Pefkari beach
Beach in Pefkari consists of two parts (left part and the main one - right part).
The right part of the beach
as seen from the shore, is the holder of the Blue Flag, an international sign that is related to the cleanliness of the beach and water quality. The beach is well known for the transparency of water and is especially loved for diving and snorkeling. This beach is several hundred meters long and of medium width. Gravel is on the shore, and the water has sand, gravel, and stone slabs, which makes entering a bit hard, and sometimes with sea urchins. Part of the beach in front of Pefkari Studios is the only one part where aren’t stones. The beach is organized, full of sunbeds and umbrellas that you get them with a drink. Along the beach are arranged taverns and bars, and on the beach, there is a water sports center Albatross and the diving club Diver to Diver.
The left part of the beach
is in front of the camp Pefkari extends all the way to luxury hotel Alexandra Beach. This part of the beach is not organized along its length, so sunbeds are only set up in the part of the beach used by guests of the hotel Alexandra Beach and right part of the beach where is a beach bar Oasis. This beach is suitable for beach volleyball or tennis due to its width. In water there are gravels and small stones. The water is very clear on this part of the beach and is never crowded, partly because people do not know that it exists, partly because of its width. If you like to read alone on the beach, wait for a romantic sunset without children around and shouting neighbors who have a towel next to you, then you will like the beach in Pefkari.
Part of Pefkari beach used by the hotel guests of Aleksandra Beach hotel can be used also for all visitors who want to rent umbrellas and sunbeds or order a drink. In this part of the beach, entering into the water is quite hard because of big, sharp rocks, so there are set paths through the water leading to the sandy parts. Left beach in Pefkari is separate by one reef from right, main beach, so wherever you are staying in Pefkari both are easily accessible, so you can check on the spot which one suits you better.
In Pefkari you can enjoy beautiful sunsets, as well as in many taverns with tasty food.
Already mentioned beach bar Oasis is located close to the camp, in front of Sotiris Bungalows. It is a calm and quiet place. A real small oasis where is playing relaxing music and where sunbeds are not so close to each other and are more comfortable. Prices are a little bit higher than in other bars in Pefkari, but the location is an advantage of this bar. Entrance into the water is rocky, but because of that the water is very transparent.
To check out accommodation offers in Pefkari click HERE.
Take a look at this video clip from Pefkari on our Youtube channel.
Nenad02.09.2014 10:14:50
Lepa plaza,voda malo hladnija nego na nekim drugim plazama
Dragan16.08.2013 12:40:33
Great beach. I enjoyed chill out music in Akti Hotel's Bar, loved it. Pic related - Akti Hotel (in link)
Iva ( 18:10:53
Poštovana, Ova plaža je udaljena 1km od Potosa i možete doći peške do nje. Kada prođete hotel Alexandra beach, videćete stazicu sa leve strane kojom stižete do plaže u Pefkariju. Pozdrav
Tasana06.06.2013 14:05:55
Koliko je ova plaza daleko od centra Potosa? Moze li se lako pjeske doci do nje? :)
Mirarbi14.03.2013 22:41:47
Još jedna svežija slika Pefkarija: [attachment=759]080_2013-03-14.JPG[/attachment]
KostAna02.03.2013 17:24:50
KostAna02.03.2013 17:23:34
Mirarbi02.03.2013 17:20:04
[attachment=457]085_2013-03-02-2.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=480]Pefkari02.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=481]Pefkari03.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=458]083_2013-03-02-2.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=459]084_2013-03-02-2.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=482]Pefkari01.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=483]Pefkari04.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=484]Pefkari05.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=485]Pefkari06.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=486]Pefkari07.JPG[/attachment]
Mirarbi02.03.2013 17:16:29
[b][color=#0000ff][size=4]Pefkarijska plaža - prva, glavna uvala[/size][/color][/b] Plaža u okviru prve pefkarijske uvale, ispred niza hotela, restorana i barova, je, za moj ukus, izuzetno dobra. Duga je nekih 500 metara. Bliže hotelima, restoranima i barovima je jedan širi peščani deo, koji postepeno prelazi u srednje sitan šljunak. Šljunak je i u vodi, duž celog plićaka, sa po kojim većim, oblim kamenom i pločastim stenama. More je uvek čisto i prozirno, upravo zbog toga što u plićaku nema peska koga bi talasi podigli i zamutili ga. Od ulaska u vodu dubina se postepeno povećava. Na nekoliko metara od obale dubina je već preko dva metra, tako da nema onog dosadnog pešačenja po plićaku do dubine pogodne za plivanje. Na obodima uvale su stenoviti delovi, istina sa po kojim ježom, tako da savetujem oprez. Ipak, prisustvo ježeva garantuje vrhunski kvalitet mora, jer je poznato da oni biraju plaže gde je ono najčistije. Na ovoj plaži nikada nema nečistoće, nanete morske trave, pene po površini vode i sl. Na raspolaganju su vam slamnati ili platneni suncobrani i ležaljke. Postoje i tuševi i drvene kabine za presvlačenje. [attachment=417]015_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - prva, glavna pefkarijska uvala Plaža je od 2006. godine dobila i tzv. plavu zastavicu, što dodatno potvrđuje da je uređena, kvalitetna i čista. [attachment=418]016_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - centralni deo plaže, ispred hotela „Akti“ Smatram da je posebna prednost to što na ovoj plaži nikada nije gužva. Uvek možete da nađete jedan deo samo za sebe, ukoliko to želite. Takođe, slobodno možete da raširite svoje ležaljke, plažne stolice, peškire, suncobrane, čak i uz sam ulaz u vodu, jer mesta ima uvek. U ovoj prvoj uvali, na samoj plaži, postoji i centar za sportove na vodi „Albatross“. Tu možete da iznajmite motorni čamac, skuter, pedalinu, kanu... Možete da platite vožnju u specijalnom čamcu sa staklenim dnom, da se vozite na banani ili gumenim kolutovima koje vuče gliser, ili da letite padobranom, sami ili u paru, a da vas pritom vuče čamac. U Pefkariju, u sastavu hotela „Green velvet“, postoji i ronilački centar, u okviru kojeg je organizovana i škola ronjenja. [attachment=419]017_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - centar za sportove na vodi „Albatross“ [attachment=420]018_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - cenovnik „Albatross“-a [attachment=421]40.JPG[/attachment] - plaža kod „Albatross“-a [attachment=422]019_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - plaža kod „Albatross“-a [attachment=423]020_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - obod prve uvale, u pravcu ka Limenariji [b][color=#0000ff][size=4]Pefkarijska plaža - druga uvala, ispred kampa i hotela „Alexandra beach“[/size][/color][/b] Uz drugu uvalu, u pravcu prema Potosu, smešten je internacionalni kamp i u produžetku hotelski kompleks „Alexandra beach“. Prvi deo ove uvale, ispred kampa, je lep, sa prozirnim morem i pristupačnim ulazom u njega (bez klizavih, pločastih stena). Kako idete dalje ka Potosu, ka pomenutom hotelu „Alexandra beach“, plaža postaje sve lošija, a more sve mutnije. Ležaljki i suncobrana za iznajmljivanje, kao ni tuševa i kabina za presvlačenje (osim ispred hotela „Alexandra beach“), u ovom delu nema. [attachment=424]45.JPG[/attachment] - plaža ispred kampa [attachment=425]46.JPG[/attachment] - plaža ispred kampa [attachment=426]041_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - plaža hotela "Alexandra beach" [attachment=427]057_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - plaža hotela "Alexandra beach" [attachment=428]058_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - plaža hotela "Alexandra beach" [attachment=429]059_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - plaža hotela "Alexandra beach" [attachment=430]060_2013-03-02.JPG[/attachment] - plaža hotela "Alexandra beach"
Jelenabata08.02.2013 19:40:36
I naravno video: