All the answers to your questions regarding a vacation on Kassandra are available in one place: the most beautiful beaches, beaches with shallow waters for children, which place to choose for your vacation, and much more that can help you plan your vacation on Kassandra.

If you are going to Kassandra for the first time and wondering what to visit, which beaches to go to, and what not to miss…

If you are vacationing on Kassandra for the first time, we recommend visiting:
Some of the most famous beaches: Ksenija, Golden Beach, Egeopelagitika, Sani Beach known for its luxury hotel complex…
The charming village of Siviri with a beautiful promenade and numerous taverns;
Authentic Afitos, a place with stone houses and narrow streets. We recommend enjoying the phenomenal sea view from this cliffside location.
Hanioti for evening strolls along streets filled with activities and attractions for tourists;
For entertainment and nightlife, Kallithea is the right place.
For more information about Kassandra, check the link HERE.

Vacationing with children on Kassandra

If you are vacationing with children on Kassandra, read the tips on which place to choose and which beaches have a gradual entry into the sea, shallow waters, sand, and natural shade, making them suitable for children.

Best beaches for a vacation with children on Kassandra

Kassandra has beaches that are extremely beautiful for children. In our opinion, the most beautiful beach on Kassandra is the unnamed beach near Kriopigi. It can be reached by steep stairs, but it’s worth it. This beach has natural shade and fine sand, with a gradual depth. The beach is located below Eos Luxury Suites.

Other beaches may not have natural shade, but they are suitable for children because they have a long shallow area and fine sand, such as:
-The city beach in Kallithea (between Zevs and Margarita hotels),
-Ksenija beach, the city beach in Siviri,
-The beach in front of the Sani Resort, and
-Egeopelagitika beach.

For more detailed information about beaches suitable for children check HERE.

Which place to choose for a vacation with children on Kassandra?

There are several resorts on Kassandra that are suitable for families with young children. We think Kalithea and Siviri might be the best choices, but popular places like Hanioti, Polihrono, and Pefkohori are also family-friendly, although more crowded.
Skala Furka and Siviri are ideal for smaller children. The towns themselves do not have many amenities, but Kalithea is nearby. Kalithea itself has a fantastic beach with a very long shallow area. The drawback is that most accommodations are away from the beach, but if you secure accommodation by the beach, then Kalithea may be the best choice on Kassandra.
Possidi also has a nice beach, and the place is very peaceful.
If a long shallow area is less important to you, but you want plenty of amenities for both children and adults, then choose Hanioti and Pefkohori.
Polihrono is a slightly quieter place, while Hanioti is livelier and more beautiful, with more amenities. The beaches are similar, narrow in both towns.
Nea Flogita has a sandy beach with a gradual depth. Nea Flogita has everything you need for a vacation, such as restaurants, shops, promenade, and a decent beach. The sea is not as turquoise as in Halkidiki, but it’s clean. Sometimes it can get a bit muddy after rain and during peak crowds, but overall, it’s a pleasant place for a family vacation. The sea is not turquoise, but it’s clean, making it a pleasant place for a family vacation.

Visit the following link for the complete list of accommodations in Kasandra HERE.

Less crowded places

During the season, almost everywhere in Kassandra is noisy and crowded.
Egeopelagitika Beach in Posidi is slightly less crowded, so it’s quieter there, or on the outskirts of the resorts between Hanioti and Polychrono, outside Pefkohori. Therefore, it’s best to be outside the towns to have a peaceful beach experience during the peak season.
Read more in our article: Family Vacation in Greece, where you can find a list of medical centers in popular resorts and other information and recommendations.

TOP 8 the Most Beautiful Beaches in Kassandra

Sani Beach: With white sand, shallow waters, and turquoise sea. The only part available to non-guests of the resort is in front of the Anemos café.
Siviri Beach: Known for its long beach and fine sand, it’s ideal for families with children.
Aigeopelagitika Beach: A sandy beach with a gradual depth and calm waters due to its sheltered location.
Possidi Cape (Faros) Beach: A sandy spit that extends deep into the sea. Caution is advised on this beach due to strong currents.
Chrousso Bay, also known as Xenia or Paliuri Beach: A large beach with many bars. It’s famous for its fine, flour-like sand and a very long shallow area that stretches up to 30m into the water.
Golden Beach: Located in a sheltered area, so there are no waves or wind. The water is unbelievably clean and calm, with a forest behind the beach. There is little natural shade on the beach, but it’s best to arrive early. The depth gradually increases, making it suitable for families with children.
About a kilometer after Kriopigi towards Kalithea, below Eos Luxury Suites, there is a beautiful beach. It feels cool and pleasant even during the hottest temperatures, and there is shade in the water, making it suitable for young children who you would like to protect from strong sun exposure.

Kalithea has one of the most beautiful beaches in Kassandra. The beach is long, with a shallow area extending several tens of meters, and the color of the sea is turquoise. The sand is very fine and soft, and the water is clear and transparent.
For more information about the most beautiful beaches in Kassandra, please visit the website HERE.

Beaches with natural shade

There are very few beaches with natural shade in Kassandra. Our favorite is in Kriopigi, and it’s practically the only one. The most beautiful part of the beach is below the Eos Luxury Suites, but access to it is a bit steep. There is also some minimal natural shade from rocks on Elani Beach, and occasionally a few trees on other beaches, but very limited. Unfortunately, Kassandra is overly developed.

Which place to choose for a vacation in Kassandra?

Do you want to stay in a place with lively entertainment or in a place that offers a more peaceful environment? The answers to these questions will help you choose a place that suits your preferences.

Which place offers good entertainment for young people?

Kalithea is the best option for young people as it houses the largest nightclubs in Halkidiki. Since the nightclubs only operate on weekends, young people often choose Pefkohori, which is one of the liveliest places with many bars and activities for young people. Daytime parties take place in beach bars in Paljur, so we recommend Paljur for the day and Kalithea for the night. If you are young but want a peaceful vacation, then Afitos, which is romantic but not by the sea, is a good choice, as well as Hanioti or Pefkohori.

Which place is the most beautiful for a vacation?

For visits and strolls, Afitos is recommended, while Siviri is ideal for a peaceful vacation.
If you want a slightly livelier vacation, it depends on the location of your accommodation.
For example, Kalithea if you find accommodation by the beach, not on the hill above, or Pefkohori if the accommodation has parking and you are not in the peak season. Hanioti is a good choice if you are slightly outside the town towards Polihrono, where it’s less crowded. Almost all places have their advantages and disadvantages.
Almost all places in Kassandra have plenty of restaurants and accommodations right by the beach.
Pefkohori is the largest and offers the widest selection of accommodations and restaurants.
Polihrono is a small but popular place for a peaceful vacation. It has a decent beach and everything you need for a family vacation. In Polihrono, there is a public parking lot at the end of the town, towards Hanioti. Parking is free, but during the peak season, it can get crowded. Parking in Kassandra, in general, is a problem.
Nea Fourka is a very small place with limited facilities, but it is good for a peaceful vacation. There is no green market. The closest green market is in Kassandra on Tuesdays. The beach is beautiful for a town beach, sandy, and you can really relax in this place.
Nea Skioni is a small fishing village, as the Greeks would say. It is not very popular and doesn’t have a lot of accommodations, so it’s not as crowded as the more popular places. The beach is average, and the water is not turquoise. The crowds start to pick up slowly from June 20th, but the biggest chaos begins in mid-July.
Possidi is a very small place with limited facilities, although it has a couple of good restaurants right on the shore. It is nice for walks and a really peaceful vacation. The town beach is not bad, and just two kilometers from Posidi is Egeopelagitika, a very beautiful and long beach. Posidi Cape is also nearby. All in all, it’s a very small place for a truly tranquil vacation.
Kalithea has the best town beach, clean and calm water, fine sand. The only downside is that most accommodations are on the hill above the beach. But the town itself is beautiful, with plenty of amenities (shops, restaurants). The downside is that it doesn’t have a seaside promenade. Kalithea is close to Afitos, the most beautiful place in Halkidiki, so we believe you will often go there in the evenings as it has a unique atmosphere. Kalithea has the best clubs, and Hanioti and Siviri are nearby if you want some variety.
Dionisiou is a good place for a quiet family vacation, without too much crowding.
Check our comprehensive tourist guide for more information HERE.

You can check our accommodation offers in Kassandra by clicking HERE.

What to visit and what excursions are there?

From Kassandra you can go on cruises to Sithonia (to Neos Marmaras), then Kassandra and swimming on lesser-known beaches and wild coves, or on a cruise to Mount Athos.
There are also boat tours, to Nea Moudania, visiting the whole of Kassandra. Read more here.
You can also visit traditional villages and enjoy the local atmosphere and local cuisine.
If you like to enjoy Greek cuisine and visit restaurants, here you can see which ones we liked and which ones we recommend.

What to choose for a vacation, Kassandra or Sithonia?

Well, if you expect beautiful beaches like Sithonia You will not find them. Kassandra is more crowded, more urbanized, and finding parking in many places is impossible. On the other hand, the towns are livelier with a greater variety of amenities, but in our opinion, Sithonia is much more beautiful than Kassandra.

What to visit in Kassandra?

The best restaurants in Kassandra Our favorite café and restaurant is Vila Stasa with the most beautiful view (although a storm knocked down a few pine trees). Here are a few more Cafes and restaurants with our recommendation .
Prices in restaurants range from €7 and up for main courses, while gyros is between €3.5 and €4. Prices are not expected to change significantly by summer. They are approximately the same as in Belgrade.

Nature reserves in Kassandra

There is a pond called Mavrobara that can be reached by car. The road is partly dirt and dusty at the beginning, but it gets better afterward. The pond is small, and you can see and feed different types of turtles there. There is no shade, and it’s not interesting to go on foot as there is no forest. The villages in this area are interesting and not touristy.
There is also the Agios Mamas marsh towards Sithonia. It’s a place for bird watching.

What to do if we need a doctor in Kassandra ?

We advise you to always consult with the insurance company where you purchased your insurance and inquire about the recommended doctor to visit.
The list in link below includes doctors and clinics in all major resorts in Kassandra, along with location descriptions and contact information.
You can find information about doctors and clinics at this link: Doctors and clinics in Kassandra.

Supply, stores and supermarkets in Kassandra

There are large Lidl supermarkets near Kalithea and in Nea Moudania.
You can find a list of all Lidl locations in the most popular resorts in our article at the following link.
In addition to the two large Lidl supermarkets, there are Masoutis stores (well-stocked, especially with Greek products) in Nea Moudania, Kalithea, Hanioti, Pefkohori, Skala Furka, and at the entrance to Siviri.
For more information about supplies in Kassandra, see HERE.

Markets and green market days in Kassandra

Interestingly, there are no open-air markets in popular resorts in Kassandra. Therefore, residents of Pefkohori, Hanioti, and other tourist destinations go to Kassandreia, where the market day is on Tuesdays.
In Nea Moudania, the market opens on Wednesdays, and in Nea Kalikratia, it’s on Tuesdays.
You can find recommendations from local small producers where you can buy quality olive oil and other local products at the following link HERE.

Shopping in Kassandra

Compared to the large shopping centers on the way to Kassandra, there are not many shopping options in well-known resorts. If you plan to go shopping on the way to the sea or on your way back home, there are large megastores (Mediterranean Cosmos, Mega Outlet, One Salonica, Jumbo) on the road to Thessaloniki, and they are well-stocked.
In our article, you can read more about megastores and find their addresses and working hours at the following link HERE.

Transportation on Kassandra if you’re vacationing without your own vehicle

Taxi fares on Kassandra

For tourists vacationing on Kassandra who are considering using taxis to visit beaches, here are the current taxi fare prices.
The meter starts at €1.8, and then you pay based on the distance traveled. The rate is €0.9 per kilometer within the city or €1.25 per kilometer outside the city. Waiting time at traffic lights or in general is also charged, and the official rate for that is €15 per hour, although some taxi drivers may not charge for it.
The problem on Kassandra is that in July and August, as well as during weekends in other months (Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, Sunday), there can be a lot of delays and traffic congestion, and sometimes taxis are unable to pick up passengers or get stuck in traffic. We don’t have much experience with taxi drivers on Kassandra, so unfortunately, we don’t have a recommendation but we will provide you with a list of some taxi stations:
-Taxi Kassandra Kallithea +306993198920
-Extravagant Taxi Transfers Halkidiki +306981175857
-Taxi Polichrono +306980676788
-Taxi Halkidiki +306977227596
-PrimeTaxi - Transfers & Tours +306972989924

How to explore Kassandra using local bus transportation?

If you’re vacationing without your own transportation, you can visit other towns and beaches in Halkidiki using local bus transportation. KTEL (Interurban Bus Service) buses operate regular daily routes throughout the year. There are two main bus lines that cover Kassandra. The first line covers the eastern part of the first leg, while the second line covers the western part.
In our text Local bus transportation on Kassandra, you can find the contact information for KTEL bus transportation, a list of all the stations with their codes, as well as a link to track the buses in real time, which can help you plan visits to other towns and beaches on Kassandra.

Sea temperatures – Can you swim in May and June on Kassandra?

The weather during this period and the sea temperature are frequently asked questions. Unfortunately, we can’t know the answer because there are no consistent patterns in recent years. Vacationing in the pre-season always carries some risk. It’s important to know that in June, you must bring warm clothing, sneakers, and lighter jackets for evening walks.
September on Kassandra is still full of tourists, and the water is warm. The average sea temperature in September in Halkidiki is 24.9°C.
The sea in June is usually warm, and it’s generally a great time for a vacation. The average sea temperature in June is 24.4°C.
You can check the average sea temperatures in Greece HERE.
Read about the weather during the off-season HERE.
Here you can find the complete accommodation offer on Kassandra.
In our the most comprehensive Guide you can find a lot more information about each town and beach, as well as the route to Kassandra.

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