Emmanuela House
Emmanuela House is the accommodation on beautiful and sandy Klimataria beach in Sykia. There’s two houses, i.e. one apartment and one studio, so it’s an ideal choice for all those looking for privacy and silence.
A few meters in front of the house, there’s a bar through which one you can reach the beach with a few bars and one tavern. For everything else, you should go to Sykia village (7,5km), and on the way to the village, you will find bakery (3,6km) and supermarket (4,4km).
One ground floor house consists of two bedrooms (only one is separated by the door), kitchen, bathroom and a balcony. The bedroom separated by the door is eqipped with one double bed, while the other bedroom has three single beds. The bathroom has an edged showering space.
In the second ground floor house there is one bedroom that is not physically separated by the door. In it there is one double bed and a single bed, while in the room where the kitchen is, there is a sofa bed. The bathroom has only tiles with a shower.
The kitchen is standardly equipped, it has hot plates and a small fridge.
The balcony has a sea view and a sitting set. Accommodation units have air conditioning, TV and internet.
There’s a barbecue in a small courtyard next to the balcony, while the private parking is in front or behind the house.
The best way to reach this accommodation is from Sykia beach. From the direction of Sarti, turn towards Sykia beach, continue ahead towards the sea and the crossroads, then take a right (a road left leads towards Sykia beach). After passing the tavern “5 Steps in the Sand”, continue ahead and on the first crossroads (a bit before the Tourkolimnionas beach), take right and uphill. This part of the road is narrow and next to the cliff, so you should drive carefully. After a few minutes of driving, you’ll see the Klimataria beach. Follow the road under the overpass, take a left towards the beach and you’ll see Emmanuela House on the right-hand side. If you’d like to avoid the narrow road, then do not turn toward Sykia beach, but continue a few hundred meters towards Kalamitsi and turn left off the main road at the sign for Klimataria beach.
If you’re looking for accommodation on the sandy beach, with a sea view, this house is the perfect choice for you.
You can find out more about Sykia in our Tourist guide to Sithonia.
Watch a video of the location of this accommodation and the beautiful Klimataria beach in front of the accommodation on our YouTube channel:
Dejan04.03.2025 14:09:27
Poštovani da li imate slobodan termin od 26.06-06.07 u Emmanuela House za dvoje odraslih i deca 8g i 14, a da je apartman
Ana Dimitrijevic29.01.2025 14:48:49
Postovani, da li ima slobodnih mesta u bilo kom terminu u Avgustu za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece(8. i 12.god). Ostali bi 15noci,hvala
Ana Dimitrijevic29.01.2025 14:48:26
Postovani, da li ima slobodnih mesta u bilo kom terminu u Avgustu za dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece(8. i 12.god). Ostali bi 15noci,hvala
Danijel 25.01.2025 13:29:58
Potreban smestaj za dve porodice i cena?
Aleksandar22.03.2024 12:36:23
dali je pet frendli radi e maloj kuci lassa apso
elena19.03.2024 11:21:49
Postovani, dali ima slobodan termin od 03.08 do 12.08. / 9 noci za 3 odrasle osobe i 1 dete 2 god.
ljiljana petrovic11.03.2024 15:31:08
Da li ima slobodna 2 apartmana za po tri 3 osobe u periodu od 08.08?
Marija01.03.2024 07:16:23
Interesuje me da li je slododan 5 bed studio koji U spavaćoj sobi odvojenoj vratima se nalazi jedan francuski ležaj, a u drugoj su tri singl kreveta. U kupatilu je ograđeni deo za tuširanje.
Sanja11.02.2024 19:41:52
Da li je ovaj smestaj slobodan za dve porodice prva dvoje druga tvoje dece u periodu 15.07-25.07.24?
Vaska19.08.2023 12:46:55
Ako nema tuka slobodno,mozw da mi dadete ponuda na drugo mesto
Nina01.07.2023 02:10:34
Postovani, da li imate neki slobodan termin u julu i avgustu?
Jelena16.05.2023 16:27:00
Da li postoji slobodan apartman za 4 osobe u periodu od 17.07 do 30.07
Gabriela 10.05.2023 11:27:17
Postovani, dali je apartman slobodan u periodu od21.07 do 31.07.?
Snezana02.05.2023 22:36:47
Postovani, zanima me da li je smestaj slobodan od 19.8- 1.9. ? Srdacan pozdrav
Radostina Bogdanova22.03.2023 15:54:53
γειά σας! We are 12 persons - 8 adults and 4 kids(0years, 1 year, 3 years, 8 years) and we are looking for a place for all of us for the period of 3rd of July to 11th of July. The starting date is flexible, we could come earlier for example from 26th of June. Please check and find a solution for us to enjoy your beautiful place this year! Ευχαριστώ πολύ, Radostina Bogdanova
Jelena61002.07.2022 23:07:17
Postovani, interesuje me da li je smestaj slobodan od 14.8.-21.8.2022.Takodje me interesuje cena za 7 noci. Hvala!
Zoran22.06.2022 18:19:46
Poštovani, da li je slobodan termin 23.08.-30.08.2022.godine? Da li je internet uključen u cenu?
Dragana Mitrović21.06.2022 09:56:22
Poštovani, Da li je apartman slobodan u periodu od 18.07. do 29.07.2022.?
Marina10.06.2020 09:24:45
Postovani. Zanima me cena za period 22.06-02.07.2020 i da li su pet frendly. Imamo kucnog psa male rase koji se ne linja. Pozdrav
Stiven20.08.2019 13:13:39
Postovani, zanima me imate li slobodan smestaj za 5 osoba, 2 bracna para i jedan samac,za period od 03.09 do 09.09?