A circle arround the island, Part 2
We continue our circle around the island…
We have reached the Blue Dream Palace hotel and are moving on to Skala Maries (Marion). It is 4km from Trypiti. We approach the Skala and instead of passing it by turning right, we continue moving forward (actually, we slide left) in order to pass through the place, and that way gets back on the main road.
As we have previously mentioned, at the entrance into the place, you can see the small beach on the left, it’s called Atspas or Sugar beach.
It’s nice to take a walk along with the place, as we have already written somewhere, and then take the only road leading into the village. It is a small place, so we are quite sure you will find your way out and back onto the main road and continue towards Limenas. At the exit of the place, there is a sandy Sunset beach. Actually, once you are back on the main road, you can turn either left or right. Limenas is on the left, and the road towards Limenaria is on the right, as well as Maries village, the lake, the monastery…
You go left to make a circle around the island. If you wish to see other small villages, besides Potos, Limenaria and Limenas, there are plenty of them along with that part of the road. We are sure you will find nice beaches, wild ones as well the public ones, nice hotels…
On the way to Limenas, you pass through Skala Kallirahi, Skala Sotiros, Skala Prinos, Skala Rachoni. As you enter Prinos, at the central intersection, the road to the right leads to the village of Kazavati, which is a must-visit if you like beautiful nature and authentic, small places.
There is a State Health Center in Prinos, where checkups are free. All you need is a passport. If you drive to the port in Skala Prinos, 2km to the left of the port you will find a very nice area of Dasilio, full of greenery, pine forests and shade, beautiful beaches with natural shade, and there is a Ilio Mare hotel with a very pleasant garden where you can take a break and have a drink.
In Skala Rahoni, next to the highway, is the largest supermarket in the island - Latsouris.
On 35-40km from Limenaria and 2km after the big supermarket in Skala Rachoni, or 8km before Limenas is Pachis beach, a famous sandy beach with natural shade.
Just after Pachis beach is a small beach with a natural shade of Glyfoneri. To get there it is important to follow the signs for the Glyfoneri Tavern, as it is located right on the beach.
From Pahis to Limenas you are 10km. Along the way you will see several interesting beaches and bays: Papalimani, Glyfada, Glykadi, Nisteri, Tarsanas and the most famous La Scala which you should visit if you like more urban beaches, with nice bar, music and good service.
Papalimani and Nisteri are also beautiful sandy beaches.
The most comprehensive offer of accommodation on Thassos find HERE.
Anonymous17.01.2010 21:56:47
Pa mislim da je jako povoljno i da cete biti zadovoljni! Da sam na vasem mestu ne bih cekala sajam turizma. Cak i ako bude neka ponuda niza od ove ne moze biti znacajno niza, mada s druge strane smatram da ovog leta nema potrebe ni mnogo zuriti sa ranom uplatom, jer mnogi planiraju da letuju bez agencija. Sve u svemu, ako rezervisete ovo necete pogresiti. Povoljno je bas!
kaca17.01.2010 18:17:51
ups, htela sam da napisem ovaj komentaj na temi leto 2010...ne znam kako je dospeo tu... sorry
kacs17.01.2010 17:26:52
Ana, hvala ti mnogo na odgovoru i na pomoci, stvarno si divna:-) Mi smo pronasli ponudu za tu vilu preko jedne beogradske agencije, a cena za period od 07. do 17.06 je 110E (sa sve prevozom). Nismo do sad isli nikad u Grcku, ali pretpostavljam da je to vrlo povoljno? Za te pare ne ocekujemo nikakav luksuz, bitno nam je da je blizu plaze i da u kuhinji ima sve sto je potrebno, posto planiramo da ponekad sami spremamo hranu. inace, u ponidi je jos i vila Joana, za istu cenu. E sad, ne ynam dal da cekamo sajam turizma,sigurno ce biti vise ponuda, al ne verujem da moye neka niya cena od ove? Sta ti mislis sto se toga tice?