Kallithea is a very nice place on the hill, with a fantastic view of the turquoise sea. It’s only 90km away from Thessaloniki and 50km from Polygyros, the administrative center of Kassandra. Kallithea is a small place with about 500 settlers in the winter, and its name means a good view.
Kallithea is a very attractive town on Halkidiki (Kassandra peninsula) and every year it attracts thousands of tourists. It’s surrounded by the woods and greenery, and its most beautiful asset is the wonderful turquoise sea and the beach with the fine sand suitable for families with small children. A large number of cafes and bars also appeal to the younger population, so Kallithea is known as the place with the best entertainment in Kassandra.
Supply and offer of restaurants in Kallithea
Several grocery stores are sufficient for supplying, and there are also pastry shops, taverns, fast-food restaurants. You should have a taste of an amazing ice-cream in the pastry shop named Fregio.
A few pebbled streets make the pedestrian zone, full of the shops with souvenirs, clothes and different little things.
What is the beach like in Kallithea?
The beach in Kallithea is known for its long shallows and turquoise, clear and very clean water. The beauty of this beach is almost indescribable and is a real delight, especially for children. The right part of the beach (looking towards the sea) is partly rocky and more suitable for younger people and those who don’t like crowds, while the central and left part of the beach are perfect for families with children.
Given that it is on a hill next to the main road, it is downhill to the beach in Kallithea, which can be challenging, especially for families with small children or people with reduced mobility, which you should keep in mind when choosing a vacation destination. If the chosen accommodation is not on the beach, you can reach it on foot (by stairs) or by car.
Kalithea is an excellent base for touring both sides of the peninsula, with Siviri, Polichrono, Hanioti and other attractive places on Kassandra nearby.
Visit the following link for the complete list of accommodations in Kallithea.
Watch the video of the beaches in Kaliteja on our YouTube channel HERE.
In our guide, see everything you are interested in regarding vacationing on Kassandra:
Kassandra guide
General information
Travelling to Kassandra
Food and Drinks
What to See Shopping
Ivana 19.07.2024 14:42:28
Cena smeštaja za 3 odrasle osobe od 12.08.
Tina 14.07.2024 14:30:56
Da li ima slobodnih smestaja u Kalitei u period of 01.08-11.08 za 2 odraslih I dvoje dece ?
Suzana Karajovic06.07.2024 08:54:15
Potreban smeštaj u Kalitei blizu plaže za dve odrasle osobe,apartman od 25.08.2024 do 03.09.2024
Jovana Milosevic21.02.2024 10:42:15
Postovani potreban nam je smestaj za kraj avgusta i pocetak septembra za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece (6 i 2 god.), na 8 noci hvala
Darko Krstevski02.02.2024 17:44:24
Postovani,potreban nam je smestaj u Kalitei Halkidiki u periodu od 30 jula do 7 avgusta za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 11god..Hvala
ivko24.07.2023 15:46:02
Postovani U periodu od 30.7 do 8 ili 10 Augusta minimalno 9 do 11 nocenja. Dali i koju opciju imate u ponudi za letoivanje u regionu kalitea za porodicu dve odrasle i deca 15 i 12 godina , blize ili na plazi, hoteli , sopstveni prevoz sa polupansion dorucak i vecera ili minimalno dorucak u ceni , sa dve sobe ako je moguce i bez kreveta na sprat . Hvala na odgovoru
Milena22.07.2023 23:43:55
Potreban smestaj za 5 odraslih osoba u periodu od 18-28 avgusta
Milanka27.06.2023 22:45:11
Potreban smestaj od 24 ,25 jula 2 odraslih 3 dece 1o nocenja
Slavica19.06.2023 08:23:59
Potreban smestaj 05.8-13.8 2 odraslih i 2 velike dece Terasa i pogled na more do 100m udaljenosti od plaze.
Jelena T16.06.2023 21:08:15
Ljudi,ako neko ima smwstaj u Kalitei od 24.ili 25.juna na 7 nocenja neka pise na jekaikalaki@gmail.com
Milica15.06.2023 10:37:37
Potreban smestaj za 6 osoba od 26.07. do 01.08.2023?
Ivan Jokic11.06.2023 14:36:17
Potreban smestaj za dvoje odraslih i jedno dete od 8 godina u periodu od 10-20.07
Ana 06.06.2023 20:04:53
Sobar dan, potrebna trokrevetna soba sredina ili kraj jula. Hvala
Milica22.05.2023 11:42:40
Postovani ,neka ponida za dve odrasle osobe ,bracni krevet 01.06-07.06. (7 noci ) hvala
Djordje17.04.2023 21:27:36
Poštovanje. Potreban smeštaj za dve odrasle i dete od 3 godine na 10 dana? Da li ima? Hvala.
Anastasija16.08.2022 18:51:34
Potreban smeštaj za tri odrasla i jednu bebu Od 19.08 do 25.08
Milan 02.08.2022 16:04:13
Nesto slobodno od 06.08.2022do 13.08.2022 dve odrasle osobe i dete od 5 god.
Dragana21.07.2022 16:09:54
Trazimo smestaj za 3 odraslih i jedno dete sa pocetkom aranzmana u rasponu od 31.7 do 3.8 na 10 dana. Kalitea ili Sarti. Pozdrav.
Ivana Miladinovic28.06.2022 14:45:27
Potreban smestaj za 2 osobe i dete od 6 godina od 15.08 do 25.08. 2022
Bojana15.06.2022 12:42:23
Postovani,hvala sto se angazujete. Potreban je smestaj u Kalitei 4 krevetni studio/ apartman za period od 16.07.-28.07 za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece(14 i 7 godina). Pozdrav.
Marija Koncarevic 8609.06.2022 12:33:32
molim vas potreban najpovojniji apratman 3 odraslih i plus 1 dete ima 3 god a potrebno cetvoro krevet a ako moze da nadje do 400 evra ili 450 eur blizu plaze i moze malo dalj od plaze maksium do 250 m hvala vam unapred
Mima06.06.2022 18:30:53
Potreban smestaj za 4 odrasla 4 deteta. Prednost kuce na plazi
Ana 07.05.2022 20:14:00
Preporučite mi smeštaj u Kalitei za porodicu sa dvoje dece ?Hvala
Tamara sukara 06.04.2022 22:31:14
Imate li ponudu smeštaja za petočlanu porodicu u Kalitei.
Sladjana Andjelkovic31.07.2021 11:56:35
Potreban smestaj za 2 odrasle osebe i 1 dete u periodu od 10-17 avg. Kalitea