Alyki beach
Alyki is a lovely bay and one of the most beautiful beaches on the island.
There are actually two beaches with the same name Alyki - the famous one and visible from the highway, and the windy bay of Alyki near the archaeological site.
Main Alyki cove is a narrow, sandy beach with amazing turquoise color of the sea. This is the most visited beach and only one beach with swimmers from April till the end of October. During July and August, this beach is very crowded, especially during weekends when the island is visited by Greeks from the mainland and for this reason, we advise you to set your tour plan for the island avoiding Saturdays or Sundays on Alyki.
The beach is organized, full of sunbeds and umbrellas. As the charging policy changes from season to season, we recommend you ask what the situation is when you arrive at the beach and before settling somewhere. This 2022 season, in most bars you can use a set with the ordered drink, while in some it is charged, so be sure to check before you sit down.
Alyki is known for very fine sand, like flour, both on the coast and in the water. The depth of the water gradually increases making it ideal for children, as well as for swimmers, because the shallow water does not extend too far. The water is so clear that even at great depths you can see the bottom and the great diversity of sea life. In the left part of the beach is natural shade and as well as stones in the water.
In recent years, sea currents have carried sand from the beach, so now the entrance to the sea is rocky in some parts. When entering the water, there are large and small stones, but despite that, the entrance is easy. The entrance is not the same on the entire beach, so you can also find a part where there is only a sandy bottom.
Alyki is a diving and snorkelling paradise.
There are plenty of flat rocks on the right side of the beach where you can sunbathe. About 100 meters from the quiet bay, you will see a small chapel in the rocks dedicated to the Blessed Virgin.
On the backside of the beach and along the highway at the expansions, there are places for parking cars. Since the beach is very crowded, it happens that it is very difficult to find a free parking space, so we recommend you to go early in the morning to Alyki.
There is a narrow path leading to another bay, so-called “windy Alyki bay”. If you have the time it is nice to take a walk along this trail and get to another beach. If you do not have time to take a long walk on the sun, then you can reach the windy bay by taking a shortcut through the gate directly behind the restaurants in Alyki bay. This trail will take you to the windy cove and the ancient archaeological site and a very picturesque area.
There is usually without a crowd on the windy bay. The beach is not mostly sandy and does not have a safe bottom because of the sharp and slippery rocks, so it is not recommended for children but it is suitable for divers. Only the left part of the bay is sandy. Not everyone likes this quaint beach, so it’s best to go by yourself and take a closer look if it suits you for swimming or not. It is surrounded by rocks and walls that representing an ancient settlement, unusual benches, trees.
To check out accommodation offers in Alyki click HERE.
Take a look at this video clip from Alyki on our Youtube channel.
Tanja15.09.2022 12:56:50
Plaža jeste prelepa, ali uslovljavanje sa ležaljkama mi se ne dopada. Prvo vam kažu da su ležaljke besplatne sa pićem, a onda vam traže 10 evra za te iste ležaljke sa suncobranom jer, iako ste potrošili 20 evra na razna pića i kafe, "niste ručali." Ali to saznate tek kad tražite račun. Inače ležaljke su ma 2 cm jedna od druge, ne hvala. Ima boljih plaža koje zapljuskuje isto to more
Dusica28.07.2014 15:16:45
Nismo bili odusevljeni plazom,velika je guzva,puno lezaljki,i u obavezi ste da u restoranu rucate i popijete pice lezaljka je 15 eur-a.
Danijela16.07.2014 20:36:59
Bez suvisnih opisa..jednom recju savrseno!!!
Marija06.05.2014 21:01:33
Po mom misljenju najlepsa plaza koju sam ikada videla.blizu je Potosu,nekih 15 minuta kolima,,a kada dolazite do nje videcete je iz vAsih automobila..nemoguce je ostati ravnodusan.Ima neku prelepu,fanatsticnu boju ,tirkizno cista voda.Plaza ima dva ili tri kafica,mi smo sedeli na zadnjem delu plaze gde je restoran sa veoma visokim cenama.moja deca su uzivala u dugom plicaku,sa grckom muzikom u pozadini osecala sam se fantasticno,,,pogledajte slike one govore vise od reci....bili smo 4 puta na Tasosu i uvek moram da dodjemo do Aliki plaze jer mi je tek tada letovanje upotpunjeno.....Ljudi ne zaobilazite ovu plazu nikako!!!!
Jelenabata01.04.2014 14:46:05
Divlja (treća) uvala Alikija, koja se nalazi iza vetrovite uvale:
Adam16.08.2013 12:24:08
Nice, small, sandy beach with couple of bars with sunbeds and umbrellas. Koala Bar is really good. There are a lot of cats on this beach :)
Ljubivoje09.08.2013 08:34:14
Bili smo na ovoj plazi kada je bio radni dan ali svejedno, ogromna guzva a + je doslo i par autobusa organizovano. Mozda je ova plaza bila nesto izuzetno dok nije komercijalizovana, sada je tu lezaljka do lezaljke i svi uslovljavaju sa ruckom u njihovom restoranu, hvala lepo, dovidjenja. Ali, ne treba se razocarati jer sledi nagrada. Prodjite kroz plazu i onda uzbrdo stazom kroz borovu sumu i tako sve do kompleksa sa iskopinama. Prizor je fenomenalan! Ko je malo hrabriji moze se spustiti niz stene, desno neposredno pre iskopina, do pecine i tu su stene tako formirane da ima hladovine a moze se i skakati u nestvarno bistru vodu, dozivljaj koji mi je obelezio boravak na Tasosu.
Uros15.06.2013 16:01:34
ovo sam nasao na internetu, nadam se da ce pomoci.
Branislava12.06.2013 13:10:44
Hvala puno.
Iva ( 13:04:22
Postovana Branislava, Iz Potosa ima autobus do Aliki plaze. Red voznje mozete naci na trafici na raskrsnici u Potosu, a kartu mozete da kupite ili na trafici ili u autobusu. Karta ne bi trebala da bude vise od 3e. Pozdrav
Branislava12.06.2013 12:12:27
Da li ima autobus iz Potosa do ove plaze i kolika je cena karte ?
Predrag28.03.2013 17:48:20
Predrag28.03.2013 17:47:19
Predrag28.03.2013 17:39:56
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Predrag28.03.2013 17:26:23
Aliki: arheolosko nalaziste i plaza: [attachment=973]Slika101.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=974]Slika102.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=975]Slika103.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=976]Slika104.JPG[/attachment]
Mirarbi14.03.2013 22:26:39
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Mirarbi11.03.2013 16:45:03
Divlja (treća) uvala Alikija, koja se nalazi iza vetrovite uvale: [attachment=717]Aliki-divljauvala01.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=718]Aliki-divljauvala02.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=719]Aliki-divljauvala03.JPG[/attachment]
Mirarbi16.02.2013 19:57:41
Moji prvi pravi video radovi: [b][size=5][color=#4400ff]UŽIVAJTE!!![/color][/size][/b]
Jelenabata21.12.2012 16:47:40
Video sa "uputstvom za upotrebu"
Mirarbi18.12.2012 21:12:55
Moje viđenje Alikija: [b][size=4][color=#0000ff]Aliki[/color][/size][/b] Aliki je „raj na zemlji“. Tu postoje dve uvale, okružene brežuljcima sa bujnom borovom šumom i oleanderima: jedna vetrovita, sa nemirnim morem i visokim talasima, i druga, potpuna suprotnost prvoj, mirna uvala, bez vetra i talasa. Naravno, većina turista boravi u mirnoj uvali. Tu je more tirkizno plavo, prozirno do samog dna, čak i na velikim dubinama (idealno za ronjenje) i neobično toplo. Poželite da nikada ne izađete iz vode. Na obali je sitan šljunak pomešan sa belim peskom. Postoji nekoliko taverni duž cele plaže, u kojima se pretežno služe morski specijaliteti, kao i jedna prodavnica. Aliki nije mesto u kojem možete odsesti, nema hotela i privatnih kuća sa sobama za iznajmljivanje (ili su takve kuće retke). To su dakle dve predivne uvale, do kojih brojni turisti odlaze automobilima ili autobusom na jednodnevni izlet, tačnije jednodnevno uživanje koje ćete pamtiti čitavog života. Moram napomenuti da je veliki minus to što zadnji autobus sa Alikija u pravcu Limenarije kreće u 17 časova i 15 minuta, tako da ćete svoj izlet, ukoliko dođete autobusom, morati da prekinete baš kad je najlepše. Velika šteta. [b]Priložene fotografije:[/b] [attachment=256]47.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=257]48.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=258]49.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=259]50.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=260]51.JPG[/attachment] [attachment=261]52.JPG[/attachment]
armus biljana19.08.2012 12:43:37
lezaljke se naplacuju po principu kako se ko dopadne gazdarici mi se ove godine nismo dopali pa platili 7e sramota
Nikana14.08.2012 08:12:42
Mozda je to nesto od ove godine, do sada su bile besplatne. Ocigledno je kriza udarila :-)
Dika13.08.2012 19:43:18
Plaza je lepa,voda je ekstra ali lezaljke i suncobrani ispod Koale nisu za "dz" nego 7 eura!