Which place to choose on Thassos: Limenas, Limenaria or Potos
One of the most frequent question we get from tourists is: “What village is the best to stay in Thassos”. There are few correct answers on it, depends of your expectations.
Do we recommend a vacation in Limenas? Absolutely yes!
Limenas: The capital and largest city, of course, has the largest selection of shops, cafes, restaurants, car rental agencies, doctor’s offices, banks…
In Limenas is a ferry port so there is no additional travel (to the south of the island - Limenaria and Potos, another 45-50km).
The city beach is OK, and the closest beaches are some of the best on the island, La Scala, Nisteri, Paradise beach (15km), Makryammos (2km), Marble beach (6km), Pachis beach (10km) and Golden Beach (12km). Just 8km away is the beautiful Panagia village.
Note: Given that there is a ferry dock in the center of the city and that the city beach is a little removed from the center, there are no many apartments and hotels that are next to the beach.
Limenas is not a small town where you can, wherever you are located, get to the beach in a few minutes and come back. Also, when choosing apartments or hotels in Limenas, you should pay attention to the fact that the distance from the sea is not the same as the distance from the beach. There are apartments that are 50m from the sea (dock), but 1km from the beach. The beach to the right of the pier is narrow and mostly rocky, while the city beach near the old port is better and it is at the very other end of the city from the pier. There are many apartments that are written in brochures and presentations as being 200m from the beach or a 2-minute walk away, but this is often the distance from a worse beach. So, if it is important for you that the beach near the accommodation is sandy, then choose accommodation near the old port, not the new one. If you are planning to do island hopping which we highly recommend, then the whole of Limenas is a good choice as a base, no matter where you are staying.
Of course, it would be a great pity to have a swim all ten days on the beach in Limenas. So you wouldn’t see the color and transparency of the water that Thassos is known for.
The most comprehensive offer of accommodation in Limenas find HERE.
South side of the island
The advantage of staying in the south of the island is the small distance between Potos and Limenaria, so you can easily use all that these two places have to offer you.
What is Limenaria like for a vacation?
Limenaria is the perfect place for everyone who wants to rest first of all. In Limenaria is almost never crowded. This place has a long promenade by the sea. For its most part, the beach has a problematic entry into the water, but it is so long that it provides much more privacy than other city beaches.
People who decided for Limenaria have three options for swimming.
The first is a small city beach. It is located in the center and is really small but decent, especially in June and September when there are no crowds. One part of it is with sandy and gradual entry into the water.
Another option is the beach located to the right of the city center, at the end of the promenade. This beach is 2km long and is sandy on the coast, but the entrance to the water is mostly rocky. Since the beach is long, you can walk along with it and find the part with the sandy entry. The sandy entrance is known for the part of the beach in front of the Grand Beach Hotel, which is located one kilometer from the beginning of the beach. Along the beach are bars with sunbeds and umbrellas that can be used with an ordered drink. Some of its parts are ideal for isolation, reading in peace and quiet, without children’s noise, but it is best to use only during breaks from tours of much better and more beautiful beaches on the island.
The third option for swimming in Limenaria is Metalia Beach. It is located behind the hill where Palataki is. It is about twenty minutes walk from the center of Limenaria, actually the minutes depend on your fitness, because in order to reach the beach you need to climb the hill and then go down it, and it can take a long time if you are not skillful, or if you are with children. This beach is not suitable for children because of the large slippery stone plates and sea urchins. It is ideal for those who want peace and quiet, clean water and swimming. The beach is located in a really beautiful place, ideal for relaxing with a book.
If the beach is, let’s say, the biggest disadvantage of Limenaria, then the advantage is that it is never crowded in the city and on the beaches. Limenaria has a large promenade, especially in comparison to Potos, a large number of restaurants where you can enjoy food with quiet music, which is not the case with restaurants in Potos, which are mainly located on the coast, near noisy cafes.
The most comprehensive offer of accommodation in Limenaria find HERE.
Vacation in Potos
If you love a lively place and a bit of a noise atmosphere then Potos is the right choice for you. In Potos you will come across crowds, noise, liveliness, music, full cafes and restaurants along the shore.
The beach is better than the beach in Limenaria. It is long and mostly sandy, with gradual and sandy entry into the water. It connects to the sandy beach of San Antonio. The advantage of Potos is that is close to very beautiful beaches such as the beach in Pefkari (less than 2 kilometers from the center of Potos), one of the most beautiful beaches on Thassos - Psili Ammos (4km), San Antonio (connected with city beach), Notos (2km), Roso Gremos (2km). The beautiful Theologos village is only 10km away from the center of Potos.
This place is perfect for lovers of static holidays because it offers everything you need for one summer, so you don’t have to go to other places.
Potos disadvantage is a small promenade full of cafes, without space for walking. Another disadvantage might be that restaurants and cafes are connected, so you hear loud music whether you’re out for a nightlife or out for dinner.
When we summarize everything we have written, we can say in one sentence that Limenas is the best choice if you want the most content, Limenaria if you want a peaceful summer without crowds, and Potos if you want liveliness and a place with a soul.
The most comprehensive offer of accommodation in Potos find HERE.
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Carpetpqq09.02.2025 05:47:59
One of the most skilled calligraphers
Petra14.06.2024 11:37:10
Koliko ima pesice da se ide iz Limenarije do Potosa i kako je prevoz obezbedjen
Milan01.07.2023 18:23:35
Limenarija ima jedno 50 kafića i za 10 dana letovanja nemoguće je sve ih obići. Problem je plaža, na oko 2 kilometra obale postoje samo 2 tuša, od kojih je prvi na samom početku ispod jedne kamene stene gde počinje marina za glisere a drugi kilometar dalje i visine je samo za decu. Plaža je inače ništa posebno, krajem juna već je prljava, sa konzervama, plastičnim tubama od kečapa, čak ima i stakla. Pitam se šta će biti krajem avgusta. Najbolje mesto za plivanje je kod te marine za glisere, najčistija je i nema talasa, za razliku od glavne plaže. Iskreno, Limenarija je mesto za provod, zbog svih tih kafića, a nije za plivanje i sunčanje.
Dragan06.07.2015 13:56:49
Poštovani da li ima mesta za period od 29.08-06.09. za dvokrevetni studio u prizemlju?
Nataša (Nikana.gr)12.08.2014 13:20:48
Postovani, ima mesta takon da mozete popuniti upit za dvokrevetni studio :) Na sajtu imate cenovnik mada ce vam ukupna cena izaci prilikom popunjavanja upita. Pozdrav
Anoniman12.08.2014 13:08:36
Da li ima slobodnih studija od 16-26 avgusta, i koja bi bila cena za nas troje *dvoje odraslih i dete od godinu dana - 19.08 puni dve godine, ne treba dodatni lezaj.. Hvala, Pozdrav
Anonymous04.07.2013 22:05:36
Postovana, Da li ima slobodnih mesta za perid od 05-18.avgusta u dvokrevetnom i trokrevetnom studiju u prizemlju? Takodje me interesuje da li postoji neki poseban razlog sto su jeftiniji od onih na spratu? Hvala unapred
Milos13.04.2012 20:10:21
Molim Vas da mi kazete da li imate slobodan smestaj u terminu 05.07 do 14.07 za porodicu sa troje dece Hvala
Kiza i Maca22.02.2012 16:16:17
Bili prosle godine...smestaj je fantastican...a Nikolas je skroz cool tip....samo ga zeza engleski..;-);-);-);-) Razmisljamo da idemo i ove godine...
Branislav Janjić18.01.2012 11:22:11
Draga Ana,<br /><br />imam jednu nedoumicu u vezi tvog teksta "Anastasia Villa 1 ". U njemu kažeš u delu Opisa objekta: "Gostima je na raspolaganju 9 smeštajnih jedinica i to: 3 trokrevetna studija (na spratu), 5 dvokrevetnih studija (u prizemlju) i 1 četvorokrevetni apartman (na spratu)" , a u delu Tipovi soba i cene stoji cena za dvokrevetni studio na spratu. Moje pitanje je: da li postoji u ovom objektu dvokrevetni studio na spratu ? Ako postoji, ja bih rezervisao minimum 15 dana , krajem juna, početkom jula, a o tome bi se dalje dogovorili.... Pozdrav iz Novog Sada !
Igor 14.07.2011 15:03:27
Molim Vas da mi kažete koja je cena po noćenju za trokrevetni studio u periodu od 24.7. do 3.8. 2011. Pozdrav