Thassos island, there is a large number of gas stations, where you can get petrol and diesel.
Here’s a look at gas stations in places:
Limenas: BP, Shell i Elin;
Skala Rahoni: Revoil;
Skala Prinos: BP;
Prinos: BP;
Skala Sotiros: EKO;
Skala Kalirahi: EKO;
Limenarija: Revoil, EKO, Aegean, Elin i Shell;
Potos: BP i EKO;
Skala Potamia: BP i EKO.
There are three gas stations with liquid gas (LPG/TNG). Two are located in Limenas towards the Marble beach, one is in Astris, Potos, and from 2017. one is also in Skala Prinos. Prices range from 0.88 to 0.93 euros. The working hours of these stations are usually up to 11pm.
On returning from Thasos, at the exit of Keramoti do not turn right to Kavala, but go left on the old road that leads through the village Nea Karvali (follow the signs Kavala - Xanthi). On the way out of Nea Karvali, the gas station is on the left side of the highway, and after 1,2km turn on the highway and follow the signs to Thessaloniki.
You can gather information not only about the locations of the gas stations, but also about the fuel prices on them, through the application available at this link here or directly here: https://fuelgr.gr/web/. It is possible to download the application if you travel frequently, or you can simply check the website/map whenever you need it.
Our Live from Greece member listed the LPG pumps on the way to Greece and Halkidiki:
“Given that we encountered some incorrect information on the Internet, I am transmitting information from the field.
Useful information for drivers of methane (CNG) vehicles traveling to Greece (Halkidiki, Thessaloniki and surroundings) via Macedonia:
-Serbia: The last methane pump in Serbia is when you turn off the highway to Leskovac, 8 km from the toll booth.
-Macedonia: First, in Kumanovo, as soon as you enter Kumanovo from the left side of the highway (you must continue 10 km ahead, then turn sharply to the right and return 10 km). The second one, the exit from the highway to Skopje airport, you pass 2 roundabouts next to the old airport, then to the right. There was something wrong with this one at the moment. Maybe it won’t work for a few days Treća, in Đevđelia on the left side of the highway at the very border. All three are M……..
-Greece: On the way out of Thessaloniki on the way to Halkidiki, only at one turn go straight, instead of turning left and it seems to me the second turn left and after about 3 km there is a pump, after it immediately left and you are back on the road for Halkidiki.
In Thessaloniki, it is written on the internal that there are 2 more pumps that we did not visit, because this one was on our way, so I can’t say if the information is correct.
Methane prices in Greece and Macedonia are the same as in Serbia. It is not true that they are twice as big.
These pumps meant a lot to us because we have a very small auxiliary gas tank (about 6 l), so this saved us, so maybe it will help someone else. “
To check out the largest accommodation offers on Thassos click HERE.
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Jelenabata20.02.2014 15:25:05
Kako doći do pumpi: - skrenite sa Egnatia Odos prema Nea Karvali (tako prolazite pored sve tri pumpe - prva sa leve, druga sa desne i treća sa leve strane puta) i nastavite dalje do semafora, pa desno prema Keramotiju (kao na snimku ispod). - skrenite sa Egnatia Odos za Keramoti i aerodrom, pa kod semafora produžite malo pravo, natankajte ljubimca, i onda nazad do semafora pa pravac Keramoti. Evo snimka sa našeg zadnjeg (ali ne i poslednjeg) putovanja... Put od Kavale (grad) prema Nea Karvali pa sve do skretanja (onog istog odakle dolazite sa Egnatia Odos) za Keramoti. NA VIDEU SU OBELEŽENE SVE PUMPE KOJE TOČE LPG !!!... i LIDL u Kavali!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eih1rcWlSVg
Mix26.08.2012 12:13:58
Vratih se pre neki dan s Tasosa i na ovom istom putu se "pojavila" još jedna pumpa na kojoj se toči TNG, a koja je 3-4 kilometara bliže Tasosu. Kad idete sa Tasosa putem prema gore navedenoj Šel pumpi, pre nje odnosno neposredno pre ulaza u mesto N. Karvali, sa desne strane imate pumpu Agenon (ili tako nešto), ima plina, cena je bila 0,875 E/l, i čini mi se da ima duže radno vreme. Ili ako idete ka Tasosu (gore opisanim putem), prođete kroz mesto N Karvali i sa leve strane se nalazi Agenon pumpa, ali u ovom slučaju bi morali da presečete duplu punu liniju. Dakle, kad idete ka Tasosu točite na Šel pumpi pre ulaza u N. Karvali a kad se vraćate sa Tasosa točite na Agenon pumpi takođe (u ovom slučaju) pre ulaza u N. Karvali.
Mix31.07.2012 00:02:15
Srđane hvala. Veoma korisna informacija, ali nažalost loša... Uglavnom svi stignemo ujutro oko 7h kod Keramotija, a u povratku jurimo onaj zadnji-predzadnji trajekt, posle 20h. Znači ipak prva pumpa prema Drami. A taman smo se obradovali... :sad: Grci i to njihovo radno vreme ((kako li rade tek van sezone!?)) još i ti ogromni mutirani kerovi... Grrrr... :lol:
srdjan s26.07.2012 19:26:47
Mozda ce nekom biti korisna informacija da pumpa radi od 9-19h, mi dosli oko 7h, a tamo samo veliki ker koji nije znao da nam uspe gasa... :-))
miki18.07.2012 06:31:32
17.07.2012 cena plina 0.816 eura.lako se nalazi,samo pratite tablu "autogas" i produzite starim putem koji nije los do skretanja za keramoti.
Bokins03.07.2012 05:50:52
Nova cena na pumpi .78e
Bokins25.06.2012 04:43:22
Cena 0.84 e :cry:
Gagasrce17.06.2012 18:00:58
Ova informacija mi puuuuuuuno znači! Hvala ti! :-*
Alan Molnar06.06.2012 10:34:01
Hvala puno na ovoj veoma korisnoj informaciji.
Ivica Vuckovic05.04.2011 15:54:56
S obzirom na tvoju ozbiljnost u poslu,biraj procenat 0-90% :-)
Anoniman05.04.2011 14:04:38
Hehe, a jel imam procenat bar?
Ivica Vuckovic05.04.2011 13:53:35
Nema problema :-) vidimo se u Avgustu.Na tebi je samo da nadjes musterije :-)
Anoniman04.04.2011 23:05:19
Pa, Ivice, mozda mozes da napravis biznis upravo ti :-) Ponesi alat:-)
Anoniman04.04.2011 22:51:38
Bokins, ovo leto ti je poslednja sansa da se odreknes svih drugih destinacija, a i da se javis kada dodjes :-)
Ivica Vuckovic04.04.2011 19:41:38
@Nikana Onaj ko je pametan treba da nauci da ugradjuje boce, jer to trenutno niko ne zna na ostrvu Ako treba tu smo da pomognemo :-)
Bokins03.04.2011 17:16:26
Lepa vest.....Valjda ce se otvoriti do 23 juna da ne moram opet ici na Dramu.... Ocekujem da ces javiti... takodje cujem da ce blizini Nea Moudania biti lpg.... izvini Ana, zaboravio sam da je to ka Sitoniji...nema veze sa Tasosom:-))
Anoniman01.04.2011 03:24:43
Ivice, danas su pricali o tome na TV-u, potpuno si u pravu. Nisam znala da je "prelazenje" na gas uveliko pocelo u Grckoj. Do nas jos uvek nije stiglo, ali kada pumpa bude proradila, verovatno ce poceti. Onaj ko je pametan treba da nauci da ugradjuje boce, jer to trenutno niko ne zna na ostrvu :-)
Ivica Vuckovic31.03.2011 14:40:35
(citiram)Dok smo se setali Astrisom, culi smo jednu odlicnu vest, a to je da se u njemu gradi pumpa za gas! Ne znam da li ce biti zavrsena do leta, ali verujem da ce se mnogi obradovati ovoj vesti. Grci ne voze na gas, ali za turiste iz Srbije takva pumpa bi bila veoma korisna. Da obradujemo i Grke.U zadnjih dva meseca sve vise grckih auto-servisa stupa u kontakt sa auto-gas servisima u Srbiji, da bi ostvarili poslovno-tehnicku saradnju,jer je u planu(Grcka) da veliki broj auta sa pogonom na benzin bude transformisan na gas. Slucajno sam iz te struke pa vam mogu dati informacije iz prve ruke.Pozdrav-Ivica
Ana Nikolic30.03.2011 03:44:19
Eee drago mi je sto volis da citas! Ja volim da pisem, ali izbegavam da ne bih smarala one koji su tu samo zbog smestaja. Najvise volis Aliki? Prolece je najlepse godisnje doba na Tasosu, sve je lepo i tiho! Bilo bi lepo da jednom dodjete za Uskrs. Mi smo sada u Kaliviji, to je deo Potosa prema Teologosu. Onaj zalazak sunca je slikan sa moje terase. Imamo prelep pogled na more, ali smo predaleko od grada pa bih volela da se preselimo :sad:
lidija hramov28.03.2011 10:34:00
Draga Ana, ulepšala si mi dan, ako ne i celu nedelju. Jedva sam ustala, zbog prelaska na letnje račun.vremena. Napolju je tmurno i teško, pred kišu. Dođem na posao i bacim pogled, uz kaficu, na tvoj sajt. I odmah mi se vratio osmeh na lice. Veruj mi, zajedno sa tobom sam prošetala, po meni, najlepšim delom Tasosa. Kada sam videla sliku Alikija, srce me je žignulo. A zalazak sunca mi je sada desktop. Tako mi je bilo lepo, osetila sam miris mora i šume, čula galebove i talase .. . Slobodno, pravi ti još ovakvih tekstva, pomozi da lakše dočekamo letovanje. Još samo 2,5 meseca !!! Ljubim te i uživaj za mene. PS Gde ste u Potosu ?