Beaches with natural shade
Thassos is known as the green island or floating forest. Until 30 years ago, before the fire, the most of the island was covered with pine woods. The situation changed after that, but the island has remained green.
The northeastern part of the island has the most greenery. Although many beaches have big pine forests in their rears, only a few have natural shade on the actual sand.
The most famous beach with natural shade is definitely Pachis beach. This beach is located in the northern part of the island, 8 km away from the capital Limenas. It’s sandy with a long shoal, a paradise for families with small children and for those who enjoy lying down and reading books in the shade.
The coast from Limenas to the west of the island has many beautiful beaches and most of them offer natural shade. These are Agios Vasilios (Vournelis), Tarsanas, La Scala, Papalimani, Nisteri. Skala Rachoni also has a long, sandy beach with natural shade. There’s also Ariba beach, one of our favorites, and Papu beach also near Skala Rachoni.
In the western part, the beach in Dasillio (Skala Prinos) is the only one which has natural shade, but not along its whole length. In the rear of the whole beach there are pine trees, and only in one part (before the camp) there’s shade on the beach itself (in front of Hotel Artemis).
The local beaches in Skala Potamia, Limenas and Golden Beach also have some natural shade, as well as some parts of the long coastline in Kinira and Roso Gremos beach.
According to many, the most beautiful beach with natural shade is a small bay called Glyfoneri, located just before Pachis when coming from Limenas. It’s a beautiful, sandy bay with pines that completely protect it from the sun. Out of all the beaches with natural shade, this one is our personal favorite.
Vathi beach is a hidden gem of Thassos and it’s entirety is in the shade during afternoon hours.
You can find all of the beaches that we’ve mentioned individually described with a marked location in our tourist guide HERE.
The most comprehensive offer of accommodation on Thasos island find HERE.
boki31.07.2015 07:11:20
Da li neko zna u kavkom je stanju put iz pravca Skale Potamije do Vathy plaze? Pozdrav
Maxa31.07.2015 12:23:26
Postovani, Put je jako los i ne preporucujemo Vam da idete tim putem osim kvadom koji mozete da iznajmite. Pozdrav!
Nikana31.07.2015 12:08:59
Postovani, prosle godine smo tim putem prosli i bio je los cak i za skuter.
danica milunovic13.07.2015 20:36:43
da li ovo znaci da oko Potosa nema plaza sa prirodnom hladovinom? i da li se naplacuju lezaljke u Potosu na gradskoj plazi?
Jovana14.07.2015 07:18:39
Poštovana, Najbliža plaža sa prirodnim hladom jeste Roso Gremos u jednom delu i nalazi se 2 km istočno od Potosa, i takođe u jednom delu plaže Psili Amos takođe postoji prirodan hlad. Ali veći broj plaža sa prirodnim hladom nalazi se na severu, i severo-zapadnom delu ostrva. Na gradskoj plaži u Potosu uz poručeno piće imate mogućnost korišćenja suncobrana i ležaljki. Pozdrav!
milamilos10.07.2015 17:19:20
Fali mapa sa obelezenim plazama. Pozdrav, Mila
Nikana12.07.2015 10:58:55
Postovana Mila, napisali smo da u vodicu imamo i detaljan opis i lokaciju svake plaze pojedinacno. Ako upisete u pretragu ime plaze dobicete sve te podatke. Pisite nam ako se ne snalazite.
aleksandarivko08.02.2015 15:18:53
Postovani, Preporucite nam molim Vas neki hotel i apartman pored plaze gde postoji prirodni hlad na Tasosu_ Hvala i pozdrav Aleksandar
Nikana08.02.2015 17:26:58
Pogleadajte sledece: Sapfo Bungalows, Pachis: Akti Belvedere Villa, Pachis: Astris Beach Hotel, Astris: Da li tako nesto odgovara? Najbolje je da nam pisete na mail
Jefimija13.10.2014 20:38:06
Pahis je sjajna plaža sa debelom hladovinom, skoro da imate utisak da obitavate u dve različite klime kad iz hlada izađete na sunce. Glifoneri je simpatična uvala, potpuno u hladovini, ali za nas ukus je bila suviše mala, tako da ako niste sa grupom ljudi i ako vam se ne intimizira sa ljudima na okolnim peškirima, onda je preksočite, u suprotonom je pun pogodak. Na Psiliamosu ima kafić u hladovini, recimo ako imate dete u kolicima, tu ga uspavate, a vi na miru možete da popijete frape u kafiću. Nama se najviše dopala plaža Roso Gremo. Tu moram da napomenem da je hlad do recimo 13h, posle puno zavisi od suncobrana, šatora šta već imate. Na plaži Roso Gremo je hotel Royal Paradise, koji ima sjajnu hladovinu i zanimaciju za decu. Tako da u slučaju popodnevne dečije dremke, predlažem istu tehniku kao i na Psiliamosu:-)