Toroni is a town in the south-west of Sithonia which dates back to antique times. During its history it had been reigned interchangeably by several kingdoms, from Persians to Greeks, and then by Byzantium and Turks, and it was reigned again by Greece at the beginning of 20th century. The antique Toroni was considerably damaged in 1903 when Turks used granite rocks from their constructs for getting the roads done between Thessaloniki and Istanbul. It is a very interesting fact that some parts of the old town are now sunken and are 35m away from the coast. The modern Toroni is 1km away in the north from the remaining of the old town and it has about 4000 settlers.
Toroni is a small town and one of the best destinations for families, especially with small children. A big sandy beach, a shoal, playgrounds for children on the very beach is a great combination for them.
What is the beach like in Toroni?
One of the advantages of this town is one of the longest beaches on Sithonia which a proud owner of The Blue Flag. You will be delighted by the 2,5km long beach with golden sand, and the one thing you do not have worry about at all is the crowd.
Porto Koufo, the biggest natural port in Greece, is a place in the south and it takes a 2km long walk to get to it, and for more energetic people there are a few lanes that lead to the hidden beaches and coves in the nearby surroundings. Of course, the biggest part of it can be seen by car.
Toroni is a place with fantastic sunsets, so you will be able to enjoy on the beach till the sun goes down. Classically paved promenade still does not exist, people walk along the pavement or the paved little lane by the sea. The quality of the beach is similar throughout its length and towards the end the beach gets somewhat wider.
Shops, restaurants and taverns in Toroni
In Toroni you will find several taverns on the very beach, as well as 3 supermarkets for supplies. A separate bakery does not exist, bread and rolls are bought in supermarkets. The best supplied supermarket is located somewhere in the middle part of the beach and it is a part of Dimitra Studios. And once you wish for more activities, facilities or livelier nightlife, Neos Marmaras is only 20km away.
If you are looking for good seafood, we recommend visiting Porto Koufo which is widely known for good taverns.
Toroni does not have developed nightlife, it is ideal for families with small children, for whom there are a lot of facilities.
Beaches and places around Toroni
Sarti is only a half hour’s drive away and thus facilities of this town are also easily reachable. A few minutes walk away from Toroni (although it depends on which part of the town you are staying in) is Destenika beach, famous for its beauty and golden sand. Right after Destenika there is another excellent beach, the well-known Tristinika. We also advise you to visit Kalamitsi beach, which is one of the most beautiful beaches in the northern Greece.
To check out accommodation offers in Toroni click HERE.
Watch a video clip from this beach on our Youtube channel HERE.
Aleksandar Kljunić06.02.2025 20:43:53
Potreban nam je smestaj sto blize plazi, 2 odrasla 3 dece,5,5 i 7 godina 15-25.07.2025.
Marko Simonoski31.08.2024 00:44:13
Potreban mi je smestaj za dvoje odraslih u periodu 03.09-09.09.2024 na plazi Ili blizu plaza . Hvala puno.
Katarina 03.04.2024 09:06:36
Potreban nam je smestaj za petoclanu porodicu 2 odraslih i 3 dece mesto Toroni period jul- avgust
Svetlana Miljkovic16.03.2024 13:04:39
Da li imate 2 apartmana.Jedan 2 odraslih 2 dece 16 i 11 god,drugi 2 odraslih,3 dece 15,10 i 2 god.U periodu od 6 do 20 jula 10 noci?
Maja10.02.2024 23:32:42
Potreban mi je smestaj za dvoje odraslih u periodu 20.06-30.06.2024 na plazi Ili blizu plaza . Hvala puno
PredragJasmina13.01.2024 15:47:55
U Toroniju smo letovali u periodu 24.07. - 03.08.2023. Toroni je malo i mirno mesto sa puno turista, velikom gradskom plažom i plažama Destenika i Tristinika i zalivom Porto Koufo u blizini, i kristalno čistim morem. More je prečisto verovatno iz razloga što se kanalizacija ne izliva u more, već postoje septičke jame iz kojih se kamionima sa cisternama odvozi. Jedino tada se širi neprijatan miris, dok ga vetar ne pročisti. Marketi i restorani imaju radno vreme prilagođeno porodicama sa decom (8-23h), nema noćnog provoda, a samim tim ni buke što odgovara ljudima željnih mira, tišine i odmora. U blizini Torinija postoje ostaci (ruševine) ranohrišćanske bazilike i srednjovekovne tvrđave Likitos, kao i nemački bunkeri i platforme za topove iz 2. svetskog rata na vrhu brda (rta) na ulazu u zaliv Porto Koufo. Čini nam se da bi mogli da se više urede (pokosi trava i šiblje) i malo obnove jer predstavljaju atrakciju za ljubitelje istorije. Nama je Toroni bio baza za obilazak okolnih destinacija (plaže velika i mala Lagomandra, gradska plaža u Neos Marmarasu,Paulova taverna u selu Partenonas, plaža Azapiko, zemljouz Diaporti, plaža Aretes, plaža Tristinika, plaža Destenika, zaliv Porto Koufo, plaža Kalamici, plaža Kriarici, Taverna Panorama Kalamici iznad Kalamicija. Ostalo ćemo neki sledeći put... U samom Toroniju smo uživali u hrani u tavernama Leon, Afroditi, Gyromania, Gyros Asteris i još par njih... Market Dimitra Kazepi i Express Market su prepuni raznovrsne prehrambene robe, a takođe smo kupili med od lavande i bora i maslinovo ulje od lokalnog proizvođača po Vašoj preporuci (Aleksandra Baka). Pozdrav!
Sanja Kuzmanovic23.07.2023 21:51:29
Potreban nam je smestaj od 20.08 do 28.08 Za 3 odraslih i jedno dete.
Marija Lazarević03.07.2023 10:39:13
Zainteresovani smo za smeštaj u Toroniju, blizu plaže, 10 dana u periodu od 1.08-15.08. Porodica sa dvoje dece (13 i 15 godina).
Nevena Ignjatovic25.06.2023 16:35:19
Potreban smestaj u periodu od 20-og do 28-og avgusta, 3 odrasle osobe i 2.dece(11 i 4 god)
Dalibor26.05.2023 19:43:15
Poštovani, Interesuje me termin od 19.08 do 29.08,dvoje odraslih i dvoje dece od 12 godina?
Marina25.03.2023 15:06:03
Poštovani, Potreban nam je smestaj u Toroniju za 2 odraslih i 2 dece (4 i 8 godina) u periodu od 16.08. do 26.08. Interesuje nas smestaj na plaži ili u neposrednoj blizini, sa privatnim parking mestom. U napred hvala!
Jovana 17.03.2023 06:17:28
Poštovani, Potreban nam je smestaj 2 odraslih, 2 dece u periodu 03.08. Interesuje na smestaj na plaži ili u neposrednom blizini, sa privatnim parking mestom. U napred hvala Jovana
Aleksandra Nikolic02.02.2023 11:05:15
upit za more
Elizabeta Mitrevska 24.07.2022 15:04:58
Dibar Dan Treba mi smestaj za jednu cetiriclanu porodicu blizu plaza ,dve sobe sa dva kreveta.Od 25.8 do 29.8 Toroni Molim Vas za info.Hvala pyno
Nenad02.07.2014 11:06:07
Upravo sam se vratio sa letovanja iz Toronija gde sam proveo 14 dana. Samo mesto je malo i bez previše gužve ,ima dva dobro opremljena marketa i po mom mišljenju previše taverni za ovako malo mesto( toplo bih vam preporučio tavernu Leon). Toroniju je glavni adut prelepa plaža sa kristalno čistom i toplom vodom , mir i lepo šetalište pored mora. Ko hoće da se odmori od gužve i krkljanca za njega je Toroni idealno mesto.